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The 16 best tools to make awesome Inforgraphics

The 16 best tools to make awesome Inforgraphics
Lilach Lilach is the founder and driving force behind Socialable, and highly regarded on the world speaker circuit. Forbes and Number 10 Downing Street have even been graced by her presence! After launching her first business within three years of becoming a mother, her financial success was recognised by being a finalist at the Best MumPreneur of the Year Awards, presented at 10 Downing Street. A business owner, social media consultant, internet mentor and genuine digital guru, Lilach is consulted by journalists and regularly quoted in newspapers, business publications and marketing magazines (including Forbes, The Telegraph, Wired, Prima Magazine, The Sunday Times, Social Media Today and BBC Radio 5 Live). When Lilach isn’t working she enjoys spending time with her family and is an avid fan of Zumba.

Infographic Creation Made Easy with Create Today marks an important milestone for the release of our tools for automatic infographic creation. Our team has made hundreds of infographics, so we know how hard it can be to find the data, do the necessary research, and make sure you are following the principles of good data visualization, while still coming up with a design that people will want to hang on their wall and spread through the interwebs. That’s why we’ve built data feeds into a number of infographic designs, created for you by our team of expert designers. Making an infographic, based on your own data, couldn’t be easier. Simply connect and click to produce a professional-looking infographic. If you don’t like the first design you try, click though the themes until you find one that you do like. We are social creatures, so we thought it only natural to start with Twitter and Facebook. Another reason was our launch at the SXSW Festival, a place where many new stories are being told.

Les 4 catégories de brand content - TRIBUNE Voici une typologie en 4 catégories mises à jour avec le sémiologue Odilon Cabat. Cette nouvelle typologie vise à apprécier l’autonomie du contenu créé par la marque. Le premier cercle est directement lié au champ de la marque par les usages. Le deuxième s’élève pour considérer les lieux de la marque. 1 : des contenus informatifs directement liés aux usages du produit (recettes, conseils,…) Le but est d’offrir un contenu qui se rapproche au maximum de l’usage du produit. L’idée est d’associer un texte et des images à la prise en main d’un produit, dans un but purement informatif, qui diffère de la communication. Modes d’emplois, recettes de cuisine par Picard ou Daddy, conseil bricolage de Castorama, conseils en matière de placement par les banques, tous les contenus qui relèvent de la relation pragmatique aux produits et aux services relèvent de ce premier type. 2 : développer des lieux sous l’emprise de la marque Faire de la visite une expérience Manger le pain des marques

10 Ways to use #Twittervine for your Business 16.4K Flares Twitter 982 Facebook 52 Google+ 73 StumbleUpon 15.2K LinkedIn 75 inShare75 Email -- Email to a friend Buffer 33 16.4K Flares × About three months ago, a new app that works with Twitter, named Vine, was launched. This easy to use and already very popular app “lets you capture and share short looping videos.” Making vines is fun – it’s as simple as that. Just like with regular tweets, you can use hashtags in your vines so they are more easily discovered by others. Vine is an amazing tool for product promotion. Contests are a great way of gaining new followers, promoting a new product, boosting engagement and website traffic, as well as boosting your brand awareness. People love how to guides – I personally see lots of extra traffic whenever I have a “how to” post on Socialable. There’s nothing like seeing that there are humans behind a business, and Vine is perfect for showing that side. Vines are great not just for promoting products, but also future events. Lilach

Plan stratégique réseaux sociaux Entrepreneur et consultant spécialisé médias sociaux, Ross Dawson est l’auteur de l’infographie méthodologique : plan stratégique des médias sociaux (librement téléchargeable en pdf) diffusée sur son blog Trends in the Living Networks. Ce schéma (mis à jour) propose une méthodologie de présence sur les réseaux sociaux pour un objectif de communication, de marketing ou d’image avec 6 points clés explicités qui constituent l’essence d’une démarche réfléchie. Ce schéma peut correspondre à une gestion de projet pour une entreprise, une institution, une association ou ponctuellement pour un évènement. Gérer le projet : 1. Communiquer : 1. Savoir-faire et savoir-être : 1. Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : International Tags: cartographie, gestion de projet, infographie, méthodologie, reseau social

