L'insecte, cru ou cuit, est l'avenir de l'homme La Thaïlande montre le chemin. Le pays est champion du monde de la consommation d'insectes. Or, la nourriture de demain pourrait être exclusivement composée d'insectes riches en protéines et dont l'élevage impacte peu l'écosystème. Hannetons grillés? Bien moins gourmands en tout cas que les bovins, les insectes possèdent un excellent ratio entre nourriture consommée et protéines issues de leur consommation. En Thaïlande, en tout cas, les insectes se dégustent sans modération.
Vegetable Plant Families – Using Family Names Of Vegetables For Rotating Crops By Kristi Waterworth Crop rotation is a common practice in the home garden, giving vegetable family-specific diseases time to die out before reintroducing families back into the same area of the garden years later. Gardeners with limited space may simply divide up their garden plot into three or four sections and rotate plant families around the garden, while others have separate plots they use for vegetable family crop rotation. It can be hard to know which vegetables belong to the different vegetable families just from looking at them, but understanding the major vegetable plant families will make the task a little less daunting. The following vegetable families list will help get you started with appropriate vegetable family crop rotation: Solanaceae – The nightshade family is perhaps the most commonly represented group in most home gardens. Fabaceae – The legumes are a large family, important to many gardeners as nitrogen fixers.
Feeding the world: oh not organic Daring talk by agriculture expert Louise Fresco, who has the guts to break the organic trance of the fashionably-natural-farmers-market people at TED. During her talk she is holding up two loaves, one in each hand: Wonder Bread, and artisian whole meal bread. Fresco says that we feel whole meal bread is more real, more honest, more authentic. “Why do we feel that whole meal bread has these attributes? “200 years ago we had industrial revolution. “You may prefer the artisanal bread, but don’t despise the white bread. “As food became plentiful it also meant we were able to decrease the number of people working in agriculture. Via BoingBoing.
Planter les épluchures et restes de légumes pour les faire repousser Chaque année, plusieurs millions de tonnes de gaspillage alimentaire sont générés, et seulement 3 % de ce gâchis est détourné vers le compostage. Les déchets alimentaires sont vite expédiés aux ordures, or il existe de nombreux légumes et fruits capables de se re-développer grâce à leurs propres restes. En effet, faire repousser des légumes à partir de leurs épluchures ou restes peut sembler étonnant voire même surréaliste, pourtant c’est toute à fait possible ! De plus, cette astuce écolo, vous permettra aussi d’alléger sensiblement votre portefeuille. La laitue romaine : Coupez la partie de la laitue que vous comptez utiliser et laissez à peu près 5 cm à partir de la base de la plante. L’oignon : C’est un autre légume facilement cultivable à partir de ses restes. La carotte : Il n’est pas possible de cultiver des carottes à partir de restes de carottes, par contre vous pouvez faire pousser les feuilles de carottes. Sources : facon2parler.com, developpementdurable.com.
