Ganan las finanzas, pierde la economía real: el futuro ya está aquí - Desde Londres Durante las últimas décadas se ha venido produciendo un cambio en las economías occidentales. Del capitalismo industrial se ha pasado al financiero , de la preeminencia de la actividad productiva a la crediticia y de mercados. Acaba de concluir su primera fase que ha implicado la casi desaparición de la economía “real” en favor de la financiera y la concentración de poder en reducidas manos de este sector. Para ello se ha usado la ilusión monetaria que logró convencer a los ciudadanos que endeudarse significaba ser más rico, sin que, en realidad, se operara cambio alguno en su situación. Ahora, con esta crisis, se está entrando en la segunda fase de esta transformación, la de la total ocupación de los fondos públicos. Primero, a través del miedo . Empecemos por el descenso de los costes salariales . Sigamos con el déficit público . Entre los miembros de esta Comisión hay ex vicepresidentes de la FED, ex directivos de Morgan Stanley y profesionales de perfil similar.
The Effective Decision Peter Drucker The effective decision- synopsis of an article by Peter F. Drucker. While browsing through the B School library the other day, I happened across an article on decision making by Peter Drucker, originally written in 1967. Naturally as this is our business I was curious to see what one of the true masters of management had to say on the topic. Drucker commences by stating that an effective decision making process must go through some basic steps. The classification of the problemThe definition of the problemThe specifications which the solution to the problem must satisfy (the “boundary conditions”).The decision as to what is “right”, rather than what is acceptable, in order to meet the boundary conditionsThe building into the decision of the action to carry it out.The feedback which tests the validity of the decision against the actual course of events. Step 1: Problem classification Step 2: Problem definition. Step 3: The specifications (“boundary conditions”) Step 6: Feedback
Papyrus Business Applications - Empower Knowledge Workers :: Empower Your Business Global Open House and User Conference May 4-6, 2014 ISIS Papyrus Solutions and Competence Center Vienna, Austria More information: English | German US Open House and User Conference May 18-20, 2014 ISIS Papyrus Solutions and Competence Center Dallas, Texas, USA More information Online Registration Complimentary DCM Webinar! Dynamic Case Management In The Age of The Customer Guest Presenter: Craig Le Clair, Principal Analyst - Forrester Research Register now! Gartner Business Process Management Summit March 19-20, 2014 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London (UK) More information ... Xploration 14 Mar 25-27, 2014 Orlando, FL (USA) Booth #133 More information ... Salon Documation Mar 26-27, 2014 CNIT Paris la Défense(France) More information ... ITC East Conference Apr 7-8, 2014 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (USA) Booth #314 More information ... Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit
About The Mission CommunityWalk is a website that is dedicated to providing a powerful yet simple and easy to use interface for creating informational, interactive, and engaging maps. The Beginning CommunityWalk began as a site for mapping communities. The Present With the ability to show photos, add comments, display interactive media, hide and show categories of locations, explore hundreds of fantastic maps of anything and everything, and so much more, CommunityWalk is fast becoming the destination site for creating and exploring the most interesting maps on the Internet. The Future CommunityWalk is evolving at a rapid pace, with new functionality added to the site daily.
