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Ohm Studio, the collaborative digital audio workstation

Ohm Studio, the collaborative digital audio workstation
Related:  Virtual

Key Chords Key Chords app generates guitar chord progressions automatically. Use it free online, or get the app for Mac, Windows or iOS (iPad) - Click on a chord to preview how it sounds. - Drag and drop to arrange the chord progression - Tweak the settings to control the playback speed Or role the dice and Key Chords will automatically generate a nice sounding progression. Select a Key: Select a key and choose a the major or minor scale. The resulting chord chart will display applicable chords for the selected key. Click a chord: ... and you will hear a cheap computer generated guitar playing the chord. Drag & Drop: - Chords from the chart into the progression timeline. - Rearrange Chords in the progression. - Remove chords from the progression. Roll the Dice: ... and a random chord progression will appear in the timeline. The numbers below each chord in the progression refer to the number of "beats" the chord will linger for. The "Rake Speed" refers to the speed of a single "strum." The main chart areas.

Ocenaudio – Un éditeur audio gratuit pour Linux, OSX et Windows Ocenaudio – Un éditeur audio gratuit pour Linux, OSX et Windows Si parmi vous, certains recherchent un petit éditeur audio qui soit cross-plateform (Linux, Windows, OSX) et simple à utiliser, je vous invite à jeter un œil du côté de Ocenaudio. Ocenaudio vous permettra en quelques clics d'analyser et de retravailler un fichier son pour par exemple pratiquer du découpage, visualiser le spectrogramme de celui-ci ou faire de l'égalisation en live. Ocenaudio permet aussi de faire de la sélection multiple de passages, supporte les plugins VST (virtual studio technology) qui permettent d'appliquer des effets sonores directement et sait parfaitement gérer les gros fichiers sans exploser la mémoire de votre ordinateur. M'enfin, le plus simple c'est que vous le testiez ;-) Source Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Oomix: A new model for the music industry Electronic Battle Weapons Drum pattern sequencer Includes over 400 unique drum samples, spanning electro to real drum kits. Create beats, compose drum tracks and then save the results to WAV sound files for use in other projects or software. Enjoy! Two Play Buttons? The top play button is for the beat pattern you're working on. The bottom play button is for the overall song. Song Timeline Below the grid is the song timeline, where you can drag and drop the gray "parts" (loops) into the timeline. Remove an item from the timeline by dragging it out of the timeline. Channels There are 8 available channels, which are used to set up drum loops. The browser contains about 400 unique drum samples organized by category. The mini "I" means "isolate", which will essentially mute all other channels. The mini "M" button means "mute". The white-ish knob on the left is for the volume, and on the right is pan. Drag and drop channels using the slim black edge to the left to re-arrange. Parts (A B C D E F) Drag and drop parts within the timeline to re-arrange.

Séquenceur graphique temps-réel open-source pour la création numérique Kompoz How do I save Reason projects so Gobbler can properly back them up? As of today, we've added support for Propellerhead's Reason & Record workstations. We hope you are as excited as we are! Reason/Record doesn't follow the typical Logic/Pro Tools project folder structure so you have to perform what Propellerhead calls a "Self -Contain" in order to associate the assets within the project. Fortunately this is a super easy two step process which entails 1. 2. After this, you'll be good to go with sending projects to your Reason/Record collaborators. Enjoy! -Andrew

P22 Music Text Composition Generator ( A free online music utility) The P22 Music Text Composition Generator allows any text to be converted into a musical composition. This composition is displayed in musical notation and simultaneously generated as a midi file. 1. Usage Type or copy any text into the Text Field. A short text may be best at a slow pace (IE 10 BPM) whereas a longer text may prove more engaging at 1200 BP. In some browsers (Safari 2 or greater), the ability to play real time multi-tracking can allow for complex compositions. The generated musical text does not claim copyright nor imply any rights from the text used. 2. The P22 Music Composition Font was proposed in 1997 to the John Cage Trust as an accompaniment to the John Cage text font based on the handwriting of the composer. 3. P22 Music Pro is a unique font system that expands on the concept used in the Music Text Composition Generator. The font used in the P22 MTCG is a basic version that closely follows the initial Cage inspired idea. 4.