Meat the Truth From the author: Climate Change and Global Warming - yes I know, it's a hoax, it's a scam and designed to keep us in fear and implement a Carbon Tax, as if we aren't already taxed to death. This video discusses an issue that is almost always overlooked when officials and science discuss climate. What about the 90 BILLION animals raised for food production. The energy to grow their food, to feed them, to transport them, to slaughter and finally to your local grocer in the form of packaged flesh OR prepared / frozen meals and various by-products. Let's not forget these billions of beings produce massive amounts of feces and urine and it has to go somewhere. Negative health issues aside, this practice most certainly contributes to wide scale pollution and contamination of our air, water and land. The documentary Meat the Truth is the first major project undertaken by the Nicolaas G. Watch the full documentary now -
Forêt comestible Un article de Ékopédia, l'encyclopédie pratique. La forêt comestible est un agrosystème complexe créé par l'homme, tendant à imiter un écosystème forestier naturel en associant une large diversité de plantes utiles. La permaculture cherche à développer ce type de système, potentiellement très productif et beaucoup plus résilient qu'un système simple. L'écosystème forestier, source d'inspiration de la forêt comestible Observation de l'écosystème forestier La mise en comparaison d'un écosystème naturel complexe de type forestier et d'un système cultivé, aussi productif soit-il, montre généralement que le premier est le plus fertile. La forêt comestible tend vers cette complexité et cette diversité : l'empilement de différentes strates de végétation reproduisant les strates forestières est alors recherchée. Les strates de la forêt comestible Plusieurs strates de végétation sont identifiées dans l'écosystème forestier : Créer une forêt comestible Analyse préalable du milieu Choix des espèces
Insect Sex-Ed If you’ve ever wondered how an earthworm or a barnacle has sex, you’ve probably never thought to ask Isabella Rossellini. But she knows. And you can even watch her demonstrate it – in a series of short films Rossellini has developed and starred in for the Sundance Channel, entitled ‘Green Porno’. I admit, when I received a copy of the accompanying catalogue to ‘Green Porno’ recently – which looked like the kind of children’s book you might find in a museum shop and featured a photograph of Rossellini on the cover cuddling up to a giant shrimp made of construction paper – I dismissed her, and the project, as crazy. And she still, in fact, might be. Each of Rossellini’s campy, instructional films is not much more than a minute long, and each stars Rossellini as some kind of insect or sea creature, dressed in a makeshift costume made of paper or other disposable materials. Christy Lange is contributing editor of frieze d/e and associate editor of frieze.
la forêt cueillie Que ce soit pour se nourrir, se soigner ou même se vêtir, l’homme a toujours trouvé au sein de la forêt un grand nombre de plantes pouvant répondre à ses besoins. La cueillette a pourtant évolué au cours du temps : sa place dans le quotidien de l’homme, les différentes espèces ramassées ainsi que leurs utilisations, n’ont pas toujours été les mêmes. La liste des végétaux ramassés par l’homme en forêt est très longue… © Ingrid Laromiguière / ONF La châtaigne a eu pendant longtemps la valeur du pain Durant toute la Préhistoire, l'alimentation de l'homme est basée sur la chasse, la pêche et la cueillette. A partir du Néolithique (environ - 5500 av. Les végétaux ramassés par l'homme pour se nourrir sont nombreux. De nombreuses plantes, herbacées ou ligneuses, sont aussi ramassées pour leurs feuilles et leurs fleurs, mais la plupart de ces cueillettes sont désormais tombées dans l'oubli : pulmonaire, cresson, raiponce, ortie, violette, oxalis, primevère, jeunes pousses de frêne et sapin...
10 Best Plants to Grow Indoors for Air Purification trueactivist.com | Most are naturally drawn to the outdoors for a period of quiet contemplation and/or a restful area to relax in. But often snowy weather, lack of time, or location can inhibit one’s time in the wilderness. Thankfully, it is easier than ever to introduce flora into one’s home. Plants grown indoors have a variety of benefits. Not only are they the ultimate in functional decorating, but some well-placed greenery can brighten a space, purify the air, and also create a more relaxing, restful ambiance. Reap the benefits nature can offer by adopting one (or more!) 1. Not only is the aloe plant readily available to soothe sunburns, stings, or cuts, it can also detoxify the body and is great for purifying the air. 2. According to NASA, English Ivy is the number one houseplant to grow indoors due to its incredible air filtering abilities. 3. If your green thumb is less developed, the rubber tree may be for you. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Additional Sources: Benefits of Being Outdoors
Size Of A Family Vegetable Garden - What Size Garden Will Feed A Family By Heather Rhoades Deciding how large a family vegetable garden will be means you need to take a few things in to consideration. How many members you have in your family, how much your family likes the vegetables you eat and how well you can store the excess vegetable crops you may have can all influence the size of a family vegetable garden. But you can make an estimate on what size garden will feed a family so that you can try to plant enough to enjoy all of your favorite vegetables all season long. Let’s look at the what size garden will feed a family. How to Grow a Garden for a Family The most important thing to consider when deciding how big your family garden should be is how many people in your family you need to feed. The next thing to decide when creating a family vegetable garden is what vegetables you will grow. Vegetable Garden Size for a Family Per Person This article was last updated on Did you find this helpful? Additional Help & Information Search for more information