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An Interview with Artist Daniel Rozin

An Interview with Artist Daniel Rozin

LISA - Interview with Daniel Rozin Interview with Daniel Rozin Posted by isabelwd / August 8th, 2011 / 2 Responses Lara Sedbon conducts an email interview with Daniel Rozin for Leaders in Software and Art. Lara Sedbon: Please tell us about yourself. Daniel Rozin: I am a digital-interactive artist. LS: How and why did you come to specialize in software and art? DR: My background is in industrial design. LS: You define yourself as an interactive digital artist. DR: I think that the idea of interactive art is one of shared authorship by the artist and the viewer (participator, visitor, person, any word but “user”…) The artist creates the premise and the parameters of interaction, the artist’s responsibility is to imagine almost all possible interactions and see that those would yield an acceptable result. LS: You’ve done an excellent job of making many of your high-tech pieces look sculptural as opposed to technological. LS: You play a lot with mirrors; why are you so passionate about them? LS: You teach at ITP.
