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These 10 Corporations Control Almost Everything You Buy

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This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World Um novo retrato da desigualdade global Distância entre nações reduziu-se, mas elite de super-ricos isolou-se ainda mais. Tornou-se claro: injustiças não são “naturais”, mas cuidadosamente produzidas. O artigo é de Joseph Stiglitz, prêmio Nobel de Economia, em artigo publicado no blog The Great Divide, do New York Times e reproduzido pelo sítio Outras Palavras, 15-10-2013. Segundo Stiglitz, "estamos caminhando para um mundo dividido não apenas entre os que têm e os que não têm. Alguns países terão sucesso ao criar prosperidade compartilhada – a única que, a meu ver, é verdadeiramente sustentável. Outros, deixaram a desigualdade correr solta. Eis o artigo. Sabe-se perfeitamente hoje que as desigualdades de renda e riqueza na maior parte dos países ricos, e especialmente nos Estados Unidos, dispararam, nas últimas décadas e, de modo trágico, agravaram-se ainda mais desde a Grande Recessão. São questões complexas. Os Estados Unidos oferecem um exemplo particularmente sombrio para o mundo.

Think by Numbers » Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs Time Magazine, Vol. 152 No. 19 About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006. Before we look at the details, a heartfelt plea from the Save the CEO’s Charitable Trust: There’s so much suffering in the world. “It felt like a slap in the face. It doesn’t have to be this way. For just $93 billion a year the federal government is able to provide a better life for these CEO’s and their families. Definition: social welfare n. When one thinks about government welfare, the first thing that comes to mind is the proverbial welfare queen sitting atop her majestic throne of government cheese issuing a royal decree to her clamoring throngs of illegitimate babies that they may shut the hell up while she tries to watch Judge Judy. TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) Graph Source: n.

Where the world buys its weapons - Business Insider Should the government intervene in the economy? One of the main issues in economics is the extent to which the government should intervene in the economy. Free market economists argue that government intervention should be strictly limited as government intervention tends to cause an inefficient allocation of resources. However, others argue there is a strong case for government intervention in different fields. Hoover Dam built in the 1930s with government funds Summary of whether should the government intervene in the economy. Arguments for Government Intervention Greater Equality – redistribute income and wealth to improve equality of opportunity and equality of outcomeMarket Failure – Markets fail to take into account externalities and are likely to under-produce public / merit goods. Arguments against Government Intervention Governments liable to make the wrong decisions – influence by political pressure groups, they spend on inefficient projects which lead to inefficient outcome.Personal Freedom. Fairness. Inherited wealth. 1. 2.

The Evolution of Foreign Aid Research: Measuring the Strengths and Weaknesses of Donors In 2012, 149 countries around the world received more than $125 billion of Official Development Assistance (ODA). Keeping track of those disbursements is no small feat. Measuring the effectiveness of the aid requires even greater legwork. Fortunately, data on ODA—unlike data on aid from many philanthropic organizations around the world—is systematically collected and monitored by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). In total, 31 DAC member countries and agencies reported on their aid disbursements in 2012. The new report is the third edition of the Quality Official Development Assistance (QuODA) assessment. When it comes to improvements in the quality of foreign aid from 2008 to 2012, Kharas and Birdsall find that the results are mixed. Maximizing Efficiency: Few Improvements Have Been Made Few donors have shifted their aid allocations to poor countries. In the same vein, donors have not shifted resources toward better governed economies, but have actually done the opposite.

Salaries of Government Officials – Current Annual Salaries of Top US Government Officials Shown below are the current annual salaries for the top elected and appointed US government officials, along with the annual salaries for these officials in 2000 or 2001. Executive Branch President of the United States 2014: $400,000 2000: $200,000Note: The president's salary was increased from $200,000 to $400,000 in 2001. The president's current salary of $400,000 includes a $50,000 expense allowance.Also See: Presidential Pay, Compensation and BenefitsVice President of the United States 2014: $230,700 2000: $181,400Legislative Branch - US Congress Rank-and-File Senators and Representatives 2014: $174,000 2000: $141,300Also See: The 10 Wealthiest Members of CongressSpeaker of the House 2014: $223,500 2000: $181,400House and Senate Majority and Minority Leaders 2014: $193,400 2000: $156,900Note: Last salary increase for Members of Congress came in 2009.Also See: Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members Judicial Branch

Os refúgios fiscais como ameaça à democracia por Luiz Carlos Azenha Deveria ser refúgio ou santuário fiscal, não “paraíso”, definição que surgiu da confusão entre haven e heaven. Seja como for, os esconderijos de dinheiro sujo não são a exceção, mas a regra do capitalismo em que vivemos. Diz o excelente Treasure Islands, Tax Havens and the Men that Stole de World, de Nicholas Shaxson. Do autor eu já tinha lido Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil, livro obrigatório para quem quer entender a África. Quais são os maiores refúgios fiscais do mundo? Caimã? Não. Um único escritório em Wilmington, capital do estado de Delaware, é sede de 217 mil empresas. O Reino Unido exerce controle indireto sobre uma teia de refúgios fiscais que garantem às grandes corporações sonegação de impostos em todo o mundo. E os países pobres pagam o preço mais caro, com o encolhimento da base fiscal: “Hoje o 1% no topo dos países em desevolvimento controla de 70 a 90% de toda a riqueza financeira e imobiliária.
