Dust Networks - Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks for IPv6, ZigBee, WirelessHART Dust Networks, a pioneer in the field of wireless sensor networking, is defining the way to connect smart devices. Dust Networks delivers reliable, resilient and scalable wireless embedded products with advanced network management and comprehensive security features. Dust Networks products are built on breakthrough Eterna™ 802.15.4 SoC technology, delivering ultra low power consumption for wire-free operation on batteries or energy harvesting. Working with Dust Networks, wireless sensing applications can be deployed anywhere data can be gleaned. Dust’s portfolio of standards-based products include: SmartMesh IP is built for IP compatibility, and is based on 6LoWPAN and 802.15.4e standards. SmartMesh WirelessHART products are designed for the harshest industrial environments, where low power, reliability, resilience and scalability are key, making them well suited for general industrial applications as well as WirelessHART-specific designs.
The next big market for data and connected devices? Agriculture Between efforts to eat more food grown locally, a younger generation of farmers and cheaper component-farming is getting an infusion of data and technology. Most of us know about the connected cows, where the milking operations are governed by connected sensors and algorithms that determine how long to milk and cow and which cows need milking. But it’s not just dairy farmers upgrading their technology and connecting their fields: it’s vinters, soybean growers and wide assortment of agricultural interests. Alicia Asin, the CEO of sensor-making company Libelium, said in a recent interview that 18 percent of her company’s €3 million (about $4 million) in sales this year came from agricultural buyers. DIY for the farming guy Libelium gear. Libelium has a powerful case study with several connected vineyards in the Rias Baixas region of Spain that saw a 20 percent reduction in the application of fertilizers and fungicides, and a 15 percent improvement in growing productivity.
Raspberry Pi Design Contest I took a vintage voltmeter that I found at Uncommon Objects in Austin and modified it to make its voltage range more Pi-friendly. A utility class to handle calibration made this into a first-class display device. With a little help from our designers at work, we used it to create a meter registering the number of new lobbyists that register each week. Color My Desk is a publicly controllable string of lights illuminating my daily workspace. I was asked how hard it would be to create a charging station that would use our existing campus ID cards. I had a proof of concept working on an old dell P3 before long. Since my main goal was low price I was happy to try integrating a raspberry Pi. I extended the software to accept both swipe and prox cards using a Weigand style reader. Next is to use HDMI for some local advertising… “Chicago Faces” is a guerrilla art piece that photographs the faces of unsuspecting civilians using open source hardware and software.
Semantically-enabled Sensor Plug & Play for the Sensor Web Submitted to Sensors, 21 July 21, 2011 Arne Broring, Patrick Maue´, Krzysztof Janowicz, Daniel Nust, and Christian Malewski “Environmental sensors have continuously improved by becoming smaller, cheaper, and more intelligent over the past years. As consequence of these technological advancements, sensors are increasingly deployed to monitor our environment. Matching between sensor and service characteristics. “So far, the SWE framework does not describe how to integrate sensors on-the-fly with minimal human intervention. Read the paper [PDF] Like this: Like Loading... Etudes et livres blancs de l'éditeur de logiciel ERP | Generix Group A intervalles réguliers, Generix Group et son partenaire Ifop recueillent le ressenti des Français sur leur comportement de consommation. Du clic à la possession : Observatoire des attentes des e-consommateurs Achats sur Internet : les Français disent halte aux désagréments et réclament plus de services ! Résultats d'une étude exclusive réalisée en partenariat avec l'Ifop. Get it'lab est le premier observatoire sur les attentes des consommateurs depuis le clic jusqu'à la réception effective de la marchandise. 68% des Français ont été confrontés à au moins un problème suite à un achat en lignePresque 1 commande sur 5 a été l'objet d'un problème ! Découvrez l'intégralité de l'étude "Du clic à la possession : Observatoire des attentes des e-consommateurs" Les Français et la publicité sur les réseaux sociaux Réseaux sociaux : les Français disent stop à la pub ! Résultats de l'étude Ifop/Generix « les Français et la publicité sur les réseaux sociaux ». Les Français et les achats de cadeaux de Noël
