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We The Tiny House People (Documentary): Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters

We The Tiny House People (Documentary): Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters
Related:  Tiny Houses

How You Can Simplify More Than Just Your Stuff I’m excited to announce the launch of The Power of Simple Living: 140 Inspiring Quotes to Simplify Your Life (And Get What You Want). I’m eager to teach what I’ve been learning and experimenting with in regards to simplicity, life and gaining our freedom back. This is part of that mission as a book that I’ve been working on that’s designed to help people like you and me who are hungry to simplify their lives in search of more personal, spiritual, and financial freedom. And I’m here to show you that, and more. Because this might sound obvious but… You Can Simplify More Than Just Your Stuff And my purpose for you with the book is to inspire you towards simplicity in more parts of your life than one. So if you’re looking for a guide on how to get rid of ‘your stuff’ so you can downsize this is not it. More Parts of Your Life You Can Start Simplifying Now Mind.Stuff.People.Work.Money.Health. The Benefits You Can Experience by Simplifying These Areas In other words, I’m here to help you:

Super modern South African tiny house is bright and green I have often complained that a lot of tiny houses, being modelled on larger houses that get the shrink-ray, are designed for cuteness instead of practicality, with their tiny lofts that peak in the middle. Perhaps instead of using a traditional house as a model, designers should be looking more at learning from more modern designs like Airstream trailers or boats. That's why the INDAWO / lifePOD is so interesting. This design by the South African team of Collaborate000 architects, and product designers Dokter and Missses is super modern, and very much a product of its climate. © Brett Rubin The INDAWO / lifePOD is a lifestyle and design intervention that affords home owners a comfortable, functional experience inside a small space; to live in confluence with the needs of the planet now and in the future .... “Living smaller will save you money in the long run; it could also make you happier.” © Pod Indawo

13 More Modern, Mobile & Modular Tiny House Designs Could you live in 200 square feet or less? For most people, the answer to that question is an emphatic no – but perhaps that’s because you’ve never seen some of the amazingly imaginative, well-designed tiny houses that are popping up around the world. Tiny houses can be mobile (including awesome converted house trucks) or stationary, plugged in or off-grid, pre-fabricated or built on-site. Some are ultramodern while others are decidedly rustic, and though a few are just part-time retreats, many shelter occupants year-round. These 14 tiny house designs show just how diverse compact dwellings can be, from three-story apartments in urban Tokyo to whimsical cottages in the American countryside. Fab Lab House: Small and Modern (images via: Far from a shed-like tiny house, this imaginative home that was designed to ‘act like a tree’ won the Solar Decathlon Europe people’s choice award for both looks and sustainability. Tiny Green-Roofed Egg House in China Wacky ‘Dome Lady’ House

Pure Salvage: 10 Eclectic Tiny Homes Built with 99% Scrap The premise of this small design-build firm is simple: almost everything you could want or need to build a new house is already in a a disused or abandoned building … so why not harvest 99% of your materials from such sources? Tiny Texas Houses builds custom homes and advises people on finding and reusing materials as well. “A generation of housing materials already harvested, sliced, diced, formed, and proven healthy, toxin free, priced for human energy is available in this country. Materials that are 100% American grown, mined, smelted, formed, and created with pride when we had such in our craftsmanship, and built to last for centuries.” The creations of Brad Kit­tel are eclectic, often rustic and peppered with various regional styles, both as a mode of creative expression and a simple byproduct of the materials found and re-purposed in the building process.

Living Big In A Tiny House Build This Cozy Cabin Rays of early-morning sunlight gently peek through the windows, easing you awake. Looking down from the sleeping loft, you see everything you need: a pine table; a box piled with hardwood, split and ready for the woodstove; and a compact kitchen in the corner. This is the cabin dream. In this article, I’ll show you how to build a 14-by-20-foot cozy cabin featuring a sleeping loft over the porch for about $4,000. Who can resist it? My own cabin adventure began in 1986, when I built one as an inexpensive place to stay while constructing my house — that’s when I began learning what makes cabin design and construction successful. What follows is a cabin plan (I've included a full Cabin Assembly Diagram) with the hands-on know-how I wish I had 20 years ago. I believe in building for the long haul. A Firm Foundation Every well-built structure begins with the foundation. The best way to mark your foundation outline is with 12-inch spikes pushed into the earth and connected with nylon string.

Nate and Jen’s House on Wheels: Living Simply and Free in a Tiny Home My friend Nate originally bought a camper that he dismantled to build the tiny house on a trailer you’re about to see. The trailer is 8’3″ by 24’10″ and he used 2x4s instead of 2x8s for floor joists to decrease the home’s weight. He also used a lighter option for siding. Nate kept a blog while building the house which you can check out right here. Living Simply and Free in a Tiny Home Find out why Nate built it and see the rest of the photos below: Why a Tiny Home on a Trailer? I was going to ask Nate what drew him to building a tiny house, but then I found out why on his blog: To save moneyTo be nomadicTo live simplyTo be outside moreTo be adventurous Resonates, doesn’t it? The Ultimate Way to Live the Simple Life? How would a house like this change your life? Inside Nate and Jen’s Tiny House Notice how the light shines through the ceiling in the living area of the house! Wall Shelf Storage in the Kitchen You can order steel Ikea shelves like the ones above from Amazon. Clear Roof in a Tiny House?

How a talented architect makes an RV look like a charming cabin in the woods The tiny house movement has become a big thing as more and more people try to live with a smaller financial, environmental and physical footprint. As Alek Lisefski noted in his Tiny Project, it's about less house and more life. It's also about laws, that regulate what can go down a road, what can go on a property under zoning bylaws, what code it gets built under. That's why so many of the tiny houses are under 8'-6" wide and weigh less than 10,000 pounds, so that they can go down the road towed by a private car and be classed as an Recreational Vehicle, or RV. Historically, people would take their little RVs and go to RV parks, where they remain on their chassis but get hooked up to water and sewer. © Escape/ Canoe Bay 400 square feet doesn't sound like much but it's bigger than many one bedroom apartments; you can build a really nice little house at that size. ESCAPE was conceived as a high quality cottage, not an RV. Kelly Davis has designed the un-trailer that anyone could love.
