The Profoundly Gifted Adult By Inderbir Kaur Sandhu, Ph.D Q: Years after raising three gifted children, I am still puzzling over our middle kid, who is distinct from his sibs and many of his peers. He has been diagnosed at different times with OCD and anxiety disorder, and others have raised the question as to whether or note he has Asperger's syndrome. I do not believe that the latter is the case and that his characteristics are the result of his rather unique mind. He was tested at age 5 only because he was quite different. In fact a private kindergarten later refused to re-enroll him in first grade unless he went to see one of "their" psychologists, because he would not "connect" with other children. His IQ test at age five resulted in an IQ of 150. That said, he cannot lead a conventional life and still pursues his interests irregardless of their practicality. My other children have professions and we all just let "Eric be Eric," but he is barely getting by financially at age 38.
IQ ranges and real-life functioning © Paul Cooijmans Introduction This is a list of I.Q. ranges with for each a brief description of typical functioning and other features. In addition it is known that I.Q. has the greatest significance to real-life functioning (and the highest correlation with "g", the common factor shared by all mental ability tests) at its lowest ranges, and becomes less important as one goes higher; the more you have of it, the less important it gets, just as with money. Brief overview of the I.Q. ranges Descriptions of the I.Q. ranges Lower than 20 - Profound retardation Usually multi-handicapped with obvious physical deformities and short life expectancy. 20-34 - Severely retarded Basic intellectual tasks, including language, are difficult to learn. Profound and severe retardation are typically caused by brain damage during pregnancy, at birth, or early in life, and as such not genetic and not inherited. 35-49 - Moderately retarded Can learn simple life skills and employment tasks with special education.
Overexcitability Overexcitabilities are sometimes used to help predict "giftedness" in both children and adults: The more "excited" or the more stimulated a sense is in a person, the more susceptible or prone his brain is to react in an extreme manner to anything that triggers it, thus the possibilities of expansion in ways of learning are increased in this person. Gifted people appear to be very in touch with their 5 senses possibly making them, in a sense, more 'global' than others.
Gender and Genius Kerr, B. Center for Gifted Education The College of William & Mary This article by Barbara Kerr discusses what has shaped modern gender identity in the Western world. She also examines its implication on gifted young people. Ranging in scope from Freud to collegiate athletics, Kerr's article suggests that much ground remains to be covered in establishing gender equity. Our ideas about what is gifted behavior for a boy or for a girl are imbued with society's notions of appropriate gender identity. Sigmund Freud's (1933) theory of gender identity development is still one of the most influential theories, despite its lack of empirical support. Freud also gave us the idea that girls and women are incomplete men. Despite the hostility with which the psychoanalytic establishment greeted disagreement, Karen Horney (1939) disputed this model of gender identity development. Therefore, a new stereotype of the gifted boy was born, of the well adjusted, athletic, popular guy.
Intellectual Giftedness Intellectual giftedness, often referred to as high IQ, is usually given short shrift when it comes to considerations of the special needs of exceptional people. Because giftedness appears on the surface to be nothing but an advantage, the challenges it presents are often ignored and unknown. Giftedness is not about being better, it's about being *different*. A gifted person's life experience is significantly different from the norm. Along with it's blessings, it brings it's own set of challenges. I'm of the opinion that, despite our desire for simple quantification of intelligence, noting characteristics of giftedness is perhaps a more useful, or at least complementary, method of detecting the intelligent. Energy Curiousity Speed Concentration Sensitivity, empathy, insight and intuition Sophistication of thinking, highly developed moral sense Nonconformist/Independent Persistence Humour Uses up jobs
Giftedness in the Workplace: Can the Bright Mind Thrive in Giftedness in the Workplace: Can the Bright Mind Thrive in Organizations? By Mary-Elaine Jacobsen, PhD So Many Interests Inspiring though they may be, tales of eminence often imply that from an early age the truly gifted know exactly what they must do and undeviatingly pursue their lifework. Such distortions exacerbate gifted people's inner pressure to make their mark in the world. Dreams fade quickly when gifted employees begin to equate work with constraint and exploitation. Could the goals of work and gifted needs be aligned? Exceptional intellectual and creative abilities can lead to highly successful careers, sometimes in multiple fields. From time to time relatively unfettered bright minds alter the direction of their domain as a whole. With the bulk of their formal education behind them, novitiates in the world of work often enter with a full head of steam, ready and willing to roll up their sleeves and make their mark. I couldn't have been more wrong! © Dr. Dr. The Brat Stops Here!
