Create Micro Image Galleries Easily With jQuery
The usage of images in web pages is sometimes difficult as, in order to keep the story going, we may need to keep the content/image ratio at a specific level. However, more images are always good to define and support the content better. Micro Image Gallery is a jQuery plugin which can help solving this issue by displaying multiple images in limited spaces easily. It simply transforms a list of images into a micro gallery that supports switching between a grid view (preview of images) and a single view. The navigation bar is also customizable; it can be hidden and sliding out when hovering over the gallery, or visible. In the grid-view, it can display up to 9 images at once (supports paging for more) and will re-size the images automatically according to the selected gallery size.
Floating Bed
The versatile Floating Bed can be used indoors or outside as a play house, tree house, or an extra bedroom. It’s simple to use both inside and outside: just install a ceiling ring, and you can move it in or out any time you like, to use as a bed or sofa. Visit The Floating Bed Co. website for more information! Check out other articles by Rachel here!
SIDEWAYS – jQuery fullscreen image gallery
Last updated on Nov 20, 2010 Originally published on September 12, 2010 by malihu, under Templates & web apps. A simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery library and CSS. The gallery features fullscreen images in various modes and custom scrollbars. SIDEWAYS image gallery is made by implementation of some previous scripts and tutorials posted on this blog and some (minor) CSS3. I’ve included the complete gallery code on page 2 of this post. Changelog▾ This work is released under the MIT License. Donating helps greatly in developing and updating free software and running this blog
Polaroid Gallery v.1.01
About Polaroid Gallery is a free, opensource flash gallery developed by myself, Christopher Einarsrud, in the year of 2006. I was originally going to use this for my online portfolio, but I ended up going for something completely different. I thought that it might come in handy for someone else, so I decided to release it here. How it works The script loads images and image titles dynamically from an external xml file or a flickr RSS feed. View fullscreen flickr example Updates July 16, 2007 You can now pass the xml-file you wish to load as a parameter when embedding the flash. Download Download Polaroid Gallery v.1.01Download FLA file(Note: The FLA file is not very well commented, and the parts that are is in Norwegian) Suggestions Comments, suggestions and questions can be sent to Donations You can donate money thru paypal if you wish to support further development of Polaroid Gallery v.1.01 and other upcoming opensource projects. Licence
100 Free High Quality WordPress Themes: 2010 Edition - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since our last WordPress theme collection, but there you have it — the time has come again. Once a year we feature the most useful and interesting WordPress-themes that we are collecting over months and present them in a nice quick overview. The collections from 2007, 2008 and last year are still useful, but some of the themes are outdated or updated now. Looking back over these previous theme articles, you can clearly see how and why WordPress has rapidly matured into the CMS powerhouse it is today. Today, we present a fresh collection of useful WordPress themes. Gallery And Portfolio Themes Cumulus (Free version) Cumulus is a very clean and calm portfolio theme. Imbalance (demo)Free wordpress theme in modern-minimalist style. AutoFocus+ (demo)The theme is designed on an 800px, 8 column grid layout that truly allows your images to shine. Mansion (demo)Mansion is a free photoblogger’s theme for WordPress. Strukture (demo)
jQuery Plugin: jQuery-Notes 1.0.5
How to Build a Hardwood Floor This Weekend
If the room is carpeted, remove the old carpeting and padding to expose the plywood subfloor. If the room has a sound wood or vinyl floor, you can install the floating floor right on top. Floating floors also can be laid over a concrete slab. However, if the slab is below grade, such as in a basement, be sure the flooring is engineered for this situation. A quick word about baseboard molding: I removed the molding, laid the flooring, then installed new baseboard and quarter-round shoe molding. Start by vacuuming the subfloor.
Flexigrid - Web 2.0 Javscript Grid for jQuery
30 Trendy AJAX, jQuery And Image Galleries You May Like
One of the most important elements in successful portfolio is beautiful and unique image gallery catching eye with its sliding elements and great works. If you want to get the best impression you need to think about appearance the same way as you think about your portfolio works – you need to present and view them to grab attention, to show value! Here you will find easy to customize and modern image galleries you can use for your own projects, portfolios and possibilities are endless here! You just need to put them in good use! Sniper Sniper has a great solution to showcase photography photos. Preview Of course, there are many various solutions in the list as well. Slider Revolution Slider Revolution is a responsive(mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimisation (all content always readable for search engines). It’s a premium plugin, but I will tell you that you worth the penny you spend. Worried about coding skills? 1. View Demo
Plugins Wordpress à éviter
On voit partout des articles sur les 10, 15 ou 20 extensions à utiliser absolument sur WordPress. A chaque fois, cela me hérisse les poils de voir des plugins inutiles ou mal conçus dans ces listes. Voici donc mes 21 plugins à ne surtout pas installer sur WordPress! Pour chaque thématique, j''explique pourquoi je juge les plugins inutiles. Dans la majorité des cas, les causes seront les mêmes : soit c'est une fonctionnalité stupide pour vous ou vos visiteurs, soit c'est que l'on peut faire la même chose avec une modification de votre thème (solution plus rapide et plus sûr). Les plugins de statistiques Commençons par les webanalytics et les plugins qui ne servent à rien.» PS : oui je sais, le terme Ultimate vous faisait rêver, tout comme le Analyticator, cousin germain de Terminator. » Stats et WP-Stats-Dashboard Ce sont des plugins de statistiques internes à WordPress. Accélérer WordPress » Wp-minify Ce plugin compresse via minify vos fichiers javascript et css. Et là, tadin !!!