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Our world is changing so quickly that we can only begin to imagine what the future will hold. But we are failing to teach our kids the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s world. So how will we prepare them for jobs that haven’t even been invented yet? The real work of a 21st century education is to spark the passion for lifelong learning that our kids will need to navigate their way to a promising tomorrow. The education crisis is a crisis of engagement and it is putting our society’s future at risk. Percent of people who report feeling engaged in school or work Sources: Gallup Student Poll, 2012; Gallup, State of the Global Workplace, 2013. It’s time for us to talk about making school more relevant to the lives of students today—to nurture the natural love of learning that will engage them today and empower them tomorrow. Institute of Play Quest to Learn is still young, but the benefits of the Quest model are already clear. You can help support tools and programs like: Related:  icdlbake

Free Resources to Learn Electrical Engineering: Online Courses, Videos, More… Whether you are a high school student looking forward to graduating and moving on to a career in electrical engineering or someone looking to go back and study a different field than the one in which you currently work, it can be difficult to find programs and courses suited to your needs that also are affordable. Well, thanks to the internet, partnerships between higher education institutions and open courseware providers, and new licensing guidelines, it is possible to learn electrical engineering online. And, in this case, we decided to sweeten the deal and scour the internet for the most reputable, reliable sources of information on electrical engineering that just so happen to be free. To make our list, the resources had to be from experts with years of experience, top universities, and/or leading authorities in electrical engineering. This guide was developed by Pannam Imaging, membrane switch technologies 1. Key Topics: 2. MAKE magazine is on YouTube, bringing DIY to technology.

Laser Cutting Machine, CNC Laser Cutter, Desktop Laser Cutter - CTR Lasers There are three important points to consider when purchasing a laser machine system... What is your primary use? Cutting or engraving? Not all laser machine manufacturers differentiate between these two operations. Our CO2 (DC and RF) laser machines can perform both of these tasks. The difference between laser cutting systems and engraving is in the optics and power which are subtly tuned for the specific task the machine is designed for. CTR's 50W to 80W laser engraving machines are optomised for engraving, with a different focal length lens to give a sharper focus for very fine detail. Which materials are you looking to process? Generally, the harder the material, the greater the power of laser required for a given task. The best way to get answers is to send us a sample of the material you wish to process, along with details regarding your aim. What size of sheet material will you use for your job? This is more straight-forward. The choice of machine shouldn't be made on budget alone!

laser engraving machines laser cutting machines, HPC laser LTD Laser Cutting and Engraving Machines - Flat bed laser cutting machines from CadCam Technology The GraphixScan range are high speed galvo laser engraving machines. They can laser engrave images, text, logos and textures on finished items or raw materials including leather, wood, acrylic, other plastics or man-made and natural fabrics, it can even change the colour and texture of some surfaces. Laser engrave and cut in one process and all this on a continuously moving bed. You have to see it to believe it. Many industrial sectors are realising the benefits of incorporating the production capabilities and versatility of the GraphixScan high speed galvo laser engraving machines, and with engraving speeds of upto 20,000 mm/s you can see why. Your chosen design is reproduced with perfect precision every time, these laser engraving machines controlled by our advanced laser marking software give total control of speed and power, which also allows the GraphixScan to laser engrave and cut to precise depths at lightning speeds. Call us for more details on the ultimate laser engraving machine.

Tweet sentiment to LED using Node-RED - LightBlue Bean enableAdvertising example Open your terminal. Navigate to your Node-RED folder and type node red Go to in your browser. Double click the Bean LED node and click on the pen to edit the Bean settings. Phantom 3 Standard - Official DJI Store How is the Phantom 3 Standard different from the Phantom 3 Professional/Advanced? The Phantom 3 Standard is the most streamlined addition to the Phantom 3 series. It connects to the DJI GO app over WiFi and has a 2.7K video camera. How is the Phantom 3 Standard different from the Phantom 2 Vision or Vision+? The Phantom 3 Standard is a significant upgrade over the Phantom 2 Vision and Vision+ with an enhanced camera, fully integrated remote, compatibility with the DJI GO app, updated flight controller, live HD view, and increased flight range. Where can I get the DJI GO app? The DJI GO app is free to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play*. How do I connect to the DJI GO app? The Phantom 3 Standard connects to the DJI GO app on your mobile device via its own WiFi network. What do the switches on the top of the remote controller do? These switches are called the S1 and S2 switches. Can I remove the camera and attach my own? No. What is the range on my Phantom 3 Standard? No. No.

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