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Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and Assessment.

Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and Assessment.
Henrico County Schools System has adopted the TPACK as the Framework for professional development and 21st Century Learning in the Henrico County Schools System. Henrico County is one of the largest and earliest districts to pioneer and implement a one-to-one initiative. They have adopted this model as its conceptual framework to guide their progress towards the 21st Century Learning. The following video will set the stage to provide insight into how this school district uses technology for relevant and real-world learning. See How Henrico County School District Incorporates Technology into Learning.Henrico 21 Overview from HCPS Instructional Technology on Vimeo. To see more videos visit this link. Below are some essential pieces toward meeting their vision. The TPACK ModelThe TPACK Model was created in response to the need to provide a framework around the important pieces of innovating learning with a focus on Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge. This is a diagram of the model.

Symposium on Personalized Learning On August 4-6, 2010, more than 150 invited education leaders convened in Boston around the need for the systemic redesign of our K-12 education system to one that is centered on the personalized learning needs of each student. Attendees identified the top 10 essential elements and policy enablers. Now available are a report of these findings as well as an archive of the presentations, including session summaries and videos, student videos, and attendee poll results. November, 2010: Education Leaders Identify Top 10 Components of Personalized Learning. Innovative Policies, Developer Content and Data Tools are Key, According to Education Officials at SIIA Mobile Learning Forum Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:24 SIIA this week hosteda successful meeting with education policy makerstoenhance dialogue withdevelopers of moble learning and other educational technologies. Frequently Asked Questions about Student Data Privacy Fri, 13 Dec 2013 15:19 Thu, 05 Dec 2013 19:50

46 Tools To Make Infographics In The Classroom Infographics are interesting–a mash of (hopefully) easily-consumed visuals (so, symbols, shapes, and images) and added relevant character-based data (so, numbers, words, and brief sentences). The learning application for them is clear, with many academic standards–including the Common Core standards–requiring teachers to use a variety of media forms, charts, and other data for both information reading as well as general fluency. It’s curious they haven’t really “caught on” in schools considering how well they bridge both the old-form textbook habit of cramming tons of information into a small space, while also neatly overlapping with the dynamic and digital world. So if you want to try to make infographics–or better yet have students make them–where do you start? The 46 tools below, curated by Faisal Khan, are a good place to start.

My Book Order "Teaching Generation Text" at this link. What's it about? TEACHING GENERATION TEXT looks at breaking the ban that exists in today’s schools and bridging the digital divide with cell phones, the most ubiquitous and overlooked learning device in American households. Learn how I became interested in using mobile devices for learning even though they were banned in my district, here. This video features me and my co-author sharing our thoughts about using cell phones in education. Want to know more about Teaching Generation Text? The secret is out! This is the first guide I created. TEEN GUIDE TO OPTING OUT OF SCHOOL Did you know that a young person can go to the College of their dreams and/or pursue that career they've always wanted without ever attending high school? Guides educators through getting started with using the devices they own and use everyday for leading, teaching, and learning.

Teacher Tutorial on Creating Personal Learning Network Creating your PLN is easier than you might even thought. Most of you are already familiar with some social media platforms such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Diigo, LinkedIn, but do you really know how to use them to create a personal learning network ? We have several guides to walk you through all the tips and tricks you need to know to start a powerful PLN. Check them out and share with us your feedback. The Importancre of PLNs in Education Watch this excellent video to learn about the importance of creating a PLN Guides Check out these guides to find out how other educators have used social media and other tools to grow their personal learning networks. Want to really make the most of your PLN?

Forum: It’s Personal – Personalized Learning for Students and Educators Key Questions Right Now: What practical steps can educators take to personalize learning for their students in 2012–13, and how can technology facilitate this? The Big Picture: How close are we to being able to realize the dream of personalized, differentiated, passion-based learning for educators and students, and what still has to happen to make this fully real? Getting Started Video: Watch the Forum Users Guide for a tutorial on how to get started. Notice: Forums have been archived! If you would like a copy of the Forum Archive please contact us..

35 Ways To Build Your Personal Learning Network Online Personal learning networks are a great way for educators to get connected with learning opportunities, access professional development resources, and to build camaraderie with other education professionals. Although PLNs have been around for years, in recent years social media has made it possible for these networks to grow exponentially. Now, it’s possible to expand and connect your network around the world anytime, anywhere. But how exactly do you go about doing that? Check out our guide to growing your personal learning network with social media, full of more than 30 different tips, ideas, useful resources, and social media tools that can make it all possible. Tips & Ideas Get started developing your social media PLN with these tips and ideas for great ways to make use of social tools. Actively make ties : It’s not enough to just follow and read, you need to connect. Guides Tools & Resources Want to really make the most of your PLN?

Trustees Recently we presented an in-service to the Board of Education on The Digital Foundations of Teaching and Learning: Preparing for a Future that is Here Today. An abbreviated slideshare is included below. We also showed some fabulous video clips but we will save those for another post. “Technology IS just a tool, like a stick. In Surrey, we are using technology to TRANSFORM teaching and learning. We identified the Shifts that are Impacting Education globally, some of which include: 1. These trends are shaping the transformation of how we teach and how students learn. The BC Ministry of Education describes it as “Learning Empowered by Technology.” The wise use of technology for learning was endorsed in a research paper that examined high performing districts across Canada. So how are we doing that as a district? Here are some of the fire starters we have initiated in the district: We provided many learning opportunities to help feed their fire for learning.

