Text Message Acronyms - LoveToKnow Teens When you're typing with your thumbs, you need to save your effort by communicating with as few letters as possible, so users created text message symbols as a sort of short hand to make texting easier and faster. Most symbols make sense, and have become a mainstay in texting language. Common Text Message Symbols There are a few different ways the unique language of text messaging is created. Common Text Message Emoticons Emoticons are pictures or faces made from characters on a cell phone's keypad. Other Text Message Resources The popular symbols and emoticons change on a daily basis and new ones are constantly being creative. Mob1le's SMS Texting Dictionary contains multiple emoticons and symbols accompanied by their meanings. Texts Reflect Your Personality With these emoticons and symbols, not only will you save time, but you will be able to send longer texts that contain more personality and emotion. Post a comment
Text Message Translator, Online Text Message Dictionary Tempoic Imprint: The Fingerprint of Speech Every individual speaks at a different pace. The pace of the individual’s speech is highly idiosyncratic, allowing for only superficial similarities to others, at best. Truly, it can be said with full confidence that an individual’s speech patterns are akin to a fingerprint. The pace and timing of one’s words give some insight as to the nature of the individual’s thought connectivity. However, this tempoic imprint, particular to the individual, may indeed become compromised by inner and outer interferences. Consider, for instance, how you relate to your employer. But consider what happens when your boss crosses a certain line. We fear that if we upset our bosses, we will lose our jobs and as a result, lose the health insurance that is taking care of our sick children. Related Social Rejects Are More Creative Most of the outliers know that being strange, unique, and original has always been advantageous to creative ingenuity and discovery. Sep 17, 2012 In "News"
Scorecard Home 5 Download-Free Ways To Instant Message Your Friends | MakeUseOf I’ve found over the last few years that I’ve started instant messaging more and more. Since nearly everyone seems to always be at their computers, it’s a convenient way to quickly get in touch with them. Now that IM is included with things like Facebook and Gmail, I’m online even more often. Most IM clients, or at least most good ones, require a downloaded client in order to work. That’s fine and good, unless we’re on a different computer, or don’t have administrative privileges on our work computers, or just don’t like extra clutter on our hard drive. If you fall into any of those camps, here are five totally Web-based, totally free online instant messaging services that you might want to check out. Meebo Meebo is the most popular of the Web IM choices, and with good reason. Meebo also offers group chat, a great mobile version (for iPhones and the like), and even access in your Firefox sidebar. Whether you use it on the site or embed it on your own website, Meebo’s a terrific IM client.
Smartling makes translation affordable with $10M in funding The Internet is an international place. You can be in India on one page and Brazil the next. However, translation can be costly for small content publishers. Translation software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, Smartling, wants to change that. The service works like this: For each desired language, clients create separate DNS, or domain name system sites, which assign new IP addresses. Smartling offers two types of translation: one for the enterprise and one for small and mid-sized companies. For those smaller publishers, Smartling uses crowdsourcing. “It is a great way to reduce the cost of ownership in translation,” said Welde, who estimates that professional translation can be 20 to 25 cents a word. In essence, small and mid-size businesses approve groups or individuals who volunteer to translate sections of content. Also, Smartling works for translating things like buttons. Additionally, websites and apps placed in Smartling become living documents.
Text messaging Text messaging, or texting, is the act of composing and sending a brief, electronic message between two or more mobile phones, or fixed or portable devices over a phone network. The term originally referred to messages sent using the Short Message Service (SMS). It has grown to include messages containing image, video, and sound content (known as MMS messages). The sender of a text message is known as a texter, while the service itself has different colloquialisms depending on the region. It may simply be referred to as a text in North America, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, an SMS in most of mainland Europe, and a TMS or SMS in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Text messages can be used to interact with automated systems to, for example, order products or services, or participate in contests. History[edit] The concept of the SMS (Short Messaging Service) was created by Friedhelm Hillebrand. Message format[edit] Uses[edit] Applications[edit]
The Official U.S. Highway Sign Font Is Changing From Clearview to Highway Gothic In a notice posted in the Federal Register on Monday, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration announced a small change that has huge implications for the nation. The agency terminated an order it had issued back in 2004 approving the use of a new font in highway signs. Now those signs are going to change. Again. By ending its “Interim Approval for Use of Clearview Font for Positive Contrast Legends on Guide Signs,” the FHWA reversed its position on Clearview, a font developed to improve highway-sign legibility on the roads. Just 12 years later, the FHWA is changing course: Highway Gothic is the only font for U.S. highways going forward. The announcement took Donald Meeker by complete surprise. “It’s unfortunate. A new font for older drivers Clearview was made to improve upon its predecessor, a 1940s font called Highway Gothic, at a time when an aging Baby Boomer generation meant lots of older drivers on the road. At the time, the FHWA agreed. An about-(type)face Was everyone wrong?
