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Articles Select Category: Last 90 Days Showing 1 - 30 of 59 First | « Previous | 1 | 2 | Next » | Last Chinese beekeeper She Ping covered his body in a coat of living bees during a publicity stunt this week. Using a technique known as "bee bearding," a swarm of 460,000 bees weighing more than 100 pounds completely covered Ping's body. In Bogor, Indonesia ants are being bred in jars, as ant eggs have become a hot commodity in local markets. The NASA rover Curiosity has beamed back a photo from Mars that shows a strange bright light that appears to emanate from the planet's surface. Guest in the first half of the 4/7/14 show, Bob Gleason shares this illustration titled "City Bomb Blast." The first Sunday of every month, George Noory features emerging artists for some of the Bumper Music selections. A newborn volcanic island, which rose from the sea in November 2013, has swallowed it's neighbor whole. Dr. A new dwarf planet called 2012 VP113 has been found at our solar system's edge.

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