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VocabSushi: The better way to build your vocabulary

VocabSushi: The better way to build your vocabulary

Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests Online Unit 1 Esta semana os ofrecemos la primera entrega de nuestro curso gratuito para la preparación del PET (Preliminary English Test) de de Cambridge. Este examen consta de 3 partes: PAPER 1: AND WRITING (1 hora 30 minutos) 1 - Reading (compuesta de 5 secciones y 35 preguntas): a) Three Option Multiple Choice (5 preguntas) b) Matching (5 preguntas) c) True / False (10 preguntas) d) Four Option Multiple Choice (5 preguntas) e) Four Option Multiple Choice Cloze (10 preguntas) 2- Writing, en la que deberemos completar las siguientes actividades: a) Sentence transformations (5 preguntas) b) Short Communicative Message (1 ejercicio) c) Longer Piece of Continuous Writing (1 ejercicio) PAPER 2: LISTENING (aproximadamente 30 minutos) Esta sección se compone de 4 partes. a) Multiple choice (short monologues or dialogues) b) Multiple choice (longer monologue or an interview) c) Gap-fill d) True / False PAPER 3: SPEAKING (10-12 minutos) Normalmente, esta parte se lleva a cabo por parejas y con dos examinadores Comenzamos. 1.

Praxis Ed Multiple Meaning Words Multiple Meaning Words Write or tell two sentences for each word below. Be sure to use the word as a noun in one sentence and as a verb in the other sentence. Click on a word to check your answers. Split Infinitives : Grammar Girl You may have heard a rule that you shouldn't split infinitives, but I'm here to tell you it's not a real rule, and the idea itself is based on a shaky foundation. What Are Infinitives? To understand split infinitives, we first have to clearly define the word “infinitive.” go sprinkle run split Full infinitives are made up of two words, usually putting the word “to” in front of the bare verb: to go to sprinkle to run to split What Is a Split Infinitive? The safest choice is to avoid splitting infinitives. A split infinitive puts an adverb between the two parts of the full infinitive. If you want to remember what a split infinitive is, just remember what might be the most famous example: Star Trek's “to boldly go where no one has gone before.” The Latin Origin of the Split Infinitive Rule Many sources say the origin of the misguided rule against splitting infinitives in English comes from a devotion to Latin that was prominent in the late 1800s. Should You Split Infinitives?

Grammar Test - B1 level PART TWO - GRAMMAR TEST - B1 LEVEL LANGUAGE AWARENESS TASK 1 – Read the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Grace Murray Hopper was a remarkable woman and a leader in the field of software development. English Vocabulary - Learn English Free - Learn English Vocabulary with Pictures Got it! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website More info Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Learn English Free Learn English Words Vocabulary Jargon Parlance Idioms Slang Words English Vocabulary Guide Vocabulary simply means words, and English vocabulary means lots and lots of words. Just think of English vocabulary as the bricks of the language, and to help you build up your vocabulary we have organised these pages using a thematic approach and used lots and lots of pictures and sounds to go with the words. Basic English Vocabulary The Alphabet Animals Colours Computers Days and Dates Greetings Nationalities and countries Numbers Seasons Shapes Time The weather The UK (Business English Basics) People - Appearances People - Families More English Vocabulary Buildings Clothes Education Food and Drink - Eating at Home Food and Drink - Eating Out Entertainment Food Football Around the House - Rooms in a house Human Body Jobs and Work - Professions Jobs and Work - Offices

Doing it Differently: Tips for Teaching Vocabulary Every Monday my seventh grade English teacher would have us copy a list of 25 words she'd written on the board. We'd then look up the dictionary definitions and copy those down. For homework, we'd re-write each word seven times. Good, now you know it. Test on Friday and never for those 25 words to be seen again. Poof. Copying definitions from the dictionary we would probably all agree is not an effective way to learn vocabulary. The truth is, and the research shows, students need multiple and various exposures to a word before they fully understand that word and can apply it. Selecting Words Ah, so many words, so little time. My first year teaching, before my tenth graders began reading Lord of the Flies, I went through every chapter and made lists of all the vocabulary words I thought they'd have trouble with, so that I could pre-teach them. When I looked at those long lists, I began to freak out. Then, here's what to do after the students pick their own words: Ranking Words Teaching Words

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100 Exquisite Adjectives By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives: Subscribe to Receive our Articles and Exercises via Email You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! 21 Responses to “100 Exquisite Adjectives” Rebecca Fantastic list!

Learn English If you're trying to learn English, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your English grammar. Below are our free English lessons. Enjoy our courses! English Lessons Information about English English belongs to the Indo-European family, Germanic group, West Germanic subgroup and is the official language of over 1.7 billion people. The words "England" and "English", come from the word, "Angles". We hope the lessons above helped you learn English. | Download free Fiction, Health, Romance and many more ebooks 45 ways to avoid using the word 'very' Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing. Good writers avoid peppering their writing with qualifiers like ‘very’ and ‘really’. They are known as padding or filler words and generally add little to your writing. According to Collins Dictionary: ‘Padding is unnecessary words or information used to make a piece of writing or a speech longer. Adding modifiers, qualifiers, and unnecessary adverbs and adjectives, weakens your writing. This post gives you 45 ways to avoid using the padding word ‘very’. Three Telling Quotes About ‘Very’ “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. If you enjoyed this, you will love: Top Tip: If you want to learn how to write a book, sign up for our online course. by Amanda Patterson © Amanda Patterson
