Programación y otras historias...: Python: trabajando con un entorno gráfico (wxPython) import wx, os from wx.lib.wordwrap import wordwrap licenceText = "Este es una muestra del poder de python XD" wildcard = "Archivos de audio mp3 (*.mp3)|*.mp3|" \ "Documento de Word (*.doc)|*.doc|"\ "Todos los archivos(*.*)|* class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame. panel = wx.Panel(self,-1) b = wx.Button(panel,-1,"Hola Mundo!" self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnButton,b) b = wx.Button(panel,-1,"Abrir algun archivo",(20,50)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnButton2,b) def OnButton(self,evt): info = wx.AboutDialogInfo() info.Name = "Mi Ventana" info.Version = "1.0" info.Copyright = "(C) Copyright Miguel Pinia" info.Description = wordwrap("Este es la informacion sobre la aplicacion: " "esta aplicacion fue hecha en" " python ", 350, wx.ClientDC(self)) info.License = wordwrap(licenceText,500,wx.ClientDC(self)) info.Developers = ["Miguel Pinia","wxPython","Vypi la mascota"] wx.AboutBox(info) def OnButton2(self,evt): if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy if __name__=="__main__": app = wx.App() app.MainLoop()
Animal & Veterinary Development & Approval Process New Animal Drug Applications, Electronic Submissions, User Fees, Genetic Engineering, Minor Use/Minor Species, Aquaculture, Food Additive Petitions Guidance, Compliance & Enforcement BSE, Policies & Procedures Manual, Laws, Salmonella and Turtle Safety, Drug Residues News & Events CVM Updates, FDA Veterinarian Newsletter, Meeting Announcements Products Approved Animal Drug Products, Animal Food/Feed, Imports & Exports, Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) Notification Program Resources for You Animal Health Literacy, Information for Consumers and Veterinarians Safety & Health Adverse Drug Events, Product Safety, Safe Feed, Antimicrobial Resistance, Animal Cloning, Recalls, Animal Drug Shortage Information Science & Research Research Areas, Publications
A Less Thirsty Future Through Engineered Crops? An op-ed in the Wall Street Journal sees a bright future for crops engineered for drought tolerance, water use efficiency, and other useful traits. The author, R. Paul Thompson, criticizes our recent report, “High and Dry,” for expressing too little faith in the ability of science and technology to make good on its unmet promises about genetic engineering. The basic point of the article is that new technologies typically start slow, but get more effective and less expensive as they mature, so we should expect GE to get cheaper and more effective too. Corn plant in drought-cracked soil. New Improved Biotech? Clearly technologies can advance, and the author provides a few cases in point. Technologies may face challenges that ultimately do not find adequate solutions, for technical, social, or economic reasons. Thompson ignores the part of our report that examines why the technology faces significant challenges in addressing drought. And then there are the Errors
1.2. Instalando Python (Python para principiantes) Una vez que hayas instalado tu distribución GNU/Linux, ya tendrás Python instalado en tu sistema. Para comprobarlo, abres una terminal (presiona Alt + F4 y luego escribe en el campo de búsqueda gnome-terminal) y escribe python como se muestra a continuación: eugenia@cochito:~$ python Python 2.7.2+ (default, Oct 4 2011, 20:03:08) [GCC 4.6.1] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. Lo que verás en pantalla, es el Shell interactivo de Python. eugenia@cochito:~$ python Python 2.7.2+ (default, Oct 4 2011, 20:03:08) [GCC 4.6.1] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> print "Hola Mundo!" Si en lugar del Shell interactivo, ves un mensaje de error similar a "python: orden no encontrada", deberás seguir los siguientes pasos para instalarlo: Actualiza la lista de los repositorios: eugenia@cochito:~$ sudo apt-get update Actualiza el Sistema Operativo: eugenia@cochito:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade Instala Python:
Raise Small-breed Milk Cows In 2006, Pat Schout and his wife, Elia, began homesteading in east-central Illinois. They wanted to raise their own food, including dairy products. They considered a milk cow, but didn’t know if they’d have enough pasture for a full-size cow and weren’t sure if they could manage all the milk a single cow can produce. Miniature cows cost $1,800 to $3,500 depending on the size, markings and color. How small are small-breed Jerseys? Miniature cattle are classified in three categories as measured by height at the hip. How much milk do they give? A standard-size milk cow in peak production can give 6 to 10 gallons of milk per day. We make vanilla ice cream, mozzarella cheese, yogurt and butter. How much feed do the small-breed cattle require? That all depends on your philosophy concerning cattle. When not on pasture, I try to feed my cattle high-quality alfalfa hay along with some beet pulp for a protein supplement. How much pasture would a single small-breed cow require? No.
