The MOOC Moment and the End of Reform A shortened version of this paper was given at UC Irvine last week, with the great Tressie McMillan Cottom talking about MOOCs and for-profit education. You can see video of both of us and the respondents here. Much thanks to Catherine Liu, Michael Meranze, and Peter Krapp for organizing and participating. The MOOC phenomenon has happened very quickly, to put it mildly. The MOOC phenomenon is also a shift in discourse, a shift that’s happened so quickly and so recently, that it fills up our mental rear-view mirror. This is why it’s interesting to note that Inside Higher Education’s new booklet of essays, “The MOOC moment,” introduces its subject by writing that: “The acronym MOOC (for massive open online course) first appeared in Inside Higher Ed in December 2011, in reference to a course offered by a Stanford University professor. For example. Where does such a person get this kind of conviction? I mean that in two different ways. I’m evoking two kinds of time here. For example.
Master%27s%20Thesis%20-%20Louren%c3%a7o%20Bento.pdf 5 Potential Ways MOOCs Will Evolve In order to understand where MOOCs are heading (at least taking a stab at guessing their future), it’s important to know what the stated goals are. In case you’re still new to MOOCs, here’s a helpful rundown of the guiding principles behind MOOCs : Aggregation. The whole point of a connectivist MOOC is to provide a starting point for a massive amount of content to be produced in different places online, which is later aggregated as a newsletter or a web page accessible to participants on a regular basis. This is in contrast to traditional courses, where the content is prepared ahead of time. An earlier list (2005) of Connectivist principles from Siemens also informs the pedagogy behind MOOCs: Learning and knowledge rest in diversity of opinions. Now that you’re a MOOCs expert, let’s examine where they could lead. 1) Most Likely: More Startups, More Schools Offer MOOCs 2) Sorta Likely: Many Schools Join edX & Similar Alliances, Large Companies Try To Make Money Off MOOCs
On-Campus or Online?: Two Generations Compare MOOC Experiences Hello everyone. This is Robert McGuire with MOOC News and Reviews, and today we have a very interesting interview. We’re going to hear from two students who were learning the same online material from different perspectives and for different reasons and at very different points in their careers. However, they have something else in common that should make this an interesting discussion. [Enjoy this interview with two generations of Duke University students who compare MOOC experiences. Before I introduce them, let me explain what class in common they had. Most recently, Professor Noor taught that MOOC and at the same time adapted his on-campus class into a flipped version where the Duke University undergraduates followed along while the masses of people around the world were in the MOOC, and the Duke students were doing that as their homework, and then they would come to the lecture hall for small group work. Wu Yep, that’s right. McGuire Welcome James. Wu Thank you. Welcome Ben. Somberg No.
MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses - University of South Africa (UNISA) Mobile There are thousands of free images,architectural designs, artefacts, graphs, maps, artworks, photographs, video clips, texts, educational works, etc. on the Creative Commons website - see link below. There are various licences to choose from. Read their conditions carefully. Material under Creative Commons licences may be included in theses and dissertations, as long as the conditions of the licence are abided by and that the non-commercial licence does not apply. Creative Commons have a number of different types of licences, e.g. Attribution Attribution Share AlikeAttribution No DerivativesAttribution Non-CommercialAttribution Non-Commercial SharealikeAttribution Non-Commercial No DerivativesCreative Commons Zero (CCO) Creative Commons licences are irrevocable, so make sure you are selecting the correct one if you want to publish your works under one of these licences.
