Seven YouTube Channels Not Named Khan Offering Math Lessons Over the weekend I received an email from a reader asking me if I had a list of YouTube channels not named Khan Academy that offer mathematics lessons. I didn't have a list, but I said I would create one. Therefore, here is my short list of YouTube channels not named Khan Academy that offer mathematics lessons. is developed by high school mathematics teacher Bradley Robb. His YouTube channel has more than six hundred videos covering topics in Algebra and Calculus. You can access the videos on a mobile version of WowMath too. Numberphile is a neat YouTube channel about fun number facts. Bright Storm is an online tutoring service. Ten Marks is another online tutoring service that offers mathematics tutorial videos on their site as well as on their YouTube channel. Math Class With Mr. The Open University is one of my go-to YouTube channel for all things academic. Yay Math!
The Math Forum @ Drexel University The Math Forum has a rich history as an online hub for the mathematics education community. A debt of gratitude is owed to the dedicated staff who created and maintained the top math education content and community forums that made up the Math Forum since its inception. NCTM will continue to make many of the most popular parts of the Math Forum content accessible to the mathematics education community. We hope that you will join or continue to be a member of the NCTM community to access even more high-quality resources for teaching and the learning of each and every student. Problems of the Week The Math Forum created Problems of the Week as an integrated program that features problems by standard and additional teacher support materials. Continue Your Math Education Conversations in MyNCTM! MyNCTM is an online community where NCTM members can ask questions, network and connect with each other, start and join discussions, find and upload resources, and interact with education experts.
Welcome to Space Math @ NASA ! Search the entire 700-problem archive Follow this link to the page where you can perform a full keyword search on all 700 problems to find the one that exactly suits your needs for a specific science and math topic! Math problems sorted by space science topic Here you will find hundreds of math problems related to all of the major astronomical objects from asteroids and planets to galaxies and black holes! Earth | Moon | Sun | Planets | Stars | Universe | Space Travel | Astrobiology | Black Holes Math problems sorted by grade level If you are a teacher or just someone who enjoys mathematics challenges, these problems cover space science topics but are sorted more-or-less by the kinds of mathematics you will encounter from simple counting and fractions problems through calculus. Grades 3-5 | Grades 6-7 | Algebra 1 | Algebra 2 | Geometry | Calculus Math problems sorted by NASA Mission Math problems sorted by Engineering Topics Math problems related to NASA press releases
Visual Fractions - A Fraction Tutorial Welcome to the Mathematics Assessment Project New Visions Math Curriculum Do you find your high school math students are able to solve problems but often can’t explain their reasoning? Are you spending too much of your planning time focusing on what to teach as opposed to how to teach? Do you struggle with how to support students learning English as a new language and students with disabilities? Are you looking for resources to help you provide focus, rigor, and coherence for your students? New Visions for Public Schools has the resources to help. We’ve developed free curricular materials that are aligned to the New York State Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II that focus on these specific issues that math teachers and students often encounter. Not sure how to start using the curriculum? Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Yummy Math | We provide teachers and students with mathematics relevant to our world today … Free Fractions Tools | Conceptua Fractions Conceptua Math includes interactive, visual tools that are ideal for teacher-facilitated, whole-class instruction, "Number Talks" and for parents supporting their students at home. These tools, available free of charge, are located under the Tool Library tab in our full curriculum. The full Conceptua Math curriculum includes integrated teacher supports, adaptive teaching, student investigations, and much more. Teachers Build Instructional Expertise with Supports Teachers start with scripted Lesson Openers to introduce concepts and generate fraction Number Talks with the whole class. Sample Opener > Students Learn through Guided Lessons The Guided Lessons form the foundation of the program. Sample Guided Lesson > Students Apply Knowledge through Investigations Real World Investigations provide opportunities for students to use authentic data and apply their mathematical knowledge. Sample Investigation > Interested in learning more about the Conceptua Math breakthrough visual curriculum?
Georgia Standards · CCGPS Mathematics Grades K-5 · CCGPS Mathematics Glossary Third grade teachers working on unit revisions at GaDOE (June 2013) 2013-2014 CCGPS Mathematics Unit Frameworks Teacher and Student Editions of the 2013-2014 CCGPS Mathematics Unit Frameworks were posted on July 1, 2013, to GeorgiaStandards.Org and Learning Village. K-5 CCGPS Mathematics Overview The K-5 standards are organized using domains, overarching ideas that connect topics across the grades, clusters that illustrate progression of increasing complexity from grade to grade and standards which define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. The K-5 standards are organized in the following domains: counting and cardinality; operations and algebraic thinking; number and operations in base ten; number and operations – fractions; measurement and data; and geometry. The focus in the K-5 standards is comparable to that seen in high-performing countries.