Better Writing Through Writing About Writing | Brain Hacks for Writers My life is fairly crammed, and writing time is hard to come by. Today I got one of those precious blocks of time in which I could write for several hours almost without interruption, yet as I fired up the computer, I felt not excited about the prospect, but worried and on edge. I also felt a little unsure: I had several projects I could be working on and was waffling on which one to choose. I could have just plunged in and begun working on whatever seemed easiest, most obvious, or most attractive, and if I got deeply enough into the writing that I achieved flow, that might have gone well. So instead of starting by writing, I started by writing down my thoughts about writing. Just writing freely about problems is a good approach, but it can be especially effective to write to a specific purpose. Luc Reid is a Writers of the Future winner whose fiction and nonfiction have also appeared in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Abyss & Apex, and other venues. Be Sociable, Share!
The Welsh Piper » Medieval Demographics Online An automated tool for creating fantasy populations (with offline version, too) This tool lets you generate figures for populating low-fantasy kingdoms and settlements. Instructions are included in Low-fantasy Populations article, also included in the offline download below. Use the drop-down menus and input fields in the form below to generate realistic population numbers for any low fantasy setting. <p><strong>We've hit a snag... Original codebase drawn from The Domesday Book by Brandon Blackmoor, based on Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. Low Fantasy Population Generator (offline version)
Branches of Power Do you like running things? Do something that no one else can: control all three branches of the U.S. government. Our new Branches of Power gives you the ability to introduce presidential agendas, write legislation, sign or veto bills, and even judge passed laws. That’s a lot to juggle, so don’t let all the power go to your head! In Branches of Power you: Pick leaders for each branch of governmentCreate a presidential agendaIntroduce bills and pass laws out of CongressApply judicial review to passed laws For English and Multilingual Learners: Use the support tool, Spanish translation, voiceover and glossary. Are you an educator?
Emergency writing motivation techniques | Brain Hacks for Writers If you want to write right now but just don’t feel motivated, here are some immediate ways to get fired up. Any one of them might do the trick: pick whichever seems most likely or appealing and give it a try. If it doesn’t get you right on track, try another one. No self-motivation trick is sure-fire, and we often tend to feel that if we’re not motivated now, there’s no way to get motivated, but there’s strong evidence in psychological and neurological research that we can change our moods, focus, and motivation–in fact, our emotional and motivational states can change very quickly, given the right setup. [image by gruntzooki] Keep in mind that just reading this list isn’t going to motivate you—it’s doing one or more of the things this section describes that will make the change. Get a little exercise. If something’s bothering you, fix your thoughts. Visualize a result you like. Just start typing. Meditate. Why did you decide to write this piece? Write it out. Find inspiration.
Worldseeder | Building story worlds that are seeded with inspiration and conflict The Good, The Bad, and The Player: The Challenges to Moral Engagement in Single-Player Avatar-Based Video Games | Jaroslav Švelch The Good, The Bad, and The Player He revisited Knights of The Old Republic , a 2003role-playing video game designed by the Canadiancompany Bioware and set in the Star Wars uni-verse. Towards Mecca gaming blog reminds us, games—even thesame games that make certain people sad—can be played in a calculating, ruthless, emotionless way(see Sicart, 2009). Grand Theft Auto series without giving the slightestthought to ethics.In Walker’s case, we can observe a certaindegree of moral engagement , which is lackingin Osama’s account.
What cannabis actually does to your brain Like with all herbal remedies, they are just as serious as man-made meds but weed won't put a rational person in a psych ward. Yes, it can. I've seen it happen. [] [] Apparently there's a genetic marker that can cause an otherwise healthy, if sensitive person, to undergo a psychotic break with the overuse of marijuana. Ok, out of the millions upon millions of people who have used marijuana, how many do you know in a psych ward? If you are referring to folks who overuse, like alcoholics, drug addicts, quadruple espresso drinkers, pack of smokes a day smokers, or 10 hr internet surfers, then you are referring to individuals with problems....not a problematic substance. I agree genetically altering marijuana to be over stuffed with THC is bad, but a natural, untampered plant with it's original levels of THC is fine. I just ask, please stop blaming the marijuana. Holy crap man, quit with the hyperbole.
Childrens Story Posters | Square Inch Design Blog Classic Children’s Stories Vol. 1 Also available without text Related Work / Peter Pan Beauty & the Beast Jack & the Beanstalk Gulliver’s Travels The Little Mermaid Sleeping Beauty Chicken Little The Frog Prince Cinderella The Emperor’s New Clothes Enter your email address to subscribe to my blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Follow me on Twitter My Tweets Recent Posts © 2014 Sinch Art & Design. ©2013 SInch - All Rights Reserved - Sinch is the intellectual property of Square Inch Design. 10th Anniversary Games for Change Festival Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your message or comments. Please enter the code as shown on the image. Please select the date you would like to attend. Please enter a valid email address in the To: field. Please enter a subject for your message. Please enter a message. You can only send this invitations to 10 email addresses at a time. $$$$ is not a properly formatted color. Please limit your message to $$$$ characters. $$$$ is not a valid email address. Please enter a promotional code. Sold Out Pending You have exceeded the time limit and your reservation has been released. The purpose of this time limit is to ensure that registration is available to as many people as possible. This option is not available anymore. Please read and accept the waiver. All fields marked with * are required. US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits.