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Chrome Developer Tools

Chrome Developer Tools Provides an API to draw 2D graphics Availability: m1, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE9 Notes: Accelerated 2D canvas targeting m14 for windows/linux; perhaps m15 for mac. webp format: canvas.toDataURL("image/webp")added in m17 (WebKit 535), but m18 on Mac. In M20, canvas.getImageData(...).data returns a Uint8ClampedArray instead of a CanvasPixelArray. WebGL (Canvas 3D) 3D rendering via the <canvas> element. Availability: m9 Android Availability: TBD. Notes: Originally project developed by Mozilla as a JavaScript API to make OpenGL calls - WebGL Wiki Dev Contact: Vangelis Kokevis (vangelis), Ken Russell (kbr) requestAnimationFrame Offload animation repainting to browser for optimized performance. Availability: m10 , currently prefixed as window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame Notes: As of FF4, Mozilla's implementation differs and offers lower framerates, but it will be addressed. Dev Contact: jamesr Accelerated Video: m10WebP image format support: m9. alpha and lossless added to m22. Multimedia Video and Audio

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