Business Models – David Crow A business model is a method of doing business. All business models specify what a company does to create value, how it is situated among upstream and downstream partners in the value chain and the type of arrangement it has with its customers to generate revenue. – Michael Rappa Software+Services and SaaS models have been discussed for while, mostly called utility computing. We’ve started to see the rise of utility computing services like EC2, App Engine and Reddog, along with storage including S3, CloudFS, and SSDS. Less traditionally thought of utility computing options include mapping, contacts, mail, among other services pushed in to the cloud. users consider the service a necessity high reliability of service is critical ease of use is a significant factor the ability to fully utilize capacity is limited services are scalable and benefit from economies of scale exclusive rights are granted for providing service in a given area
How To Send Email To Any Cell Phone (for Free) | MakeUseOf.com Want to send a short email to a friend and get it delivered to his/her cell phone as SMS? If you know your friends’ phone numbers and the carrier they are on then you can easily send emails to their cell phones directly from your email program. Here is how it works: Most of mobile carriers offer free Email To SMS gateways which can be used to forward simple text emails to a mobile phones. And the good news, majority of those gateways are free and available to the general public. You just need to know the number and the carrier of the recipient to start emailing them to mobile phone. Free Email To SMS Gateways (Major US Carriers) Free Email To SMS Gateways (International + Smaller US) These are all I could find from Wikipedia and other sources. If you can’t find a gatewayd for your current provider here, check out following links: If you are aware of any other free sms to email gateways please add it in comments.
New Twitter Algorithm Could Out Dudes Pretending to Be Lesbians Anonymous tweeters may have just become a little less anonymous. Researchers have put together an algorithm that can predict the gender of a tweeter based solely on the 140 characters they choose to tweet. Of course, determining the gender of an Internet personality has its monetary benefits for Twitter. "Marketing is one of the major motivators here, adding that he had heard talk that Twitter was internally working on similar demographically identifying algorithms internally," linguist Delip Rao told Fast Company's David Zax. But it could also help identify phonies misrepresenting themselves. The crux of the research relies on the idea that women use language differently. Women tweet about other things besides shopping and chocolate, emphasizes Zax. Sure, pinpointing the identity of Internet users gives marketers a target. On a platform like Twitter, which doesn't ask for much biographical information, it's easy (and fun!)
MMS Architecture The Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is organized over a set of several network elements. One objective of MMS is to deliver a messaging service interoperable with existing mobile messaging system like SMS and EMS but which is also interoperable with existing fixed messaging system such as E-mail Service. The MMS architecture includes the software messaging application in the MMS capable mobile device necessary for the composition sending and receipt of the message. In addition other elements in the network infrastructure are required to route messages, to adapt the content of messages to capabilities of receiving devices etc. The MMS user Agent is the software application shipped with the mobile handset which allow the composition, viewing, sending and retrieval of multimedia messages. The MMS environment (MMSE) refers to the set of MMS elements under the control of a single administration (MMS provider) in charge of providing the service to the MMS subscribers
lifehack Actual phone calls are being made less and less with every day, and mostly in cases where there is a truly intimate connection or an emergency. Instead, texting has taken over. Everyone, from young to old, is using texting as their main means of communication, whether it is via SMS, Facebook or Whatsapp, using either their phones or a version of the app on their computer. Even though it is a cool and easy way to reach someone, people still have problems grasping the unwritten rules and manners of texting. 1. Be a good person and respond swiftly. You do not have to do it the same second, but don’t wait for hours or days either. If you are not convinced yet, ask yourself if you would like this to happen to you. 2. OK, Dostoyevsky, calm down! If your friend asked you to go for coffee, just answer yes or no, and maybe agree on the details in case you are meeting. Oh, and one more thing, “K” is not an acceptable answer in any situation. 3. If you are an adult, try to act like it. 4. 5. 6.