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Kate's Cake Decorating: Techniques and Tips for Fun and Fancy Ca About Anya Kamenetz, author of 'The Edupunks' Guide to a DIY Credential' Biography Anya Kamenetz is a senior writer at Fast Company Magazine, where she writes the column Life in Beta, and the author of two books, Generation Debt (Riverhead, 2006), which dealt with generational economics and politics including student loan policy, and DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education, (Chelsea Green, 2010) which investigated the roots of the cost, access, and quality crises in higher education as well as innovations in technology and social media to address these crises. She was named a 2010 Game Changer in Education by the Huffington Post, received 2009 and 2010 National Awards for Education Reporting from the Education Writers Association, and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in Feature Writing by the Village Voice in 2005. She travels and speaks at campuses across the country, and often gives comments on NPR, CNN and other news networks. Where to find Anya Kamenetz online Books The Edupunks' Guide to a DIY Credential

How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming American Higher Educatio Peter Thiel: We’re in a Bubble and It’s Not the Internet. It’s Higher Education. Fair warning: This article will piss off a lot of you. I can say that with confidence because it’s about Peter Thiel. And Thiel – the PayPal co-founder, hedge fund manager and venture capitalist – not only has a special talent for making money, he has a special talent for making people furious. Some people are contrarian for the sake of getting headlines or outsmarting the markets. For Thiel, it’s simply how he views the world. Of course a side benefit for the natural contrarian is it frequently leads to things like headlines and money. Consider the 2000 Nasdaq crash. And after the crash, Thiel insisted there hadn’t really been a crash: He argued the equity bubble had simply shifted onto the housing market. So Friday, as I sat with Thiel in his San Francisco home that he finally owns, I was curious what he thinks of the current Web frenzy. Instead, for Thiel, the bubble that has taken the place of housing is the higher education bubble. Making matters worse was a 2005 President George W.

Java programming test, hands-on skills - Decorating Cupcakes, Cakes & Cookies (9781845979577): Annie Rigg Edupunk Edupunk is a do it yourself (DIY) attitude to teaching and learning practices.[1][2] Tom Kuntz described edupunk as "an approach to teaching that avoids mainstream tools like PowerPoint and Blackboard, and instead aims to bring the rebellious attitude and D.I.Y. ethos of ’70s bands like The Clash to the classroom."[3] Many instructional applications can be described as DIY education or Edupunk. Jim Groom as "poster boy" for edupunk The term was first used on May 25, 2008 by Jim Groom in his blog,[4] and covered less than a week later in the Chronicle of Higher Education.[1] Stephen Downes, an online education theorist and an editor for the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, noted that "the concept of Edupunk has totally caught wind, spreading through the blogosphere like wildfire".[5] Aspects of edupunk[edit] The reaction to corporate influence on education is only one part of edupunk, though. Examples of edupunk[edit] See also[edit] Notes[edit]

The Virtual University | The American Prospect For most of the thousand years or so since it was invented, a university education was thought to be suited for only a tiny group -- a ruling class or a subculture of scholars. Today, nine out of 10 American high school seniors say they want to go to college. Since World War II, this country has turned higher education into not only a mass-market product but the best hope of achieving a middle-class income. Sending your kids to college is now part of the American dream, just like homeownership. And like homeownership, it's something for which we have been willing to go deeply into hock. Faith in the universal power of higher learning is at the heart of modernity. Young people worldwide are caught between the spiraling cost of college and an apparently bottomless hunger for it. Meanwhile, here in America, the birthplace of mass higher education, we are stalling in our educational attainment while the rest of the world is roaring ahead. The same is happening in education. Advertisement

Matterhorn Pilot Profiles | Opencast Community The Opencast community is a collaboration of individuals, higher education institutions and organizations working together to explore, develop, define and document best practices and technologies for the management of audiovisual content in academia. The community shares experiences with existing technologies and practices as well as identifying future approaches and requirements. The community seeks broad participation in this important and dynamic domain, to allow community members to share expertise and experience and collaborate in related projects. Projects The Opencast community also supports community-driven projects to solve common issues in management of academic audiovisual content as identified by the community. Today, the prime example is the Opencast Matterhorn project, an open source software development project to develop video capture and management technologies that are of primary importance to the Opencast community’s mission.

100 legal sites to stream and download free music | MerryCode Music is life, I never found anyone who’s life isn’t influenced by Music. Why the best things in life like Music are not free? Actually, there is more legally available for free Music than you think. image by nothingatall Here is a list of 100 sites that let you stream or download music for free legally! This super list has sites where you can find most of your favorite songs and other awesome music that you will enjoy listening to. DeezerDeezer is the French-based service which is one of the largest and very popular music recommendation search engine. 8Tracks awesome site, with integration! Mog The Most Sophisticated, User-Friendly Music Player on the Web. Clown Basket ClownBasket is the songwriter’s forum to share their own original music with the world. so here is a way for you to get your original music out there! My Band Stock My Band Stock is a type of fan funding tools, where artists raise money from their fan base to record music. ReverbnationReverbnation is huge site.

Views: Adapt or Decline In a faraway colony, one in a thousand people -- mostly young, rich, white men -- are sent to live in isolated, rural Christian communes. Some are pious, learned, ambitious; others are unruly younger sons with no other prospects. The students spend hours every day in chapel; every few years, the entire community is seized by a several-days-long religious revival. They also get into lots of trouble. This was the typical 18th century American college, loosely modeled on England’s Oxford and Cambridge, which date to the 13th century. For universities, history is authority. Surveying the history of American colleges and universities with a jaundiced eye convinces me that many aspects of the current so-called crisis in higher education are actually just characteristics of the institution. Still, the United States does seem to have reached an impasse today, given escalating demand for higher education, spiraling costs, and limited resources. Open educational content is just the beginning. 1.

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