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PHP und UTF-8 – eine Anleitung, Teil 1: MySQL | Gerd Riesselmann: Notizen aus dem Moor Am Anfang der Serie über PHP und UTF-8 soll zunächst ein Abstecher zu MySQL stehen, schließlich ziehen die meisten PHP-Anwendungen ihre Daten aus einer MySQL-Datenbank. Und anders als man vielleicht annehmen würde, ist die Verwendung von UTF-8 mit MySQL alles andere als problemfrei - insbesondere reicht es nicht aus, Tabellen einfach als UTF-8 zu deklarieren! Das Gemeine an einer fehlerhaften Verwendung von UTF-8 im Zusammenspiel von PHP und MySQL ist, das diese nicht sofort auffällt. Hier ist ein Testcase. Starten Sie den MySQL-Client aus der Kommandozeile (nein – PHPMyAdmin, MySQL Query Browser oder andere Tools zählen nicht!) mysql -uroot -p[rootpasswort] --default-character-set=LATIN1 und geben Sie folgende Zeilen ein: Das erwartete Ergebnis ist natürlich eine Zeile, nämlich „aaa“ – wir erhalten jedoch zwei: „aaa“ und „üüü“! +--------+ | value | +--------+ | aaa | | üüü | +--------+ Wie kann das angehen? Der Grund liegt natürlich im Parameter --default-chararacter-set=LATIN1. Das wars.

Home Page of Jeremy Howard, Director of FastMail.FM Wie Sie Ihre Website von den WCAG 1.0 auf die WCAG 2.0 aktualisieren Einleitung Dieses Dokument gibt eine detaillierte Handlungsempfehlung für Designer, Entwickler und Projektleiter, die Websites von den WCAG 1.0 auf die WCAG 2.0 aktualisieren. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass viele Websites, die bereits die WCAG 1.0 erfüllen, wenige oder gar keine Änderungen benötigen, um die WCAG 2.0 zu erfüllen. Verwandtes WCAG 2.0-Material ist im Navigationsbereich dieser Seite aufgelistet. Anmerkung: Was wir in diesem Dokument als „Anforderungen“ bezeichnen, beinhaltet die Checkpunkte der WCAG 1.0 und die Erfolgskriterien der WCAG 2.0. Die Barrierefreiheit ist im Wesentlichen gleich WCAG 2.0 baut auf den WCAG 1.0 auf. Die Arbeit an der Barrierefreiheit, die Sie für WCAG 1.0 gemacht haben, ist hilfreich für die Erfüllung der WCAG 2.0. Die WCAG 2.0 sind kompatibel zu den WCAG 1.0; Sie können also Ihre Website aktualisieren, um damit sowohl die WCAG 1.0 als auch die WCAG 2.0 zu erfüllen. Priorisierung der Aktualisierungen Bestimmung Ihrer Konformitätsparameter

genomicsclass/labs Information flow part 2: Information and metadata | sys 64738 Honestly, metadata is really, really boring. But hey, metadata is extremely useful. Without good metadata, we can’t really solve the findability problems we have on our intranet. In order to give the right person, the right information, at the right time, at the right place and in the right way, we must use metadata extensively. Or to be more precise, we must use master metadata. In this post I’ll try to explain how we mandate the use of metadata without making it a barrier for publishing information. Important note: I’m foremost a practitioner and I prefer systems that solve problems in a pragmatic way. There are some problems… If it’s hard to add metadata to the information and it is mandatory to add it, then all publishers will simply use the first available metadata at hand in order to get past the mandatory metadata. But to any problem there is a solution… The most important thing is that it should be very easy to add metadata to any information. Tagging Any comments are very welcome.

Linux Magazine - Distribuciones, Software, Reseñas, DVD, KDE, Gnome, Redes, Administración de Sistemas, Seguridad, Cortafuegos The R programming language for programmers coming from other programming languages IntroductionAssignment and underscoreVariable name gotchasVectorsSequencesTypesBoolean operatorsListsMatricesMissing values and NaNsCommentsFunctionsScopeMisc.Other resources Ukrainian translation Other languages: Powered by Translate Introduction I have written software professionally in perhaps a dozen programming languages, and the hardest language for me to learn has been R. R is more than a programming language. This document is a work in progress. Assignment and underscore The assignment operator in R is <- as in e <- m*c^2. It is also possible, though uncommon, to reverse the arrow and put the receiving variable on the right, as in m*c^2 -> e. It is sometimes possible to use = for assignment, though I don't understand when this is and is not allowed. However, when supplying default function arguments or calling functions with named arguments, you must use the = operator and cannot use the arrow. At some time in the past R, or its ancestor S, used underscore as assignment. Vectors Sequences