Why we want MOOCs (even though they might work best in theory) › Hybrid Publishing Lab Notepad Reading about the “revolution of college education” or the “year of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)”, you might think that the MOOC concept has been invented just recently. But as often noticed: concepts evolve from previous concepts. The original idea of MOOCs came up in the 1960s and there were run some successful MOOCs as early as 2008. Moreover, there are two different schools of thought behind the MOOC idea, they are currently referred to as „xMOOCs“ and „cMOOCs“: Those initiatives by Stanford and Harvard and their partners (platforms such as Coursera and edX) represent the xMOOC-model whereas the cMOOC-model goes back to the connectivism theory by George Siemens, a professor at Athabasca University in Canada, and has been in practice since 2008. While in the US the buzz has focused on the top tear universities, in Germany, the latter model seems to obtain a lot of attention and I think there are good reasons for this. The “xMOOC”-model
MOOCs, Courseware, and the Course as an Artifact As Phil mentioned in his last post, he and I had the privilege of participating in a two-day ELI webinar on MOOCs. A majority of the speakers had been involved in implementing MOOCs at their institutions in one way or another. And an interesting thing happened. Over the course of the two days, almost none of the presenters—with the exception of the ACE representative, who has a vested interest—expressed the belief that MOOCs provide equivalent learning experiences to traditional college courses. On the other hand, there was widespread enthusiasm for using MOOCs as essentially substitutions for textbooks in classes that included instructors from the local campus. The obvious conclusion is that MOOCs are more of a threat to textbook companies than they are to universities. The Course as an Artifact: A Brief History Course artifacts, in and of themselves, are hardly new. This is not to say that the instructors and TAs in these classes add zero value over the textbook content.
3_Instructional_Strategies_for_MOOCs.pdf Inequality in American Education Will Not Be Solved Online - Ian Bogost With funding tight, the state of California has turned to Udacity to provide MOOCs for students enrolled in remedial courses. But what is lost when public education is privatized? Unlit road at night (MRBECK/Flickr) One night recently, it was raining hard as I drove to pick my son up from an evening class at the Atlanta Ballet. There are ways to fix such dangers. Such is essentially the logic the state of California has adopted in its plan to offer online classes in the California State University System, a deal the state has struck with "massively open online course" (MOOC) provider Udacity. The startup, which has received more than $15 million in funding from Silicon Valley venture capitalists, will provide online classes in remedial and introductory subjects for students at San Jose State University (SJSU), in exchange for an undisclosed sum from the state. In response, California could reinvest in public schools and the profession of secondary teaching. That's the political situation.
What It's Like to Teach a MOOC (and What the Heck's a MOOC?) - Robinson Meyer They may be the future of higher education. But what do people who've, um, educated with them think? The chair of the University of California-Berkeley Computer Science Department called MOOCs a "cheating-rich environment." (Shutterstock / Rido) Yesterday, the start-up Coursera announced a collaboration with some of the nation's best research universities: It would offer their classes, for free, online. It would offer them in something called a MOOC: a Massive Open Online Course, made up of chunked quizzes, assignments and lecture videos. And accordingly, the New York Times gave the story the full biblical imagery treatment. But because MOOCs are so new, and so limited before yesterday's news, first-hand discussion of what it's like to teach one has been limited. Now we have some evidence.
artikel-1763-22974efd1d43f52aa98e0ba04f14c9f3.pdf The ideals and reality of participating in a MOOC - Parade@Portsmouth Mackness, J., Mak, S. and Williams, Roy (2010) The ideals and reality of participating in a MOOC. In: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., De Laat, M., McConnell, D. and Ryberg, T., eds. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010:. University of Lancaster, Lancaster, pp. 266-275. Abstract 'CCK08' was a unique event on Connectivism and Connective Knowledge within a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in 2008. CERT337002015.pdf MOOCs do not represent the best of online learning (essay) Overnight, MOOCs -- with free tuition for all, attracting unprecedented enrollments reaching into the hundreds of thousands, and the involvement of world-class faculty -- have captured the imagination of the press, public and even legislators looking for ways to expand the availability of higher education at minimal cost. But thus far little attention has been paid to the quality of MOOCs. Quality in online learning can be defined in many ways: quality of content, quality of design, quality of instructional delivery, and, ultimately, quality of outcomes. On the face of it, the organizing principles of MOOCs are at odds with widely observed best practices in online education, including those advocated by my organization, the Quality Matters Program. Previous nontraditional forms of education have been greeted by widespread skepticism and required to prove themselves, over an extended period of time, as worthy alternatives to traditional classroom education. Enter MOOC 2.0