Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement What Is ACTA? The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is an agreement to create new global intellectual property (IP) enforcement standards that go beyond current international law, shifting the discussion from more democratic multilateral forums, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), to secret regional negotiations. Through ACTA, the US aims to hand over increased authority to enforcement agencies to act on their own initiative, to seize any goods that are related to infringement activities (including domain names), criminalize circumvention of digital security technologies, and address piracy on digital networks. ACTA was negotiated from 2007 through 2010 by the US, the EU, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Singapore, Morocco, Japan, and South Korea. Eight out of the eleven negotiating countries signed the agreement in October 2011. Why Should You Care About It? Provisions of ACTA What’s Next?
TorrentNews pour le partage, la culture et l'info pour tous, loin des cancans du business The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient bittorrent site The Virtual Bay So, first we ditched the trackers. We even got rid of the torrents. Then we left the servers to enter the clouds. Now, we're about to take the biggest step in our history. As piracy is about to change from sharing of files into the sharing of everything, we're planning our departure from this earthly form. No, this is no longer science fiction. In cooperation with russian, israeli and japanese neuro scientists, we are developing a device that will embrace your entire mind. Using a simple plugin into the the brain, you will no longer only be able to see and hear a movie, a game or whatever it is you want. Using your brain power and nervous system, we will be able to speed things up. Forget about the outside world. The Virtual Bay - 12/13/14 New domain again This time it's New domain, and soon we'll switch again! We are now at but that won't last for long, we'll soon be on our way to the next. PirateBrowser - No more censorship! Happy X!
Just Say 'No' to ACTA Privacy Policy Last modified: November 11, 2011 This Privacy Policy is continually under review to ensure your privacy and security. This website, (the “Site”) is operated by Access (“We” or “Us”). We strongly believe that you have the right to control the use of your personal information and that your privacy must be respected. In this policy, "Access" refers to Access staff, board members, cooperating attorneys, interns, volunteers, and consultants, all of whom are bound by law or contract to keep information they receive as part of their assistance to Access confidential. Collection of Information When you are on the Access website and are asked for personal information, you are sharing that information with Access alone, unless stated otherwise. When you make a donation online, Access collects a variety of information about you including your first name, last name, address, city, state/region/province, zip/postal code, country, and email address. Cookies
52011DC0287 3.1. Réforme du système européen des brevets et mesures d’accompagnement 9 3.1.1. Une protection par brevet unitaire 9 3.1.2. Un système unifié pour le règlement des litiges en matière de brevets 10 3.1.3. 3.2. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.3.5. 3.3.6. 3.3.7. 3.3.8. 3.4. 3.4.1. 3.4.2. 3.5. 3.5.1. 3.5.2. 3.5.3. 3.6. 3.6.1. 3.6.2. 3.6.3. La mise en place d’un marché unique pleinement intégré pour les droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI) représente l’un des moyens les plus concrets de libérer le potentiel d’innovation et de créativité de l’Europe et de lui permettre de convertir les idées en croissance économique et en emplois de qualité. Les droits de propriété intellectuelle incluent les droits de propriété industrielle, tels que les brevets, marques, dessins et indications géographiques, les droits d’auteur et les droits voisins. La galaxie des droits de propriété intellectuelle [pic] Tout le monde s’accorde à le reconnaître: les DPI sont un atout manifeste pour l’économie européenne
El sistema operativo GNU ACTA: The new threat to the net 2,008,307 have signed. Help us get to our new target of 3,000,000 Update: 10 February 2012 Amazing! Posted: 25 January 2012 Last week, 3 million of us beat back America's attack on our Internet! ACTA - a global treaty - could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Europe is deciding right now whether to ratify ACTA -- and without them, this global attack on Internet freedom will collapse. It's outrageous -- governments of four fifths of the world’s people were excluded from the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) negotiations and unelected bureaucrats have worked closely with corporate lobbyists to craft new rules and a dangerously powerful enforcement regime. The oppressively strict regulations could mean people everywhere are punished for simple acts such as sharing a newspaper article or uploading a video of a party where copyrighted music is played. Big corporate interests are pushing hard for this, but the EU Parliament stands in the way.
52011PC0380 1. L’ACAC a pour objectif d’établir un cadre international complet qui soutiendra l’UE dans ses efforts pour lutter efficacement contre la violation des droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI). Cette violation mine le commerce légitime et la compétitivité de l’UE, ce qui entraîne des conséquences négatives sur la croissance et l’emploi. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Proposition de relative à la conclusion de l’accord commercial anti-contrefaçon entre l’Union européenne et ses États membres, l’Australie, le Canada, la République de Corée, les États-Unis d’Amérique, le Japon, le Royaume du Maroc, les États-Unis mexicains, la Nouvelle-Zélande, la République de Singapour et la Confédération suisse vu le traité sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne, et notamment son article 207, paragraphe 4, premier alinéa, en liaison avec son article 218, paragraphe 6, point a) v), vu la proposition de la Commission européenne, vu l’approbation du Parlement européen[1], considérant ce qui suit: Article premier 1. 2.
ACTA ignites concerns about threat to Internet freedom BERLIN – Braving subzero temperatures, hundreds of thousands of Europeans across the continent took to the streets Saturday, protesting an international trade agreement many say will overrule democratic institutions, jeopardize civil liberties and stifle technological innovation. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is designed to put in place international standards to protect intellectual property rights. But some lawyers say it forces private companies to police cybertraffic — and across the globe the treaty is being seen as a serious threat to Internet freedom. "It's becoming an issue of citizens' power," said David Hammerstein, senior adviser on intellectual property for Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, an umbrella consumer rights organization in Brussels. "The front lines of the defense of civil rights today is the defense of an open, free Internet and that (is what ACTA threatens.)" The European Parliament still needs to sign off on the treaty by June.