Rakenna oma henkilökohtainen oppimisverkosto (PLN). Alustana Twitter. Monet sosiaalisessa mediassa toimivat kokevat, että heidän osaamisensa kehittymisessä yhä keskeisempään rooliin ovat nousseet sosiaalisetverkostot – oman alan asiantuntijat, jotka jakavat, suodattavat ja julkaisevat alan viimeisintä tietoa verkossa. Lähes joka alalta löytyy nykyisin vaikuttajia (”thought leaders”), jotka jakavat blogissaan näkemyksiään, tviittaavat alan uutisia, linkittävät hyödyllisiin resursseihin ja parhaisiin käytäntöihin. Mikä on saanut asiantuntijat kilpailemaan siitä, kuka jakaa eniten? Yksi syy lienee se, että muille hyödyksi oleminen palkitsee Google -näkyvyytenä, ”pöhinänä” sosiaalisessa mediassa ja niiden myötä lopulta ehkä myös parempina työtilaisuuksina. Jos vain harvat tietävät mitä teet ja kuinka hyvä siinä olet, tuskin hukut työtarjouksiin. Vaikka bloggaaminen ei olisi oma juttusi, niin verkostojen avuliaisuudesta kannattaa ainakin ottaa hyöty irti. Henkilökohtainen oppimisverkosto (Personal Learning Network, PLN) Jakaminen perustavanlaatuisinta toimintaa

Teacher-Librarians My staff describe it as a “year of wonder.” Sometimes we call it a tsunami and just want to ride the wave without crashing. Other times we refer to it as a fire beginning to flame across the district. We consider it as seeding pockets of innovation we want to take root and spread organically as connected and rooted networks. We liken it to Leadbeater’s “radical social movement.” The Global Educational Leaders program, refers to this as a strategy of diffusion. Innovative Learning Designs (Phase 1)A year ago we announced the 18 schools that were awarded grants as part of the Innovative Learning Designs schools (ILD), Phase 1. The Engaging the Digital Learner SeriesWe realized that as educators we needed to find a way to engage our learners. The Digital Discovery Series This series ran parallel to the one above. Cadres of Digital ChampionsWe created Cadres of Digital Champions (a team of three educators at every school). Core Digital Coaches How have others viewed these initiatives?

QR -koodit opetuksessa | Sormet Sormet -opettaja Jenni Koskinen lähestyi mielenkiintoisella ajatuksella, hän on hyödyntänyt - ja haluaa hyödyntää, QR -koodeja opetuksessa. Mielenkiintoinen ajatus olisi esim. QR -koodien käyttö suunnistuksessa rastimerkkeinä. Näin toimittaessa suunnistusrastit muuttuvatkin informatiiviksi ja toiminnallisiksi rasteiksi joissa pitää pelkän leimaamisen sijaan ratkoa esimerkiksi tehtäviä tai perehtyä vaikka alueen kasvityyppeihin. Erittäin mielenkiintoinen ajatus ! QR-koodeihin voisi sijoittaa myös koulun "QR-taululle" ajankohtaisia, mielenkiintoisia uutisia, asioita ja tapahtumia. Tästä mielenkiintoisesta ajatuksesta ja toiminnan etenemisestä voimme toivottavasti lukea lisää SopettajaJenni -blogista. Vihje: Koodin lukemiseen tarvitset jonkun QR -lukija appin ( esim.

Personalize Learning 410014Y Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka pedagogisena työvälineenä 2014 - 410014Y Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka pedagogisena työvälineenä 2014 Tässä harjoituksessa jäsennämme luokkien tehtäviä kahdella eri tavalla: 1) muodostamme koulukohtaiset linkkiyhteisöt jonne voi hakea esimerkkejä sovelluksista ja muista aihepiiriin liittyvistä asioista 2) muotoilemme luokan www-sivut, joiden yhtenä sisältönä tulee olla luokkanne opetusnäytteen/projektin/tms (tehtävänne) avaaminen sellaiseen muotoon että sekä vanhemmat että lapset sen ymmärtävät Tehtävä 1: Linkkiyhteisöön liittyminen (Pearltrees) LUO Pearltrees tunnus (www.pearltrees.… Ohessa muutamia esimerkkejä siitä miltä Youtube-videot voisivat näyttää HUOM! Meidän tapauksessa videoon täytyy myös kuulua opetustuokion tms. esittely videon alussa. Se voidaan toteuttaa esim. kuvakaapattuina Powerpoint-dioina. Tässä ensimmäisessä työpajassa tärkeintä on omaan luokkaan (lähinnä sen tietojärjestelmään) tutustuminen, suunnittelutyön aloittaminen ja verkon tvt-yhteisöihin tutustuminen. ..Kokeilen ja katson näkyykös tämä kirjoitus peda.netissä.

Autonomy-support in the classroom George, a high school teacher, looked into the classroom of his colleague Bill and saw, to his amazement, that the students of the class, which had a reputation of being a very difficult class, were quietly working. At lunch break he asked Bill with a surprized smile: "How did you get them to do that, man? I get nothing but trouble from this class. I see no other solution than to get really tough with them. That'll teach them!" Johnmarshall Reeve and his colleagues have done much research into the effects of autonomy-support in schools. This was what I was reminded was when I heard about the conversation between George and Bill. It would be a good thing if more teachers would get the opportunity to learn about autonomy-supportive teaching and if they could experiment with it.
