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Study Smarts: 10 Tips and Tools for Getting Back Into School Mode “Back to school” may be one of the most dreaded phrases for students of any age – and with good reason. The end of summer means trading in magazines for textbooks, and typing out lecture notes instead of texting friends about beach plans. As college students, we're in our last few years of hearing this phrase, so why not make the most of this time of year and get a head start on making the grade? Whether you're an incoming freshman or going into your senior year, read on for advice and tools that'll make that first month of classes a bit easier. 1. 2. 5. 6. 9. Le défi des 100 jours Critical Thinking Model 1 To Analyze Thinking We Must Identify and Question its Elemental Structures Standard: Clarityunderstandable, the meaning can be grasped Could you elaborate further? Could you give me an example? Could you illustrate what you mean? Standard: Accuracyfree from errors or distortions, true How could we check on that? Standard: Precisionexact to the necessary level of detail Could you be more specific? Standard: Relevancerelating to the matter at hand How does that relate to the problem? Standard: Depthcontaining complexities and multiple interrelationships What factors make this a difficult problem? Standard: Breadthencompassing multiple viewpoints Do we need to look at this from another perspective? Standard: Logicthe parts make sense together, no contradictions Does all this make sense together? Standard: Significancefocusing on the important, not trivial Is this the most important problem to consider? Standard: FairnessJustifiable, not self-serving or one-sided Think About... State the Question

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Violetta How to Talk Your Way to a Higher Grade (When You Think You Deserve One) When we know the quality of our work on an assignment was not our best, we usually expect the grade to be lower than normal. But what if our grade doesn’t accurately reflect what we think we deserve? Maybe we thought our essay was right on point, but we got a D. Or maybe we thought we explained our answers clearly on the midterm exam, but the professor had other thoughts. There are ways to deal with these situations other than venting on the phone to our parents or marching straight to your advisor’s office to report the teacher for unfair grading practices. Situation #1: “I think I should have gotten more points on this test than my final score indicates.” Situation #2: “I bombed the midterm.

Outils de visualisation jean-louis zimmermann / Stock Photos Nos stratégies d'apprentissage s'élaborent en interaction permanente avec notre environnement. Et celui-ci, surtout si l'on considère sa composante numérique, est actuellement saturé d'images. Images que l'on regarde, image que l'on fabrique, avec des outils de plus en plus variés et performants. Aucun domaine n'échappe à la vogue de la visualisation des données. Nous en examinerons trois. Tout d'abord, l'enseignement et de la formation. La gestion de projet en contexte professionnel ensuite. L'activité en ligne, enfin. Ce dossier ne serait pas complet s'il ne s'intéressait aussi à l'infographie. Visualiser pour mieux comprendre

Assange: Why WikiLeaks was right to release raw cables - tech - 06 September 2011 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has defended the organisation's release of all 251,000 secret US diplomatic cables that it held without the redaction of the names of informants mentioned in them. In an interview with New Scientist, Assange said the leak publishing outfit's usual editorial "harm minimisation" procedures had become irrelevant after other websites published the full text of the unredacted cables. That full-text publication became possible when WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's war on secrecy was published in February. Written by two journalists at the newspaper The Guardian, based in London, the book revealed the decryption key for a computer file containing all the US state department cables leaked to WikiLeaks. The Guardian team say they believed the key had expired – but it had not. "That is not how file decryption works," Assange says. "We entrusted all 251,000 cables to The Guardian so they could read them and do their journalism on them," he says. Trickle of leaks

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