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Has Physics Made Philosophy and Religion Obsolete? - Ross Andersen - Technology

Has Physics Made Philosophy and Religion Obsolete? - Ross Andersen - Technology
"I think at some point you need to provoke people. Science is meant to make people uncomfortable." It is hard to know how our future descendants will regard the little sliver of history that we live in. It is hard to know what events will seem important to them, what the narrative of now will look like to the twenty-fifth century mind. In January, Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist and Director of the Origins Institute at Arizona State University, published A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing, a book that, as its title suggests, purports to explain how something---and not just any something, but the entire universe---could have emerged from nothing, the kind of nothing implicated by quantum field theory. By early spring, media coverage of "A Universe From Nothing" seemed to have run its course, but then on March 23rd the New York Times ran a blistering review of the book, written by David Albert, a philosopher of physics from Columbia University.

Bouddhisme : conceptions du réel et physique quantique. Qu’est-ce-que la réalité ? Les modes de pensée du monde moderne sont prêts à répondre de quatre facons différentes entre lesquelles elles oscillent : 1. Les religions juives, chrétiennes et islamiques parlent d’un dieu créateur, qui maintient le monde. Il représente la réalité fondamentale. S’Il était séparé de ce monde d’un seul instant, le monde disparaissait du meme moment. 2. 3. 4. Le bouddhisme rejette ces 4 conceptions de la réalité. Les choses dépendent d’autres choses, avec lesquelles elles ne sont pas identiques, mais elles ne tombent pas en morceaux objectifs et indépendants, elles ne sont ni objectives ni subjectives. Mais il y a un modes de pensée moderne qui a des points communs. La physique quantique est arrivée à un résultat qu’elle exprime avec les notions clé de complementarité, interaction et du phénomène d’intrication [anglais : entanglement]. compte rendu : (Visited 1 078 times, 1 visits today)

What Can You Really Know? by Freeman Dyson Why Does the World Exist?: An Existential Detective Story by Jim Holt Liveright, 307 pp., $27.95 Jim Holt’s Why Does the World Exist? The philosophers are more interesting than the philosophy. According to Holt, the two most influential philosophers of the twentieth century were Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein, Heidegger supreme in continental Europe, Wittgenstein in the English-speaking world. Wittgenstein, unlike Heidegger, did not establish an ism. I found the book enlightening and liberating. Wittgenstein’s intellectual asceticism had a great influence on the philosophers of the English-speaking world. Finally, toward the end of my time in Cambridge, I ventured to speak to him. Wittgenstein’s response to me was humiliating, and his response to female students who tried to attend his lectures was even worse. The philosophers that Holt interviewed wander over a wide landscape. Holt is a splitter and I am a lumper.

Vacuité et physique quantique - Bouddhisme dans l'Aude Préparation du discours pour l’intervention du 30 Novembre 2008 Monastère Nalanda (Lavaur - 81) Rencontre « bouddhisme et sciences » Physique quantique&Vacuité Introduction1) Non cours magistral mais envie de partager réflexions sur ce que peut apporter la physique moderne, et particulièrement la physique quantique, dans la compréhension de la vacuité, telle que décrite par la vue bouddhiste, ET ainsi de contribuer à changer notre perception ordinaire du monde, fondée sur des apparences trompeuses ; 2) Afin d’être utile directement dans la pratique méditative, parti pris d’aller de différents aspects liés à la vacuité vers la physique, en citant pour chacun d’eux des exemples précis d’expériences ou de théories physiques illustrant l’aspect évoqué. Les 3 aspects qui seront illustrés sont : la non solidité intrinsèque des phénomènes ; l’impermanence et l’interdépendance ; Avant de rentrer dans le vif du sujet, quelques remarques générales sur la physique : A parte : L’impermanence Conclusion

Bodhi Path Natural Bridge, VA <div class="rgsgcontent"><div class="myGallery-NoScript" id="myGallery-NoScript597"><div class="rgsg-btn" style="display:none">00</div><img src="uploads/nb_test/04.jpg" class="full" /></div></div> Bodhi Path Natural Bridge opened its doors in 1997 to teach Buddhist philosophy and meditation to all who are interested. Located in Rockbridge County between Natural Bridge and Lexington, the center is less than one hour north of Roanoke. The Center is located in the Shenandoah Valley because of the tranquil nature and beauty of the area as well as its accessibility to transportation, cultural institutions, and population centers. Dharma teacher Tsony serves as the Center's resident teacher.

