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GarageLab (arduino, electronics, robotics, hacking) - #42

GarageLab (arduino, electronics, robotics, hacking) - #42
Related:  sopranodroid

RF24Network for Wireless Sensor Networking | maniacbug RF24Network is a network layer for Nordic nRF24L01+ radios running on Arduino-compatible hardware. It’s goal is to have an alternative to Xbee radios for communication between Arduino units. It provides a host address space and message routing for up to 6,000 nodes. The layer forms the background of a capable and scalable Wireless Sensor Network system. At the same time, it makes communication between even two nodes very simple. Today, I managed to get 17 nodes running on a single network. Hardware The fastest way to get RF24Network-compatible hardware is to build the Getting Started board, or the ProtoShield board as explained in other posts, attached to commercially-available Arduino. Ultimately, I wanted something smaller, cheaper and more power-efficient, so I built a Low Power Wireless Sensor Node. Simple Transmit/Receive The Hello World examples illustrate how simple it is to communicate between two nodes. There are three simple sections: Static Initialization setup() Receiver loop()

How to build an arduino energy monitor Including voltage measurement via AC-AC voltage adapter and current measurement via a CT sensor. This guide details how to build a simple electricity energy monitor on that can be used to measure how much electrical energy you use in your home. It measures voltage with an AC to AC power adapter and current with a clip on CT sensor, making the setup quite safe as no high voltage work is needed. The energy monitor can calculate real power, apparent power, power factor, rms voltage, rms current. All the calculations are done in the digital domain on an Arduino. Step One – Gather Components You will need: 1x Arduino Voltage sensing electronics: 1x 9V AC-AC Power Adapter 1x 100kOhm resistor for step down voltage divider. 1x 10kOhm resistor for step down voltage divider. 2x 470kOhm (for voltage divider, any matching value resistor pair down to 10K) 1x 10uF capacitor Current sensing electronics 1x CT sensor SCT-013-000 1x Burden resistor 18 Ohms if supply voltage is 3.3V or 33 Ohms if supply voltage is 5V.

The Ham Whisperer: Ham Courses Here is a compilation of all the course lessons done so far. If you have trouble with one of the questions on the quizes or practice exams, take note of which section from the question pool your question is associated with and find the lesson below. If you ever have any questions, please leave them in the comments box. Thanks! Technician Class License Course (Valid through June 2018) Top 10 DIY Arduino Projects and HOW-TO Tutorials! Arduino has been widely popular among hackers and DIY-addicts out there for modding/hacking things. For those of you just entering the Arduino world, here’s a bunch of great Arduino tutorials/projects that can help you jump-start your next project. 1) Did you know that you can program/flash your Arduino wirelessly? For those of you who are going to be making devices where the Arduino is hidden from easy access, read up on how you can program your Arduino wirelessly using Xigbee modules over at Lady Ada’s site. 2) Arduinome is a project the Monome for audio sequencers. 3) For energy eco-projects, you can refer to this great site on OpenEnergyMonitor, which uses Arduino and complete details are provided for making your own home energy monitor. 4) DIY Arduino Earthquake Seismic Detector can actually detect earthquakes, perhaps great for any project requiring sensing of vibrations and whatnot. 5) Need some resources on robots using Arduino? 9) The Magic Mirror is one of my all-time favorites.

Lyrical English | Free Song Based Lesson Plans Fabriquer une éolienne pour moins de 40 € ? | Energethique C’est le défi qu’a relevé Max Robson, jeune étudiant de 22 ans. Son projet avait pour but de créer une éolienne vraiment pas chère avec des éléments de récupération. Cette éolienne pas chère est destinée selon lui à être utilisée dans les pays en voie de développement. Une éolienne DIY qui lui aura couté 20£, actuellement équivalent de 23€ et pas mal de pièces de récup, le petit alternateur d’une Vespa par exemple ou encore une batterie de vieille Ford Fiesta… Ce qui élève certainement déjà un peu le coût du tout et surtout il faut avoir les éléments à disposition, peut-être pas toujours le cas dans les pays en voie de développement auxquels il destine sa création. La petite bête développe une puissance de 11,3 W, ce n’est pas énorme mais c’est déjà ça de pris ! L’article complet du Daily Mail Be Sociable, Share! Parle de ce post à tes amis !

Blog | Hackaday | Fresh hacks every day | Page 2 Does your dog or cat wake you up every morning, demanding to be fed? Maybe you feed Sparky in the evenings instead. But doesn’t that limit your spontaneity? It sure limited [Jorge]’s after-work plans. He has two dogs that eat the same type of food, but in different quantities. [Jorge] started by modeling his requirements in 3D. The dispenser is designed around a PIC18F2420. If you want to dispense single doses of food on a timer, check out this automatic cat feeder made from scavenged parts. Continue reading “Dual Pet Food Dispenser is Doubly Convenient” The ESP8266 is an incredible piece of hardware; it’s a WiFi module controllable over a serial port, it’s five freaking dollars, and if that’s not enough, there’s a microcontroller on board. The most common version of the ESP, the -01 version, only has a 2×4 row of pins for serial, power, configuration, and two lines of GPIO. As a proof of concept, it’s great, but there’s more than one ESP module out there. Video below.

Electronique et Montage d'un Kit Electronique sur circuit imprimé Pour monter les kits présents sur ce site ou tout autre kit du commerce, il nous faut un peu de bon sens et de bons outils. Mise en Garde On achète un kit pour faire des économies, pour que ça marche, pour comprendre comment ça marche, pour le plaisir de faire quelque chose de ses mains. Suivant le type de kit la tache peut être ardue, mais quel plaisir quand on arrive à la fin de son travail, et que cella fonctionne. Les circuits imprimés fournis avec mes kits étant, double face trous métallisés, il sera très difficile de dessouder un composant, on veillera à faire très attention lors de la mise en place de ces derniers et on vérifiera deux fois plus tôt qu'une que tout est à la bonne place avant de souder. Ce qui suit est simple à réaliser et est le fruit de mon expérience personnelle, c'est applicable non seulement à mes kits mais à tout kit du commerce. si le marquage est en clair on s'arrange pour qu'il soit visible. au fur et à mesure de leur soudure sur le circuit imprimé
