Reported speech 1 In reported speech the tenses, word-order and pronouns may be different from the original sentence. Reported speech (1) When we report someone’s words we can do it in two ways. We can use direct speech with quotation marks (“I work in a bank”), or we can use reported speech (He said he worked in a bank.) In reported speech the tenses, word-order and pronouns may be different from those in the original sentence. Present simple and present continuous tenses Direct speech: “I travel a lot in my job” Reported speech: He said that he travelled a lot in his job. The present simple tense (I travel) usually changes to the past simple (he travelled) in reported speech. Direct speech: “Be quiet. The present continuous usually changes to the past continuous. “I work in Italy” Reported speech: He told me that he works in Italy. It isn’t always necessary to change the tense. Past simple and past continuous tenses Direct speech: “We lived in China for 5 years.” Perfect tenses
Infinitive and Gerund Exercises and Tests on Infinitive and Gerund There are certain words in English that are usually followed by an infinitive or gerund. If you are not sure whether to use the infinitive or gerund, check out our lists or look the words up in a dictionary. Infinitive Use Certain words are followed by an infinite verb with or without ‘to’. Gerund Form ing form of the verb Exceptions in Spelling See → Present Progressive – Exceptions Certain words are followed by an Ing-Form. Words followed either by Infinitive or Ing-Form Exercises and Tests Infinitive Gerund Infinitive / Gerund Tests on Infinitive and Gerund Level 1 • Level 2 • Level 3 • Level 4
Reporting Verbs for Advanced Level ESL Learners and Classes When using reported speech, most students learn to use "say" and "tell": Examples: John told me he was going to stay late at work. Peter said he wanted to visit his parents that weekend. These forms are perfectly correct for reporting what others have said. For more information on reported speech, this overview of reported speech provides a guide on which transformations are required to use the form. Related Grammar Basic Reported (Indirect) Speech Indirect Speech Transformations Quiz 1 Indirect Speech Transformations Quiz 2 More Grammar Reference
style indirect lesson and exercises Le style indirect donne les moyens de rapporter les paroles de quelqu'un en insistant sur les faits objectifs, en se détachant des émotions du moment où les paroles ont été prononcées. Cours sur le style indirect en anglais - reported speech Le style indirect sert à rapporter les paroles de quelqu'un.En anglais, comme en français, il faut penser à transformer les personnes, les expressions de temps et de lieu et les conjugaisons. La carte mentale de cours va vous aider à ne rien oublier ! Cours sur le style indirect en anglais (carte mentale créée par Agnès Pihuit Imbert / Said is dead... Exercices et jeux sur le discours indirect anglais Exercice interactif : pour s'entrainer aux conjugaisons, choisir la bonne solution (a4ESL) Exercice interactif sur le style indirect en anglais : associer chaque phrase au style indirect à celle qui lui correspond au style direct (englishgrammarsecrets)
The Syrian Refugee Crisis Explained Perfectly With a Simple Animation & Video In September 2015, the body of a three-year-old Syrian boy was found floating on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Photographs of the boy were quick to get circulated world over, and the world responded with a massive outcry over the Syrian civil war and refugee crisis. This was the first time the Syrian crisis was globally recognised as a burning issue, and one that needs to be addressed with utmost urgency. This video, by In a Nutshell , speaks about how the Syrian crisis is an international issue, and how it all started with countrywide unrest and the civil war in Syria. Apart from the succinct explanation of the overarching issue, the video also explains the role of the neighbouring countries in aiding and giving asylum to refugees in their greatest hour of need. Watch this video to get a better understanding of the larger Syrian issue and learn about what measures we can take to offer help to the affected people. Video created by In a Nutshell .
Wh- Question Clauses – Reported / Indirect Speech Restate a question within a clause (reported speech) Quoted Questions vs. Restated Questions Wh-question: Who, What, Where, Why, When and How The main clause (matrix clause) is the independent clause and the subordinate clause (embedded clause) is the dependent clause. In reported speech, no additional punctuation (quotation marks, comma, or question mark) is used. Ask Synonyms ask (V) – request information → My father always asks how I am doing. Also see Said Synonyms. Adjustments Word Order / Person & Number ¹subordinate marker – who, what, where, why, when, how perspective (N) – point of view; how someone relates to surroundings: person (you, i we); place (here, there); time (now, then); direction (coming, going) See deixis. Time / Location ¹subordinate marker– who, what, where, why, when, how ²direction: change coming to going if both speaker and listener do not share a location Adjusting Perspective (deixis) Adjusting Perspective Deictic words Person Deixis Time and Place Deixis Advanced
REPORTED SPEECH - Teacher Letang On emploie le discours indirect pour rapporter les paroles de quelqu'un. Les temps se transforment généralement de la même manière en anglais qu'en français. Après un verbe au présent (she says par exemple), les temps ne changent pas: "Chloé is happy."> He says Chloé is happy. Lorsqu'on passe du discours direct au discours indirect, il faut penser à modifier les expressions de temps : While You Were Sleeping: Reported Speech This a very funny scene. Your students will enjoy it a lot. Tell me if you like it or give suggestions by leaving a comment, please. Before you watch the segment:Talk to a partner about the following situations. Decide what you would do: 1) What would you do if you saw someone falling on the subway tracks? 2) If you saved someone's life, would you expect a financial reward? 3) Would you hide a secret in order not to hurt a stranger's feelings? Now watch the movie segment and decide who said each of the following lines:Lucy (Sandra Bullock) A Doctor A Nurse A Police Officer1) Will you marry me? 2) Are you okay? 3) There’s a train coming and it’s fast 4) Are you family? 5) She’s his fiancee 6) I need to ask you a few questions 7) He is in a coma 8) He was pushed from the platform at the train station 9) She jumped on the tracks 10) She saved his life. _____________________________ Now rewrite the sentences, using reported speech: EX: 1) Lucy asked if he would marry her. 2) Lucy asked if he was okay.
Reported Speech Click here for a list of reported speech exercises.Click here to download this explanation in PDF. Reported Statements When do we use reported speech? Watch my reported speech video: Here's how it works: We use a 'reporting verb' like 'say' or 'tell'. Direct speech: I like ice cream.Reported speech: She says (that) she likes ice cream. We don't need to change the tense, though probably we do need to change the 'person' from 'I' to 'she', for example. (As I'm sure you know, often, we can choose if we want to use 'that' or not in English. But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech: Direct speech: I like ice cream.Reported speech: She said (that) she liked ice cream. * doesn't change. Occasionally, we don't need to change the present tense into the past if the information in direct speech is still true (but this is only for things which are general facts, and even then usually we like to change the tense): Reported Questions
Reported speech | Exercises Complete the sentences in the reported speech test. "I admire you." - She said she admired me. Reported speech exercises Online exercises with answers and grammar rules. Reported speech worksheets PDF PDF exercises with answer keys. English grammar PDF grammar rules with examples. For intermediate and advanced learners of English. top Complete the sentences in the reported speech test. "I admire you." - She said she admired me. Reported speech exercises Online exercises with answers and grammar rules. Reported speech worksheets PDF PDF exercises with answer keys. English grammar PDF grammar rules with examples. For intermediate and advanced learners of English. top