Career Advice for Geniuses By Marty Nemko, originally published in US News and World Report You'd think that the supersmart have it made. Not so. Being highly intelligent comes with surprising workplace burdens, as I've learned during 20 years as a career coach specializing in intellectually gifted adults. Confirm your capability. Want to take an intelligence test? Embrace your ability.. Use your intelligence well. Find kindred spirits. Consider avocations likely to attract smart people book clubs, Mensa, groups that play intellectual games, for example, chess clubs, etc. Trust yourself more than experts. You can afford to be a dabbler. If you're self-motivated, avoid school. Work with people whose minds match yours. If you already work at a stifling job, but aren't ready to leave, try to brand yourself as The Brain while allowing others to save face. Consider self-employment. Beware of starting a business in which you try to create a new product. Resist calls for balance. Find the right person to love you. Dr.
Chewing Helps Thinking Explanations > Decisions > Chewing Helps Thinking Description | Example | Discussion | So what Description Chewing gum helps mental processing, helping you to think and solve problems in a more effective way. Note that this effect takes time to start and only lasts for about 15 to 20 minutes, so start chewing five minutes before you need the boost in mental ability. Example A student takes gum into an exam. A gamer finds it difficult to get past a boss-level in the game they are playing. Discussion Research St Laurence University found that students performed better at cognitive tests when they were asked to chew gum. The researchers attribute the results to 'mastication-induced arousal'. It has also been found that chewing mint gum reduces sleepiness. Plan for chewing when you need just a bit more concentration than usual. See also Memory methods Onyper S.V., Carr T.L.
Memory methods Techniques > Memory Methods Human memory is terribly fallible and can be very annoying. You can hear a person's name and forget it in very short order. A single word can be at the tip of your tongue. And whole episodes of your life can be forgotten. Fortunately there are specific methods that you can use to significantly increase what you remember. Memory basics Associating: The basic method of connecting cue and item. People who are good at these are sometimes called mentalists and can display seemingly-superhuman memory skills (where it seems you can make a good living from standing on the stage and reciting the phone book :). Just using these as described can give amazing results. Fortunately, there are always many things happening in our lives that we can practice at remembering, from laws of physics to names of people to news headlines. Rehearsal requires recalling the items remembered multiple times after you have committed them to memory.
Memory Explanations > Memory Memory is a funny and frustrating thing. We try to remember all sorts of things but then forget them or find them annoyingly on the tip of the tongue. Multi-Store Model: Memory as a series of stores. In changing minds, there are many times when you want people to store and recall different things -- and sometimes maybe not recall things. Understanding how memory works can help you manage both your own memory and also the memories of others. Theories about memory, Memory methods Inferring Meaning Explanations > The SIFT Model > Inferring Meaning Inference filters | Validation | Deep thinking | Emotional state | Deep stuff | See also The stream of visual, auditory and other sensory data that assaults us is really just light and sound with no inherent meaning. Within our minds we must then make sense of what we experience. This is based on previous experiences, beliefs, values, mental models, goals, needs and so on. We thus infer meaning from this wealth of internal data and models as we go from a specific experience to a more generalized interpretation that makes broader sense. Inference filters When we see and hear communications from others or have various different experiences we infer their meaning from the combination of a range of different inference filters. Validation The output of the inference is some form of meaning. An invalid meaning would then force you to think further about this situation. Sometimes this validation is not well done, and an erroneous meaning slips by.
Stresses — Gifted, Talented & Creative Adults One of the hardest things in life is having words inyour heart that you can't utter. James Earl Jones After working with gifted, creative, multi-talented people for more than ten years, I know that to create a meaningful and successful life gifted adults must do three things: Understand themselves, their special abilities and unique needs;Learn how to meet their needs and manage their relationships;Learn to use themselves and their talents for their own advantage. When gifted adults have not mastered those three things, their life is exceedingly stressful. To be valued within a peer culture which values conformity, gifted young people may mask their giftedness and develop alternative identities which are perceived as more socially acceptable.Miraca Gross The greatest success is successfulself-acceptance. Constant striving to live up to self-expectations--or those of others-- to be first, best, or both can be very stressful. Ingrid Bergman Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultation
Aristotle was wrong and so are we: there are far more than five senses Aeon email newsletters are issued by the not-for-profit, registered charity Aeon Media Group Ltd (Australian Business Number 80 612 076 614). This Email Newsletter Privacy Statement pertains to the personally identifying information you voluntarily submit in the form of your email address to receive our email newsletters More generally, when visiting the Aeon site you should refer to our site Privacy Policy here. This Email Newsletter Privacy Statement may change from time to time and was last revised 5 June, 2018. By clicking ‘Subscribe’ you agree to the following: We will use the email address you provide to send you daily and/or weekly email (depending on your selection). Unsubscribing You can change your mind at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe link’ in the footer of emails you receive from us, or by contacting us at Security of your personal information We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. Sharing your personal information