Creative Dad Takes Crazy Photos Of Daughters
If you are tired of posed, stiff and cheesy family portraits, then take a look at these incredibly creative pictures taken by Jason Lee. Jason who is a wedding photographer started taking photos of his two little daughters back in 2006 when his mom was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The girls were constantly sick, with colds and coughs so he couldn’t always bring them to visit their grandmother. Most of the ideas come from his daughters – eight-year-old Kristin and five-year-old Kayla. Website: | flickr
5 GMO Myths Busted
18 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 9)
As we've demonstrated many times before in our most popular feature on Cracked, the forces of the universe love the sound of people shouting "Fake!" at their computer screens, and photographers love to capture the proof. In case you missed the previous episodes, here's Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, the gritty reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8. And now ... #18. The Ancient One Awakens from His Long Slumber Church of the Flying Spaghetti MonsterAnother normal day at Innsmouth Beach. It looks like three surfers are about to be devoured by a Lovecraftian sea monster or a horde of giant octopi. Actually, that's just what a wave looks like when it's full of sunlight and enough seaweed to choke a sperm whale, and it's not all that uncommon. #17. Geekologie What looks like a screen cap from a CGI-heavy Super Bowl commercial is actually a real, not-manipulated photograph. here, reeling in a 300-pound marlin. #16. #15. #14.
Patent Confirms Aspartame is the Excrement of Genetically Modified Bacteria
(NaturalNews) In 1999, The Independent published an article entitled “World’s top sweetener is made with GM bacteria,” which revealed that Monsanto was knowingly adding aspartame to soft drinks in the United States – and that aspartame is made from GM bacteria. This report, which remains one of the earliest disclosures on aspartame in a mainstream newspaper, received little attention after its publication – possibly because its implications were underestimated at the time – and it has long been forgotten. Since 1999, the world has become a little more attentive to Monsanto and aspartame, but ignorance still abounds about the latter’s genesis. While more and more people are starting to awaken to aspartame’s destructive effects on our health, do they know how it is actually made? The patent, which is entitled Process for producing aspartame and is credited to Bahl, Rose, and White, summarizes the process as follows: Read the full report at Image: Flickr/Denise Chan
How To Give Your Photos a Dark Processed Lomo Effect
This post was originally published in 2010 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. Follow this step by step post processing guide to give your photos a dark lomo style effect with high contrast, blue tones and vignette burns. The effect is based on the popular lomographic technique and is similar to the processing effect used in many fashion shots and advertisement designs. Overall this effect does a great job of adding impact to a plain photography with cool colour casts and unusual saturation. View full size photo effect Begin by opening your photograph of choice into Adobe Photoshop. Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels and tweak the tones of the image. At the bottom of the Layers palette, click the Adjustment Layer icon and select Curves. Change the drop down menu to Green and tweak the graph for the green channel to further alter the tones of the image. Finally alter the Blue channel, creating an inverted ‘S’ shape to enhance the blues to give a cool colour cast.
À huit ans, il tue intentionnellement sa grand-mère
Un petit garçon de huit ans a intentionnellement tué sa grand-mère de 90 ans jeudi dernier, après avoir joué à un jeu vidéo violent. C'est la conclusion à laquelle sont arrivés les policiers de la Louisiane, aux États-Unis. La femme, Marie Smothers, a été retrouvée morte d'une balle à la tête dans son domicile de Slaughter, près de Baton Rouge. Tentant de s'en sauver, le garçon a d'abord affirmé aux autorités qu'il avait accidentellement tiré sur sa grand-mère alors qu'il jouait avec le fusil. Aucune charge ne sera cependant retenue contre le bambin, puisque selon la loi en Louisiane, un enfant de moins de 10 ans est exempt de toutes responsabilités criminelles. Grand Theft Auto IV Avant l'accident, la femme regardait la télévision dans le salon, alors que le gamin jouait aux jeux vidéo sur un Play Station III, qui consistait à tuer des gens. «Nous avons un garçon qui ne comprend ni la gravité ni les conséquences de ces gestes», a soutenu un avocat.
National Geographic Photo Contest 2011
National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30. For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Gathered below are 45 images from the three categories of People, Places, and Nature, with captions written by the individual photographers. [45 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from. Eruption of the Cordon del Caulle. Beluga whales in the arctic having fun. This is a streetcar in New Orleans traveling back towards The Quarter on St. This image captures almost 6 hours of climbing parties on Rainier going for the summit under starry skies. Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky Peninsula.
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40+ Vintage and Retro Photoshop Actions
499 shares 10 Places to Get Photoshop Actions Delivering high quality images is something every designer should worry about, especially with images being such an important part of a design. To help you with this task, we’ve rounded up ten places where you can get some really useful Photoshop actions to enhance your images. We have some premium resources and also some free,… Read More 1523 shares 20 Excellent Examples of Photo Manipulation Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at.
(232) Misc Images - Public
anatomie comparéen entre herbivore et carnivore, l'homme doit-il manger des animaux ? :végétarisme Belgique
Source en anglais : The Comparative Anatomy of Eating - Traduction et mise en forme pour Les êtres humains sont le plus souvent décrits comme «omnivores» . Cette "observation" repose sur le fait que les humains se nourrissent, en général, d'une grande diversité d'aliments végétaux et animaux. Cependant , les cultures et les coutumes sont plutôt des facteurs de confusion et "l'observation" des pratiques alimentaires n'est pas la meilleure technique à utiliser quand on essaye d'identifier le régime alimentaire le plus «naturel» . Une technique plus objective, et donc de meilleure qualité, consistera à examiner l'anatomie et la physiologie humaine. Analyse détaillée La cavité buccale (la bouche) Les carnivores Les carnivores ont une ouverture de la bouche large par rapport à la dimension de leur tête. Le muscle principal utilisé pour l'exploitation de la mâchoire chez les carnivores est le muscle temporal. Les herbivores L'estomac et l'intestin grêle Les carnivores Et moi ?
Pain Blanc et Santé Naturelle - Santé Nature Innovation
Le pain, « fruit de la terre et du travail des hommes », est l’aliment de base de notre civilisation. Mais le moment est venu d’arrêter de manger du pain blanc. Voici pourquoi : Trop hybridé Le blé ne peut plus être considéré comme un aliment sain pour qui que ce soit. Ceci est très regrettable parce que le blé était un aliment correct, et qu’il est aujourd’hui utilisé dans d’innombrables farines et aliments, notamment comme épaississant. Trop pauvre en fibres, vitamines et minéraux Dans le pain blanc, la meilleure partie de la farine a été enlevée pour être donnée aux cochons et autres animaux d’élevage. Ne reste qu’un produit quasiment sans fibres, presque sans vitamines ni minéraux, qui n’est au fond que de l’amidon. Ne vous laissez pas impressionner par les étiquettes indiquant que les céréales ont été « enrichies » en vitamines. Trop salé Le pain blanc moderne est trop salé. Trop sucré Trop de gluten A quand une révolte ? Conclusion A votre santé ! Jean-Marc Dupuis