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Build the food chain!

Build the food chain!

Fitting Algae Into the Food Web The food web you created in the food web game was one that is found in the Antarctic. As you might imagine, a food web in the tropics looks very different from the one you created. Environmental conditions (temperature, light, nutrients) are different in the two areas, so it would make sense that the organisms that live in those areas might be different also. Divide into groups to create your own food web games. 1) The west coast of South Africa - This is an area often associated with phytoplankton blooms. Grade 4 Science and Technology Light & Sound Pulleys & Gears Rocks, Minerals & Erosion Habitats and Communities The Web of Life - a factual but entertaining story told by a common garden spider. Chain Reaction - The Food Web - from EcoKids Online - learn about herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores and put together a food chain (requires Shockwave) Fun With Food Webs - construct Meadow, Arctic and Pond food webs Owl Pellet Dissection - learn about food chains by "virtually" dissecting owl pellets! Explore Ontario's Biodiversity - from the Royal Ontario Museum - Create your own field guide to some of the common animals of your local area, right on your screen! Hinterland Who's Who - from the Canadian Wildlife Service. Habitats - Home Sweet Home - from National Geographic Habitats - from BBC Schools - also includes an activity about simple food chains Interdependence and Adaptation - from BBC Schools Geodome - learn about Canada's 6 natural regions - from the Canadian Geographic Kids Atlas Online (version française) Teachers!

Food Chain & Web Biomes Earth Observatory : Home World of Change Satellite images showing how our world— forests, oceans, cities, even the Sun— has changed in recent decades. Read more Blue Marble Composite satellite images of the entire Earth. Read more Earth at Night The night side of Earth twinkles with light in these composite global and regional views. Experiments Hands-on educational activities. Visible Earth A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. NASA Earth Observations View, download, and analyze imagery of Earth science data. Earth Science Picture of the Day Earth Observatory : Home World of Change Satellite images showing how our world— forests, oceans, cities, even the Sun— has changed in recent decades. Read more Blue Marble Composite satellite images of the entire Earth. Read more Earth at Night The night side of Earth twinkles with light in these composite global and regional views. Experiments Hands-on educational activities. Visible Earth A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. NASA Earth Observations View, download, and analyze imagery of Earth science data. Earth Science Picture of the Day

Pollution Global Warming Earth Observatory : Home World of Change Satellite images showing how our world— forests, oceans, cities, even the Sun— has changed in recent decades. Read more Blue Marble Composite satellite images of the entire Earth. Earth at Night The night side of Earth twinkles with light in these composite global and regional views. Experiments Hands-on educational activities. Visible Earth A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. NASA Earth Observations View, download, and analyze imagery of Earth science data. Earth Science Picture of the Day LogiCity - Introduction