LHCb - Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment 9 April 2014: Unambiguous observation of an exotic particle which cannot be classified within the traditional quark model The LHCb Collaboration has published yesterday results of precise measurements of properties of the Z(4430)- particle which allow to determine unambiguously its exotic nature. In the traditional quark model, the strongly interacting particles (hadrons) are formed either from quark-antiquark pairs (mesons) or three quarks (baryons). Particle physicists were searching since 50 years for the particles, called exotic hadrons, which could not be classified within this scheme. Many candidates have been proposed but up to now there has not been unambiguous proof of their existence. The first evidence for the Z(4430) particle has been presented in 2008 by the Belle Collaboration as narrow peak in the ψ’π- mass distribution in the B → ψ’Kπ- decays. The minimal quark content of the Z(4430) state is ccdu. click the images for higher resolution [ τ( Bc+) = 509 ± 8 ± 12 fs ]
Cern: Higgs boson answer to come by end of 2012 | Emerging Tech Cern researchers will have established whether the Higgs boson exists by the end of 2012, according to Cern's director general Rolf Heuer. Scientists at Cern using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have said they will able to settle the existence of the Higgs boson by the end of 2012. Photo credit: Claudia Marcelloni/Cern The hypothetical Higgs boson is thought to be responsible for giving elementary particles their mass. "We can settle the Shakespeare question of the Higgs boson — to be or not to be — by the end of next year," Heuer told the audience at the event in Grenoble. The Higgs boson has enormous importance in the Standard Model of physics, a collection of theories about how the universe works. Physicists at Cern have established that the particle, if it exists, has a mass of between 115 and around 140 giga electron volts (GeV), according to Heuer. For the Higgs boson, we know everything about it, except if it exists. – Rolf Heuer, Cern
Hipervisor Historia[editar] Los hipervisores fueron originalmente desarrollados a principios de los años 1970 cuando, para reducir costos, se consolidaban varias computadoras aisladas de diferentes departamentos de la empresa en una sola y más grande —el mainframe— capaz de servir a múltiples sectores. Al correr múltiples sistemas operativos a la vez, el hipervisor permite la consolidación, dando robustez y estabilidad al sistema; aún si un sistema operativo colapsa, los otros continúan trabajando sin interrupción. La primera computadora diseñada específicamente para virtualización fue el mainframe IBM S/360 Modelo 67. Esta característica de virtualización ha sido un estándar de la línea que siguió IBM S/370 y sus sucesoras, incluyendo la serie actual. La necesidad actual de consolidar diferentes servidores y de lograr una administración simplificada han hecho renovar el interés en la tecnología de los hipervisores. Tipos[editar] Los hipervisores pueden clasificarse en dos tipos:[1] Máquina virtual
5 + 5 vídeos de Internet de las Cosas « Symplio – Connecting atoms to the Internet The concept of Internet of Things is little known to many people because of its technical complexity involving connecting physical objects to the Internet. The idea of the devices connected to the web is create bidirectional data flows, resulting in smart products and services that make people lifestyle better and simpler. To better understand the concept of Internet of Things, their application, use and scope, we collect some of the best videos that explain how it works and we also include some products that are currently on the market. 1. “The Internet of Things” by IBM Media This video was created by IBM and summarizes some of the foundations of the concept of Internet of Things and the trends that have been emerging in recent years. The Internet of Things from IBM Media on Vimeo. 2. This video was designed by Macrame, an agency from Argentina that offers graphic design solutions to achieve greater visibility of the brands on the web. Internet of things from Macrame on Vimeo. 3. 4. 5.
Escenarios de ejemplo de alta disponibilidad de BizTalk Server Este tema describe los escenarios de Microsoft BizTalk Server que proporcionan alta disponibilidad mediante niveles de hosts escalados horizontalmente. Los administradores pueden proporcionar redundancia para cada host y escalarlos de forma independiente a otros hosts al separar las áreas de funcionalidad en hosts y niveles diferentes en BizTalk Server. Para proporcionar alta disponibilidad a cada área funcional, cree hosts independientes para cada función principal (recepción, procesamiento, envío y seguimiento) y agrupe el servidor secreto principal de inicio de sesión único empresarial y las bases de datos de BizTalk Server. Implementaciones de BizTalk Server de tamaño pequeño La implementación de BizTalk Server más pequeña que proporciona alta disponibilidad para SQL Server y BizTalk Server consta de dos equipos que tienen una configuración de clúster activo/activo para SQL Server. Ambos equipos contienen instancias de todos los hosts de BizTalk del entorno. Consulte también
Alta disponibilidad y resistencia de sitios: ^Ayuda de Exchange 2010 SP1$ [This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases.] Se aplica a: Exchange Server 2013 Preview Última modificación del tema: 2012-07-09 Puede usar alta disponibilidad y resistencia de sitios para diseñar, crear y usar una solución de mensajería de alta disponibilidad basada en Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Preview. Puede diseñar e implementar una configuración que permita la resistencia de sitios y que use procedimientos relacionados con las diversas operaciones de copia de seguridad, restauración y recuperación compatibles con Exchange 2013 Preview. Use los siguientes vínculos para obtener acceso a la información necesaria sobre la alta disponibilidad, la recuperación ante desastres y la resistencia de sitios. Revise los ejemplos de diseño para los DAG en distintos entornos: Un DAG de dos miembros que es adecuado para implementaciones en oficinas pequeñas y en sucursales.