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We The Tiny House People (Documentary): Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters

We The Tiny House People (Documentary): Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters
Related:  Tiny Houses

How You Can Simplify More Than Just Your Stuff I’m excited to announce the launch of The Power of Simple Living: 140 Inspiring Quotes to Simplify Your Life (And Get What You Want). I’m eager to teach what I’ve been learning and experimenting with in regards to simplicity, life and gaining our freedom back. This is part of that mission as a book that I’ve been working on that’s designed to help people like you and me who are hungry to simplify their lives in search of more personal, spiritual, and financial freedom. And I’m here to show you that, and more. Because this might sound obvious but… You Can Simplify More Than Just Your Stuff And my purpose for you with the book is to inspire you towards simplicity in more parts of your life than one. So if you’re looking for a guide on how to get rid of ‘your stuff’ so you can downsize this is not it. More Parts of Your Life You Can Start Simplifying Now Mind.Stuff.People.Work.Money.Health. The Benefits You Can Experience by Simplifying These Areas In other words, I’m here to help you:

How to Improve Your Wi-Fi Signal Using a Soda Can in 6 Steps When your life is nothing but trolling and viral videos, having a bad wi-fi connection can be incredibly irritating. Poor loading times, lost connections, and more can put a strain on your time browsing the internet. However, there are some ways to improve your Wi-Fi connection. However, even in the most bleak situation, there are heroes, and in this case it’s soda cans. If you’ve ever had a TV with an antenna or a radio, you’ve probably heard of the trick of using tin foil to improve the signal. 1 – Clean Out the Can Practically any substance that is found in cans like soda, beer, juice and more can create a sticky residue on the inside of the can. 2 – Pull off the Tab The tab for the soda can really has no use for this project, so it’s best to remove it. 3 – Cut off the Bottom of the Can Grab a utility knife and carefully cut a straight, horizontal line around bottom of the can at the point where the sides of the can start sloping to create the bottom. 4 – Creating the Base Related

Barrel Composting Toilet System: Capacity Calculations and System Sizing Toilet Capacity Calculations: Note: Capacity calculations for composting toilets are the responsibility of the toilet designer or manufacturer. NSF Standard 41, the testing standard by which composting toilets are certified in the United States, does not establish capacity standards. In regard to toilet capacity, NSF certification indicates only that the toilet meets the capacity specified by the manufacturer. The Barrel Composting Toilet is a batch type system in which fresh fecal matter is segregated from older fecal matter during the primary composting process. The number of aging barrels is dependent on the number of people per day using the toilet. The following calculations are based on trade accepted practices and 6 years of continuous daily use of this design by the designer. Input volume per person per day. The difference between industry accepted volume calculations and those recommended for the Barrel Composting Toilet are due to two factors: Flow characteristics: Conclusion:

Pure Salvage: 10 Eclectic Tiny Homes Built with 99% Scrap The premise of this small design-build firm is simple: almost everything you could want or need to build a new house is already in a a disused or abandoned building … so why not harvest 99% of your materials from such sources? Tiny Texas Houses builds custom homes and advises people on finding and reusing materials as well. “A generation of housing materials already harvested, sliced, diced, formed, and proven healthy, toxin free, priced for human energy is available in this country. Materials that are 100% American grown, mined, smelted, formed, and created with pride when we had such in our craftsmanship, and built to last for centuries.” The creations of Brad Kit­tel are eclectic, often rustic and peppered with various regional styles, both as a mode of creative expression and a simple byproduct of the materials found and re-purposed in the building process. יש לכם שאלות על ממ''ד? - הקץ לשאלות! נעזרנו בלירן רייטר, מחברת "ירוק בעיר" תעשיות מיגון בע"מ על מנת לספק את התשובות: האם ניתן להתקין מזגן? בהחלט ניתן להתקין מזגן בממ"ד, אך יש להבטיח שמסופקת לוחית מתכת לאטימת פתח הכניסה לאוויר על המזגן, כך שבעת חירום ניתן יהיה לחסום את כיוון יציאת האוויר. האם מותר לכסות את פתחי האוורור בממ"ד? האם מותר לקדוח בקירות הממ"ד? איזה חיפוי וריצוף ניתן לבצע בממ"ד? איזה פונקציות יכול לשמש הממ"ד? אוורור נכון של שעה ביום לפחות, מאפשר להשתמש בממ"ד לכל צורך (הדמיה: ירוק בעיר) כמה אוורור צריך להיות בממ"ד ובאילו מערכות? מערכת מתקדמת לסינון ואוורור- יש חיה כזו? מערכת סינון ואוורור מסוג "מורן" המיועדת לממ"ד (צילום: ירוק בעיר) האם מותר לבצע בידוד תרמי של הקירות? מהם החוקים לגבי דלת הממ"ד? מהם החוקים לגבי חלון הממ"ד? רבים בוחרים להחליף את חלון ההדף בחלון פחות כבד ומגושם, כמו לדוגמא חלון בפתיחת קיפ של קליל, בעל פרופיל צר ופתיחה מקסימלית (צילום: יח"צ) האם מותר לצבוע את הממ"ד? האם ניתן להתקין סורגים בממ"ד? מה אסור לאחסן בממ"ד? כמה שקעי חשמל מותר להתקין בממ"ד? אילו שינויים מותר לבצע בממ"ד במהלך שיפוץ?

Nate and Jen’s House on Wheels: Living Simply and Free in a Tiny Home My friend Nate originally bought a camper that he dismantled to build the tiny house on a trailer you’re about to see. The trailer is 8’3″ by 24’10″ and he used 2x4s instead of 2x8s for floor joists to decrease the home’s weight. He also used a lighter option for siding. Nate kept a blog while building the house which you can check out right here. Living Simply and Free in a Tiny Home Find out why Nate built it and see the rest of the photos below: Why a Tiny Home on a Trailer? I was going to ask Nate what drew him to building a tiny house, but then I found out why on his blog: To save moneyTo be nomadicTo live simplyTo be outside moreTo be adventurous Resonates, doesn’t it? The Ultimate Way to Live the Simple Life? How would a house like this change your life? Inside Nate and Jen’s Tiny House Notice how the light shines through the ceiling in the living area of the house! Wall Shelf Storage in the Kitchen You can order steel Ikea shelves like the ones above from Amazon. Clear Roof in a Tiny House?

Facebook et la vie privée : un guide pratique Le réseau social, souvent décrié concernant la gestion de la confidentialité, a récemment déployé une série de nouvelles fonctions permettant aux utilisateur de mieux contrôler leurs publications. Au programme, davantage de pédagogie et de transparence. Voici l'occasion rêvée de procéder à un tour d'horizon des changements sous la forme d'un guide pratique... L'une des principales caractéristiques de Facebook qui rend complexe l'appréhension des questions de confidentialité réside dans sa nature à changer souvent. Si "move fast" est l'une des mantra bien connue de l'entreprise, l'utilisateur a parfois du mal à suivre. Ainsi, les utilisateurs français ont vu arriver en août 2011 le sélecteur d'audience, permettant de choisir qui verra une publication quelle qu'elle soit (statut, image, vidéo, lien, etc). Le selecteur d'audience En décembre 2011, c'était au tour de la Timeline (ou Journal en français) de remplacer les anciens profils. Plus de contrôle sur les photos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. En résumé
