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Indoor Garden & Indoor Gardening System

Indoor Garden & Indoor Gardening System
Our Mission: Help you take control of what you eat Our goal is to take hydroponic growing where no company has gone before. From basements and backrooms to a focal point of any proud chefs kitchen. Local is the way to go. Now you can have an active hand in the food your loved ones eat no matter where you live. Connect to your food, connect to your family.

Related:  GardeningHydroponics

Indoor herb garden ideas for decoration - small garden ideas Are u planning to decorate your kitchen with a small indoor herb garden? Lets start making an indoor herb garden to grow herbs like basil, mint, oregano, dill or thyme. These 21 indoor herb garden ideas will help you to get inspiration to start a small herb garden and at the same time it adds decoration to your home. Let me classify these herb garden ideas into 4 categories. Vertical herb garden.Hanging herb garden.Window sill herb garden.Kitchen herb garden. This classification is based on the location of your garden.

Can Urban Farming Go Corporate? Farms have sprouted in cities across the country over the past several years as activists and idealists pour their sweat into gritty soil. Now Paul Lightfoot wants to take urban agriculture beyond the dirt-under-your-nails labor of love. He wants to take it corporate. In June, Lightfoot's company, BrightFarms, announced a deal with The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., or A&P, to provide New York City-grown vegetables to the local chain's supermarkets year-round.

Water Use Efficiency in Hydroponics and Aquaponics Water conservation an increasing concern Especially in the drought-ridden west, water conservation is a topic of increasing concern. You've recently heard about water in the news, across social media, and among friends - not just from farmers. Drought conditions and lack of water impacts agriculturalists, municipalities, industries, and individuals. So how can hydroponic and aquaponic systems reduce water loss, increase water use efficiency, and use water more sustainably? DIY Hydroponic Fodder System We’re currently feeding our goats and chickens organically for 6 cents a pound. This is how we’re doing it: I have friends who are SO much smarter than I am! This is a hydroponic fodder system (“hydroponic” basically means growing plants in water, without soil.) Using this system, we are growing roughly 6lbs of edible – and more nutritious – barley grass for every pound of barley seed.

Homegrown Revolution (Award winning short-film 2009)- The Urban Homestead Check us out at: Dervaes Family on Facebook: Urban Homestead on Facebook: more on the film: purchase a copy for public screening: film features: Jules Dervaes, Justin Dervaes, Anais Dervaes and Jordanne Dervaes Homegrown Revolution is a short introduction to the homegrown project that has been called a new revolution in urban sustainability. In the midst of a dense city setting in downtown Pasadena, radical change is taking root. For over twenty years, the Dervaes family have transformed their home into an urban homestead and model for sustainable agriculture and city living.

What is Hydroponic growing? - Growth Technology Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is the growing of plants in a soil less medium, or an aquatic based environment. Hydroponic growing uses mineral nutrient solutions to feed the plants in water, without soil. For those of us who love growing plants these are exciting times indeed. We are no longer limited by climate or by season in the pursuit of our harmless pleasures. We can now grow virtually any plant at virtually any time of the year – the only limitation is our imagination.

8 Tips to Take Maximum Advantages of Hydroponics It may be due to their interest in cultivation or a leisure time hobby, more and more people nowadays are getting attracted towards gardening and creating food production firms in the backwards of their home, and to them. Hydroponics is the best solution to look for. The approach of Hydroponics for cultivating foods and grains is becoming more and more popular these days, and people are looking forward to new methods and tips to make the best use of Hydroponics. Here in this article, we will discuss some tips and new techniques for making the most of the hydroponics. However, before that, let’s have a look at what Hydroponics is and how it can be beneficial for your gardening and food cultivation interest.

Live Green Toronto The Eco-Roof Incentive Program promotes the installation of green and cool roofs on Toronto’s existing buildings and new buildings not subject to the Green Roof By-law. Applications are currently being accepted for green and cool roof projects and will be reviewed on a monthly basis, subject to funding availability. The City of Toronto launched the Eco-Roof Incentive Program in 2009 to support the uptake of eco-roofs by building owners, make buildings more sustainable and promote the creation of green jobs. Performance criteria for the Eco-Roof Incentive Program are consistent with the Green Roof Bylaw and the Toronto Green Standard.
