BOINC : calculez pour la science
BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like SETI@home,, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, and many others. After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like. You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have the permission of its owner. Tested on the current Ubuntu distribution; may work on others. After downloading BOINC you must install it: typically this means double-clicking on the file icon when the download is finished. System requirements · Release notes · Help · All versions · Version history · GPU computing
GPU computing - BOINC
Most computers are equipped with a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) that handles their graphical output, including the 3-D animated graphics used in computer games. The computing power of GPUs has increased rapidly, and they are now often much faster than the computer's main processor, or CPU. Some BOINC-based projects have applications that run on GPUs. These applications run from 10X to 200X faster than the CPU-only version depending on the application, CPU and GPU in question. We urge BOINC participants to use them if possible. Check whether your computer has a capable GPU Note: Some projects may have additional requirements. Get the latest BOINC software Download and install the latest version of the BOINC software. Warning: On Windows do not install BOINC in Protected Access Execution (PAE) mode aka service mode (6.4.5 - 7.0.28) or Service Install mode (7.0.64 and above). Get the latest driver Run BOINC; In BOINC up till 6.10, look at the Messages. Projects with NVIDIA applications:
Twilight of the GPU?
If a new offering really works, it may substantially shrink the market for gaming consoles and high-end gamer PCs. Their demo runs Crysis – a game known to melt down extreme PCs – on a Dell Studio 15 with Intel's minimalist integrated graphics. Or on a Mac. Or a TV, with their little box for the controls. The market for Nvidia CUDA, Intel Larrabee, IBM Cell, AMD Fusion, are all impacted. And so much for cheap MFLOPS for HPC, riding on huge gamer GPU volumes. This game-changer – pun absolutely intended – is Onlive. What Onlive does seems kind of obvious: Run the game on a farm/cloud that hosts all the hairy graphics hardware, and stream compressed images back to the players' systems. Now, I'm sure some of you are saying "Been there, done that, doesn't work" because I left out something crucial: The client also must send user inputs back to the server, and the server must respond. That's where a huge potential hitch lies: Lag. Of course Onlive claims to have solved that problem. Lag
The Milky Way Project
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ATI Stream Computing: второе пришествие
В результате стремительного развития компьютерной отрасли графические процессоры (GPU) последних поколений превратились в мощнейшие вычислительные устройства. Производители игровых ускорителей настойчиво убеждают нас в том, что их современные разработки успешно справляются не только с обработкой графических данных, но и с любыми другими ресурсоёмкими задачами, которые хорошо поддаются распараллеливанию. Утверждается, что по сравнению с центральными процессорами (CPU) графические чипы в некоторых случаях могут демонстрировать в десятки раз большую производительность. Один из первых суперкомпьютеров Cray-1, построенный в 1975 году, позволял добиться суммарной вычислительной мощности около 0,0008 терафлопс. Особое внимание компания уделяет практической выгоде с точки зрения простого пользователя. Перейдём к самому интересному. Что касается других программных продуктов, адаптированных к технологии AMD, их число постоянно растёт.
Galaxy Zoo: Hubble