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Related:  Web Tools

Dans Tools - Online tools for users and developers. Welcome to Twitalyzer - Twitalyzer Lorem ipsum - Generator and Information A Dozen Online Writing Tips - - Online News Association - Tips and Tools A Dozen Online Writing Tips By Jonathan Dube Publisher, (Also published on and in the book "Shop Talk and War Stories") Write and edit with online readers needs and habits in mind. Think about your target audience. Before you start reporting and writing, ask yourself: What is the essence of the story I am trying to tell? Look for stories that lend themselves to the Web stories that you can tell or differently from or better than in any other medium. Just as print and TV reporters interview differently because they are looking for different things, so must online journalists tailor their interviewing and information gathering specifically to their needs. Print reporters tend to look for information. Remember that photos look better online when shot or cropped narrowly, and streaming video is easier to watch when backgrounds are plain and zooming minimal. Strive for lively prose, leaning on strong verbs and sharp nouns. Dont be afraid to link. Discussion

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