WECA - Weather Glossary National Weather Service Upton, NY November 1, 1995 Terminologies: Winter & Fall Blizzard Warning - Issued for winter storm with sustained or frequent winds of 35 mph or higher with considerable falling and/or blowing snow that frequently reduces visibility to 1/4 of a mile or less. Blowing Snow Advisory - Issued when wind driven snow reduces surface visibility, possibly, hampering traveling. Drifting Snow - An uneven distribution of snowfall or existing snow caused by strong surface wind. Freeze - A condition occurring over a large area when the surface air temperature remains below 32 degrees Fahrenheit for an extended period of time possibly leading to the damage of certain crops. Freeze Warning - Issued during the growing season when surface temperatures are expected to drop below freezing over a large area for an extended period of time, regardless if frost develops or not. Frost - A covering of ice on exposed surfaces when the air temperature falls below the frost point.
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ATA Interpreters Division - Interpreters Division The trans|k Glossary of Translation and Interpreting Terminology This glossary from trans-k provides an explanation to many of the terms frequently used in connection with translation and interpreting. Whether you need to communicate effectively with translators or translation companies, or just want to know what Unicode or translation memory are all about, you’ll find the answers here. The German translations link to the corresponding term in the German glossary. Abbreviations are listed separately at the end of this page. Accredited translator In the UK a translator who has received accreditation from a professional institute such as the ITI. ATA is Certified Translator. staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer (who has passed a state examination) or staatlich anerkannter Übersetzer (who has passed a state-recognized examination). Diplomübersetzer has graduated in translation at degree level. Ad hoc interpreting Spoken translation between two languages in informal conversations between two or more people. consecutive interpreting. Adaptation localization. B language
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