Atom Smashers Error Message Generator Do not link directly to the image! No Hot-Linking! Your link will not work! Feel free to copy this image and use it on your own web site, and please link back to here. No signs were harmed during the production of this web page; IANAL; void where prohibited; subject to change with or without notice; all information provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness are disclaimed; no other warranty expressed or implied; this is not an offer to sell securities; use only in well-ventilated area; keep away from fire or flame; not recommended for children; this supersedes all previous notices; no Microsoft(tm) products were used during the making of this web page or any images contained herein; all trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. Be the first to find out when new generators are posted! Do you have an idea for a message generator? This is so cool!
50 Best Free Tools To Create Perfect Color Combinations @ Smashi A good color combination has the tendency to communicate with the users and let them perceive the design in the correct way. That is the basic reason why you need to pick the right color for your design. So, here we are bringing 50 varieties of useful and valuable color tools that would help you choosing the right color palettes for your designs. You are welcome to share more color tools and resources which our readers/viewers may like. Color Scheme Designer Color Scheme Designer is a brand new interface, as well as the engine, all rewritten from the scratch. The Color Wizard The Color Wizard is a color matching application for anyone who wants to create designs with great looking colors. Contrast-A: Find Accessible Color Combinations The application allows users to experiment with color combinations, examine them under the aspect of accessibility guidelines and to create custom color palettes. Kuler The web-hosted application for generating color themes that can inspire any project. Kolur
10 Useful Web Apps for Designers DesignWoop welcomes this guest post by Tomas Laurinavicius. Since the iPhone and iPad entered the market you can hear lots of news about apps for these devices. Tons of apps available today and you can find everything you want. But today I would like to share 10 handy web-based apps for designers. To use these apps you don’t need to buy an iPhone or iPad, you can use them without any additional software or device, you just need a web browser. In this collection I’ve picked 10 useful and time-saving web apps for designers. Invoice Bubble Invoice Bubble is free invoice software that lets you create an invoice and send to your client in seconds. Gridulator Tell Gridulator your layout width and the number of columns you want, and it’ll spit back all the possible grids that have nice, round integers. Browize Useful tool for resizing current browser window size to set or custom resolutions. Screenr Screenr is a web-based tool that lets you create screencasts without installing any software. Kuler
Dont Pay for Technology: 25 Freebies for Students Jun 29, 2009 In today's economic climate, paying for technology isn't prudent, and for some students, it isn't even an option. Fortunately, there are plenty of freebies on the web that can help with document creation, research, writing, storage, collaboration, studying and more. Here are 25 free web apps and software programs that may be useful to students. Document Creation Zoho Office - Zoho Office is an amazing suite of web-based productivity and collaboration tools. Research and Writing Schoolr - This meta search engine combines other academic search engines to make research faster and more efficient for students. Online Storage and Collaboration ADrive - Offering more than 50 GB of free storage, ADrive is one of the best places to upload and store files online. Study Help and Web-Based Learning Mindpicnic - Mindpicnic is helping to revolutionize the way students learn by providing free courses and study materials online. Miscellaneous Tech Tools
create your personal landing page &contact hub - StumbleUpon pixelhub By signing in you accept our privacy & legal notice. Please enter the email address you signed up with. Tell your friends: DooID user? pixelhubHomeWhat is .Pixelhub? © dooid 2014 | generating site … takes less than 5 minutes easy content publishing automated social media updates Easily build a beautiful website. Your website. What is .Pixelhub? Pixelhub is a plug 'n play website builder that allows you to create a crisp, stylish website that is super-easy to edit and almost impossible to mess up. "Pixelhub is different from other website creation applications because the platform encourages its users to build websites that are a reflection of their inner personalities." - Featured in: Check out some Personal Websites built with .Pixelhub: & Designer, Mexico City, MX & Designer, Poznan, Poland derrickmendez.comDental Student, Alabama, USA Specialist, Budapest, Hungary use your own domain name (?)
YouTube Toolbox: 100+ Tools and Resources to Enhance Your Video Experience YouTube is still the undisputed king of video sharing on the web, so it only makes sense that there would be a slew of tricks and tools for it. From Adobe AIR applications that let you download videos to Firefox extensions that protect you from RickRolls, and much more, here are over 100 tools and resources to help you enhance your video experience. Have a favorite? Adobe AIR Applications Sometimes you just want to get out of the browser environment, and Adobe AIR apps offer a viable solution with many of the same features you enjoy in the browser. DeskTube - A social YouTube viewer that allows you to send links to friends to open their DeskTube, tweet what you are watching along with a link, and more. MyYouTube - Play or download videos from YouTube, create playlists, manage your collection and more. YouTube Video Widget works Online and Offline - An application designed with mobile devices in mind. Alternative Viewing Methods Firefox Extensions Is there anything Firefox can't do? Tools
Binary - it's digitalicious! How binary works: The binary number system (aka base 2) represents values using two symbols, typically 0 and 1. Computers call these bits. A bit is either off (0) or on (1). When arranged in sets of 8 bits (1 byte) 256 values can be represented (0-255). Using an ASCII chart, these values can be mapped to characters and text can be stored. See also:Hex | Octal Please note: This application only encodes and decodes 8-bit ASCII text and is for entertainment purposes only.
create your own font from your handwriting | Ask The Admin This is a cool little 10-15 minute activity that will keep on giving back to you for years to come. That’s right add that final customizing touch to your Windows, Linux or Mac machine – Your handwriting as a font! With some free time a visit to a website called, a scanner and a printer you can create a font for use in any application on your computer. To me this sounded way too cool to pass up. The template looks like this: You print it out and add your letters to each corresponding box. So if you just wanted to have a font contain numbers, letters or characters just fill in those. I was pretty excited, I grabbed a sharpie and went to work on my page. Now I messed around with the scanning properties and decided to use the grey scale you see above at 200dpi. Most scanning programs can save as for you. They ask you for your file and to name your font and add a copyright line to the file as you can see below: You hit that download your font now button to do just that.
50 aplicaciones para obtener datos de Twitter En honeytechblog.comhan publicado una enorme lista de aplicaciones, muchas de las cuales ya habían aparecido por la categoría de Twitter, que nos permiten obtener datos estadísticos sobre cualquier cuenta de twitter: frecuencia de actualización, palabras más comunes, seguidores, seguidos, etc. así como mostrar informaciones específicas sobre palabras clave. Por Juan Diego Polo el 09/12/2009 (cc) 2005-2010 Algunos derechos reservados con licencia Creative Commons With over 70 Million users on Twitter, it is definitely the “buzz” word of the year. Yet there are people who do not know about tracking and analyzing their stats, influence and success on Twitter. Today there are many social media tracking and analytics tools available that can track your performance on social media sites like twitter. These tools are essentially tweet analyzing software that assists a company/individual with various kind of analysis including sentiment, behavioral and other analysis. 2.Twitteranalyzer 3. 4. 5.