The Cosmological Constant Paradox David H. Bailey 1 Jan 2014 (c) 2014 Perhaps the most startling "cosmic coincidence" that modern scientists have noted in the structure of our universe is the fine-tuning of the cosmological constant [Vilenkin2006, pg. 121-126]. Physicists, who have fretted over this paradox for decades, have noted that calculations such as the above involve only the electromagnetic force, and so perhaps when the contributions of the other known forces are included (bosons give rise to positive terms, whereas fermions give rise to negative terms), all terms will cancel out to exactly zero, as a consequence of some unknown, yet-to-be-discovered fundamental principle of physics. These hopes were shattered with the 1998 discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, which implies that the cosmological constant (and the zero-point mass density) must be slightly nonzero. For additional discussion, see Anthropic principle, Cosmic coincidences and Multiverse . References [See Bibliography].

Quantum Diaries This is an age old question, always asked (and always fervently!) of the person with the better vantage point: the older sibling peering into the next room through the keyhole; the watchman scanning the horizon from the ship’s crows nest; and now us, AMS, taking our first glance out over the universe from the space station. What do you see, what do you see?!?! The answer, as we squint through our sights, trying to make out shapes of unknown and unexpected things, is also age-old: “I’m not sure yet, gimme more time!” The first AMS-02 results– the positron fraction–were announced this week. So I thought I’d come here and give a few answers to some obvious (or not-so-obvious) questions. If we can’t tell what we see, why are we publishing? Well I guess I shouldn’t be so glib: we can tell you exactly what we see and how precisely we see it. With AMS-02 we are at the first moment where we are ready to report what we see, and it may or may not point to new physics. Yes, in fact.

#5. A Summary of ‘A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing’ by Lawrence Krauss ‘A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing’ by Lawrence Krauss (Free Press; January 10, 2012) Table of Contents i. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Our best science tells us that the universe is an ever expanding entity consisting of some 400 billion galaxies that began with a very powerful and very hot explosion from a single point precisely 13.72 billion years ago. However, the picture of the universe that these theories have furnished us with still leaves us with an apparent problem: What existed before the big bang? The apparent contradiction between the universe beginning at a finite time, and the premise that something cannot come from nothing, has often been used as an argument for the existence of an uncaused cause, or creator (most often understood as God). What follows is full executive summary of A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing by Lawrence Krauss. A nebular dust and gas cloud

Petit résumé du théorème de Gödel Petit résumé du théorème de Gödel 15 juin 2002 (cf. Complexité et complication) Le théorème de Gödel [Gödel] a été publié en 1931. Russell et Whitehead avaient tenté de fonder l'ensemble de la logique sur une base axiomatique. Cette découverte a été déchirante pour beaucoup de mathématiciens. La démonstration de Gödel est très technique et sa lecture est difficile. 1) Supposons qu’il existe une Théorie Complète (TC) fondée sur un nombre fini d'axiomes et permettant, si l’on considère une phrase quelconque, de décider sans jamais se tromper si cette phrase est vraie ou non. 2) Considérons la phrase « TC ne dira jamais que la présente phrase est vraie ». 3) Soumettons G à TC et demandons à TC de dire si G est vraie ou non. 4) Si TC dit que G est vraie, alors G est fausse. 5) Si « TC ne dit jamais que G est vraie », G est vraie. Ce raisonnement rappelle le paradoxe fameux qui met en scène un Crétois disant : « Les Crétois ne disent que des mensonges ». Retour à "Sortir de l'embarras"