Octave: el Matlab libre Artículo de Usemos Linux Octave: el Matlab libre GNU Octave es un lenguaje de alto nivel, incialmente pensado para la computación numérica. Octave proporciona una interfaz de línea de comandos para resolver problemas lineales y no lineales de manera numérica, y desarrollar otros experimentos numéricos utilizando para ello un lenguaje que en su mayoría es compatible con Matlab. También se puede utilizar como un lenguaje de lotes (batch-oriented language). Octave tiene una gran cantidad de herramientas para resolver problemas de álgebra numérica comunes, encontrar las soluciones de ecuaciones no lineales, realizar integrales de funciones ordinarias, manipular polinomios, e integrar ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias y ecuaciones diferenciales algebraicas. Detalles técnicos El lenguaje de Octave La sintaxis es similar a la utilizada en MATLAB.Es un lenguaje interpretado.No permite pasar argumentos por referencia. Varios enlaces externos de interés Instalación En Debian, Ubuntu, etc En Fedora: 1.

IE5/6 Doubled Float-Margin Bug - CSS fixes and workarounds What Goes Wrong With Float Margins in IE6 A coder innocently places a left float into a container box, and uses a left margin on the float to push it away from the left side of the container. Seems pretty simple, right? Thankfully, IE7 does not show this bug. The Way It Oughta Be The graphic below shows a simple div (tan box) containing a left-floated div (green box) . The Old IE "Doubletake" That exact same code when viewed in IE/Win is displayed in a slightly different way. Why is this happening? Important Points This bug only occurs when the float margin goes in the same direction as the float and is trapped directly between the float and the inside edge of the container box. At Last, A Fix! Steve Clason has discovered a fix, outlined in his Guest Demo, that fixes both this doubled margin bug and a weird text indent bug as well. So What Is It Already? In fact, you could just apply the Inline Fix to all floats if you like, since there are no known side-effects. Serendipity Well!

Downloads — Kepler Below are links to installers for Kepler users. Kepler developers may be interested in the Kepler Build System Instructions. Kepler 2.4 To install Kepler 2.4, select the appropriate installer for your operating system. To install on Windows, simply double click on the executable Kepler-2.4-win.exe to run the installer. On Mac OS X, mount the Kepler-2.4.dmg by double-clicking it and drag-and-drop Kepler-2.4 into the /Applications folder. On Linux, simply untar kepler-2.4-linux.tar.gz wherever you like and start Kepler with the script. Please note that installation of Java 1.6 or later is a prerequisite to run Kepler 2.4. Note: Because R is required for some common Kepler functionality, we recommend that users download, install, and add to your PATH R version 2.10.1 or greater from Past Releases Kepler 2.3 To install Kepler 2.3, select the appropriate installer for your operating system. Kepler 2.2 Kepler 2.1 The current version of Kepler is 2.1. Kepler 2.0

Using Dean Edwards IE7 Script The issue When Internet Explorer version 6 (IE6) was introduced in 2001 it was a groundbreaking product but browsers were then being developed so fast that it was soon overtaken by others which conformed better with web standards. IE6 quickly became the butt of authors' humour but, in spite of this, ten years later it is still widel y deployed and, although numbers are reducing, its final demise may well be some way off. Consequentially authors still need to design sites that will give visitors using IE6 an acceptable experience. IE7 script In the recent past authors have usually worked around the problem by writing a specific style sheet and targeting it at this browser [Ref 10] – a process that has often been very time-consuming. You seem to have scripts switched off. Dean Edwards' objective is to make IE6 behave like IE7. IE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. The library has been made freely available for use. or Create Minimalist Start Page With Favorite Website Ico Bowser startpage users who like to keep it simple will instantly fall in love with (derived from “my favorites”) is a minimalist start page website that delivers great functionality in its simple design. If you do not know what a startpage is, it is a collection of web shortcuts shown in a thumbnail view. When it comes to startpage websites, many of them give you unlimited shortcuts options; this causes a clutter which is counterproductive ““ it makes it harder to reach your desired web shortcut. With you get only 4 thumbnail shortcuts. You need to add the top 4 of your most frequented sites. Features: Check out @