e-Health Sensor Platform V2.0 for Arduino and Raspberry Pi [Biometric / Medical Applications] This information can be used to monitor in real time the state of a patient or to get sensitive data in order to be subsequently analysed for medical diagnosis. Biometric information gathered can be wirelessly sent using any of the 6 connectivity options available: Wi-Fi, 3G, GPRS, Bluetooth, 802.15.4 and ZigBee depending on the application. If real time image diagnosis is needed a camera can be attached to the 3G module in order to send photos and videos of the patient to a medical diagnosis center. Data can be sent to the Cloud in order to perform permanent storage or visualized in real time by sending the data directly to a laptop or Smartphone. iPhone and Android applications have been designed in order to easily see the patient's information. Pulse and Oxygen in Blood (SPO2) SPO2 sensor features Pulse oximetry a noninvasive method of indicating the arterial oxygen saturation of functional hemoglobin. Connecting the sensor Connect the module in the e-Health sensor platform. Initializing by
Ma recherche - Cadremploi mobile Date : 11/10/2013 Type de contrat : CDI Localisation : Paris Entreprise : MICHAEL PAGE Secteur : Editeur de logiciels Numéro de l'offre : 11302008128 Entreprise : Editeur de solutions innovantes de communication. Poste : Rattaché(e) au Directeur Technique, vous serez le(la) Responsable Produit/Solution et gérerez les projets. A ce titre, vos missions seront les suivantes : Des déplacements en France et à l'international seront à prévoir. Profil : Diplômé(e) d'une formation supérieure, vous êtes doté(e) au minimum de 5 ans d'expérience à un poste similaire (avant-vente / support logiciel (solutions back et/ou front-office) / gestion de projets) au sein d'un intégrateur ou éditeur. Vos qualités de communication (orale mais également écrite), votre ouverture d'esprit et votre curiosité technique seront autant d'atouts pour réussir à ce poste. Anglais courant. Contact : Camille Lecouvey
The $99 Khan Academy wireless server, using a Raspberry Pi At the Rigsum Research Lab we are always looking for ways to use technology for benefiting education in the local context. For example, one of the challenges facing schools in Bhutan is the lack of access to online resources such as Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a free educational website containing more than 4000 short, high-quality lectures covering topics ranging from math and the sciences to economics and the humanities. Access to Khan Academy empowers both students and teachers. Since most schools in Bhutan do not have access to the Internet, or the access is painfully slow, viewing online lectures is usually impossible. We recently built a $99 Khan Academy wireless (and wired) server. Imagine: For around Nu. 5000, any school, college, library or community centre in Bhutan can offer unlimited access to one of the world's top educational resources; no internet required. How we built it
Profil Linkedin : comment booster votre visibilité en 10 minutes - ... Raspberry Pi: A Paradigm Shift for ICT4D? Here at the Centre for Development Informatics we’ve spent years avoiding a techno-centric approach to ICT4D. But . . . we are rather excited about Raspberry Pi. If you don’t already know it, Raspberry Pi is not a low-cost computer. Although credit card-sized, Pi is a fully-functioning computer. At those sorts of production scales, costs for Pi could be reduced to around the US$15-20 mark. In many ways, its key attributes are those of a mobile phone (not surprising since it runs with the same ARM chipset you’ll find in many mobiles): Very low cost puts it into the category of “semi-disposable” device, and a ready addition to many other innovations without breaking the bank.Its robustness and low maintenance requirements make it particularly suitable to harsh developing country environments.Its small size and portability make it suitable for applications that other computers can’t reach.It has very low power consumption, so can work more easily in electrical off-grid environrments.
IP Multimedia Subsystem The IP Multimedia Subsystem or IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem (IMS) is an architectural framework for delivering IP multimedia services. It was originally designed by the wireless standards body 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), as a part of the vision for evolving mobile networks beyond GSM. Its original formulation (3GPP Rel-5) represented an approach to delivering "Internet services" over GPRS. This vision was later updated by 3GPP, 3GPP2 and ETSI TISPAN by requiring support of networks other than GPRS, such as Wireless LAN, CDMA2000 and fixed lines. To ease the integration with the Internet, IMS uses IETF protocols wherever possible, e.g., SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). According to the 3GPP,[1] IMS is not intended to standardize applications, but rather to aid the access of multimedia and voice applications from wireless and wireline terminals, i.e., to create a form of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC). An example of a global standard based on IMS is MMTel.
Exemple d'application dans différents domaines by camillegervot Apr 9