French Listening Resources: Listen & Read to Improve your French Comprehension - Download mp3s & Transcripts Listening to French while reading along with the transcript is a great way to improve your comprehension as well as your pronunciation. The following authentic French listening resources in video and mp3 formats were created by native speakers of French and they are free for teachers and students to download and/or use in class. All of them are spontaneous speech - nothing was scripted or rehearsed, and some were even recorded without the speaker's prior knowledge for an eavesdropping effect. Many resources also have fill-in-the-blank (cloze) exercises so you can test your comprehension skills. French commercials are also available with transcripts, as well as video slideshows of informal French. (If you're interested in learning French slang, there is another tutorial for that!) Buy Informal and Spoken French as an e-book! Buy Informal and Spoken French For more French learning through authentic videos, I recommend Yabla French and FluentU. This work by Dr.
Enseignant/e Enseignant/e Le Centre de langue française de la CCI Paris Ile-de-France vous conseille et vous propose des solutions de formation adaptées à votre situation : Vous débutez dans l’enseignement du FOS et souhaitez renforcer vos compétencesVous recherchez une formation courte dans un domaine précis du français à visée professionnelleVous avez plus de 3 années d’expérience dans l’enseignement du FLE et vous recherchez une formation reconnue et diplômante en français sur objectifs spécifiquesVous souhaitez ouvrir une classe de français des affaires dans votre établissementVotre établissement souhaite devenir centre agréé pour le test d’évaluation de français (TEF) ou les diplômes de français professionnel (DFP)Vous avez besoin d’une formation en ligne pour devenir examinateurs de l’épreuve d’expression orale du test d’évaluation de français (TEF) et du TEF adapté au Québec (TEFAQ) Vous avez besoin de ressources pour le français de spécialité concernant : Qui sommes-nous ? Notre actualité
Adèle's Family Zoom sur les métiers: Canton de Vaud : site officiel Zoom sur les métiers, c'est une série de films d'information consacrés aux professions et qui peuvent être visionnés sur Youtube. En collaboration avec l'entreprise de production Mediaprofil, l'Orientation produit des reportages permettant de plonger au cœur du monde du travail en suivant des professionnels dans leurs activités quotidiennes. L'équipe de "Zoom sur les métiers" enquête depuis septembre 2001 dans les entreprises du canton pour rencontrer des polymécaniciennes, des menuisiers, des coiffeurs, des employées de commerce, des conceptrices en multimédia, etc..."Zoom sur les métiers" a notamment pour objectifs de montrer que toutes les professions sont ouvertes aux femmes comme aux hommes et de faire découvrir des professions peu connues ou récemment apparues. Quelques temps après leur diffusion sur Youtube, les reportages font l'objet de DVD disponibles dans tous les centres d'orientation du canton. Consulter la liste des émissions Production Commandes de DVD
French language learning games All French language learning exercises are completely free to use, do not require registration, and are suitable for both school kids and adult language learners. French language acquisition games that French learners can study with, that teachers can incorporate into lesson plans, or that can be used used in homeschooling environments. An introduction to listening, reading, comprehension and communication in the French language. Each French study topic includes word lists with audio for learning the correct French pronunciation, and practice games for testing your learning progress. Online games employ the fun, fast and easy study method of simple wordlists for studying phrases of words, visual-based learning, and vocabulary drills for practice and testing.
French French in Action Due to licensing agreements, online viewing of the videos for this resource is restricted to network connections in the United States and Canada. Orientation An introduction to French in Action: its creation, its components, and its functioning. How to work with the video programs and how to integrate them with the audio and print components. Planning and Anticipating I Greeting and leave-taking; talking about health; expressing surprise; planning and anticipating; expressing decisiveness and indecisiveness. Planning and Anticipating II Greeting and leave-taking; talking about health; expressing surprise; planning and anticipating; expressing decisiveness and indecisiveness. Planning and Anticipating III Greeting and leave-taking; talking about health; expressing surprise; planning and anticipating; expressing decisiveness and indecisiveness. Names and Origins Numbers; expressing age; giving commands; necessity; negation.
French expressions you won't learn at school -- Expressions françaises en Anglais Business French Course | French language course | Business French Training Course London All Communicaid French language course trainers are native speakers with at least 3 years' professional French training experience. In addition to relevant academic and linguistic qualifications and experience, many of our French trainers also possess considerable exposure and expertise in the professional world. Your French course trainer will be assigned to you following the results of your diagnostic consultancy according to your objectives and areas of focus. Detailed below is a sample profile of a member of our French training team who will take your French class. PC currently manages Communicaid's team of trainers that teach our French language courses in London and is also responsible for running trainer development workshops. She delivers French courses at a number of corporate clients and central government departments, including DfES, DEFRA, DTI and DFID and has been teaching French to the current Secretary of State for Education for several years.