Designing food systems to protect nature and get rid of hunger Hunger and malnutrition is manmade. It is in the design of the industrial chemical model of agriculture. And just as hunger has been created by design, producing healthy and nutritious food for all can be designed through food democracy. That is what we do in Navdanya. That is what the diverse movements for food sovereignty and agro-ecology are designing on the ground. We are repeatedly told we will starve without poisons and chemical fertilisers. Industrial production has led to such a severe ecological and social crisis, to ensure the supply of healthy food, we must move towards agro-ecological and sustainable systems of food production that work with nature, not against her. Industrialisation of agriculture creates hunger and malnutrition, yet further industrialisation of food systems are offered as cures for the crisis. Root causes Agriculture policy focuses on increasing yields of individual crops - not the output of the food system and its nutritional value. Biodiversity dysfunction
Lenguaje ensamblador para computadoras basadas en Intel®, 5ta Edición – Kip R. Irvine La quinta edición de Lenguaje ensamblador para computadoras basadas en Intel, enseña la programación en lenguaje ensamblador y la arquitectura del procesador Intel IA-32; el texto es apropiado para los siguientes cursos universitarios: Programación en lenguaje ensamblador. Fundamentos de los sistemas computacionales. Fundamentos de la arquitectura computacional. Los estudiantes utilizan los procesadores Intel o AMD y programan con Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 8.0, que se ejecuta en cualquiera de las siguientes plataformas MS-Windows: Windows 95, 98, Millenium, NT, 2000 y XP. Aunque este libro se diseñó en un principio como texto de programación para estudiantes universitarios, ha evolucionado a lo largo de los últimos 15 años en algo mucho más completo. Énfasis de los temas Esta edición incluye temas que conducen de una manera natural hacia cursos subsiguientes en arquitectura computacional, sistemas operativos y escritura de compiladores: Concepto de máquina virtual. Contenido: Prefacio
Getting a Family Cow … Lots to Consider by Diane Schivera So you’re thinking of getting a family cow. You’ve probably thought of many good reasons: fresh milk 10 months of the year, cream to do with as decadently as you want, peaceful moments in the barn with your head resting against the flank of the cow while milking and letting the rest of the world go by. But there are other points to consider. You will have to milk twice a day 10 months of the year. Milking needs to be regular, or the cow will be uncomfortable and her production will suffer. So consider the time required to keep a cow: Milking – 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night Feeding – 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night Pasturing – 1 or 2 minutes, if you have wired runs from the barn to the pastures Straining and cooling milk – 5 minutes to wash, fill and date bottles Washing utensils – 5 to 10 minutes Separating the cream and cleaning up – 10 to 15 minutes daily or every other day Cleaning the barn and removing manure – about 15 minutes Feeding
Crop Nutrition and Fertilizer Requirements Essential plant nutrients | Types of fertilizers | Soil nutrient content and soil testing | Fertilizer recommendations | Plant tissue analysis Essential Plant Nutrients Proper nutrition is essential for satisfactory crop growth and production. The use of soil tests can help to determine the status of plant available nutrients to develop fertilizer recommendations to achieve optimum crop production. The profit potential for farmers depends on producing enough crop per acre to keep production costs below the selling price. Efficient application of the correct types and amounts of fertilizers for the supply of the nutrients is an important part of achieving profitable yields. There are at least 16 elements known to be essential for plant growth. Macronutrients refer to those elements that are used in relatively large amounts, whereas micronutrients refer to those elements that are required in relatively small amounts (Table 1). Table 1. Types of Fertilizers Table 2. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 1. 2. 1.
Libros de Informatica Gratis: Diseño y administración de bases de datos – Gary W. Hansen y James W. Hasen Este libro está concebido para ser utilizado como texto en cursos iniciales dirigidos a estudiantes de sistemas de información, tanto de nivel de pregrado como de posgrado. Como tal puede integrarse fácilmente dentro de un amplio curriculum de sistemas de información que incluye programación, análisis de sistema, diseño de sistemas, comunicación de datos, etc. El libro brinda una comprensiva cobertura de los sistemas de bases de datos en los negocios. Está organizado alrededor del ciclo de vida del desarrollo de la base de datos, lo que nos ofrece un marco adecuado para la discusión del diseño conceptual, la implementación de la base de datos y la gestión del entorno. Características principales: El libro tiene una organización simple y directa de los temas basada en el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de la base de datos. En el Capítulo 4 se proporciona una amplia cobertura del diseño conceptual.