How to Increase Consumer Loyalty with Brand Affinity Apple is a cult brand. It’s the world’s most valuable technology company and has produced some of the bestselling products in the technology industry. Have you ever wondered what makes Apple customers loyalty one of the best, if not the best, in the world – is it great products, brand affinity, a lethal marketing team or a combination of those factors? In my opinion, Apple is perhaps the best example of how brand affinity can boost a company’s customer loyalty in an unparalleled manner. Brand is everything The best thing about Apple’s success is that the Cupertino giant has given the due emphasis to the ‘Apple’ brand. Honesty Apple is a remarkably honest company. Cult It’s not just about a brand name. Promotion Apple’s marketing is in a unique league of its own. What’s your take on how brands can increase customer loyalty through brand affinity? Douglas Idugboe Douglas Idugboe, Digital and New Media Marketing Strategist. Latest posts by Douglas Idugboe (see all)

Back to Basics: Start With A Social Media Plan 113 Flares 113 Flares × When it comes to a social media plan, or the lack there of, there are two ways to approach; the shotgun approach and the targeted approach. The shotgun approach is like throwing spaghetti on the wall with the hope it will stick. The targeted approached is like throwing darts at a dart board, you aim for a very narrow target and when you miss you still get a decent return on your investment. When you make the leap into social media you want to start with a plan. Planning properly will make your overall efforts more effective. Here are six basic steps to make you more successful as you embark on a social media plan. Identify Your Audience By identifying your audience your overall planning will be more successful. Identify Your Platform After you identify your audience it should be relatively easy to identify your platform. Know Your Voice Know how you will present your non-profit. Understand Your Messaging Know what you’re going to say. Be Consistent

Wie öffentliche Verkehrsbetriebe in Social Media unterwegs sind Soziale Medien sind aus unserem alltäglichen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Kein Wunder also, dass diese auch unterwegs unsere ständigen Begleiter sind. Ob man sich mittels "Social Seating"-Programmen seine Mitreisenden aussucht oder mal eben wissen will, welche Freunde im selben Zug unterwegs sind, soziale Netzwerke spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Diesen Wert haben auch die öffentlichen Verkehrsbetriebe erkannt. Im Dezember lancierten die SBB die App "SBB Connect", mit der die Bahn scheinbar einen Nerv getroffen hat. "Soziales Reisen" steht in der Schweiz hoch im Kurs. Der erfolgreiche Start der App ist Nährboden für zukünftige Ideen. Interaktion der Nutzer steht im Vordergrund Die Idee hinter SBB Connect erinnert an andere Geolocation-Apps wie etwa Foursquare oder Facebook Places. Gleichzeitig stellt das ortsbezogene Gutschein-Modul aber auch eine spezielle Herausforderung dar. Die SBB setzen in Sachen Social Media jedoch nicht nur auf ihre eigene App. für ganz Zürich?

How to Create and Manage Your Brand Online Why should you worry what people say about you or your brand online? You’re already doing an awesome job for your clients, people who know you professionally and personally recognize you run a terrific company, right? Do you use user reviews / local search sites such as Epinion, Yelp etc? Why do you use them? You use them because what people say about you matters. Creating and managing an online reputation is a vital part of defending your company’s brand. Here are some tips for creating and managing your brand: 1. Create social media profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter that include your company’s name. 2. I see lots of people left out on this one. 3. Besides engaging with people on the already mentioned social media and networking sites, it’s quite important to connect with bloggers who blogged about your company. 4. Monitoring what people are saying about your company is the pivotal step to managing your brand. Conclusion: About the Author: Name: A.R.Karthick

Panorama des médias sociaux 2013 / The english version of this article can be found here: Social Media Landscape 2013 / Comme chaque année depuis maintenant 5 ans, je vous propose un panorama des médias sociaux (voir les éditions 2008, 2009, 2011 et 2012). Je pense ne rien vous apprendre en disant que les médias sociaux font maintenant partie du quotidien des internautes, des marques, des organisations et des médias (journalistes, célébrités, personnalités politiques…). Ceci étant dit, ce résumé ne traduit pas convenablement les innombrables évolutions des ces plateformes et des usages qu’elles engendrent. Quelles tendances pour 2013 ? Comme cela a été dit plus haut, les médias sociaux sont un écosystème en perpétuelle évolution : des services se créent, d’autres disparaissent et la plupart se transforment. Les grands perdants de l’année dernière sont les suivants : La version 2013 de mon panorama a donc été amputée des catégories « Jeu« , « Achat » et « Localisation« . Panorama des médias sociaux en 2013
