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Learn 40 Languages for Free: Spanish, English, Chinese & More

Learn 40 Languages for Free: Spanish, English, Chinese & More
How to learn languages for free? This collection features lessons in 48 languages, including Spanish, French, English, Mandarin, Italian, Russian and more. Download audio lessons to your computer or mp3 player and you’re good to go. Amharic Foreign Service Institute Basic Amharic – Audio – TextbookLessons with dialogues, drills, exercises, and narratives will teach you the basics of this language spoken in Ethiopia. Ancient Greek Ancient Greek Introduction – Web SiteThe UT-Austin Linguistics Research Center provides an overview of Ancient Greek and 10 lessons based on famous Greek texts. Arabic Bookmark our free Arabic lessons section. American Sign Language Introductory American Sign Language Course – YouTubeBy the end of this course you should have a basic bank of ASL words that you are able to use to form simple sentences. Bambara Bambara in Mali – Web SiteLessons from the Peace Corps. Bulgarian Foreign Service Institute Bulgarian – Web siteTwo textbooks (PDF) and 75 audio lessons (MP3).

About Multiply - one of the world's largest online social shopping destinations. 100 Open Technology Courses You Should Have Taken in College | Online You may have already graduated from college, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. For many people, taking advantage of open courseware can be a great way to build skills that can be applied directly to the workplace. Whether you went to college before computers were prevalent, or ended up working a more technologically-focused field than you anticipated, these courses can help you learn about a myriad of technological topics. General These online courses cover a wide range of topics to help you get a well-rounded education in technology. Artificial Intelligence: What are the concepts behind artificial intelligence? Communications Technology Much of our communication these days takes place through technological means like mobile phones and email. Communicating in Cyberspace: This course focuses on the analysis, design, implementation and testing of various forms of digital communication. Web Development Computer Science Programming Software Design Information Technology

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100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scientists | Best Colleges Online Posted on Thursday June 18, 2009 by Staff Writers By Sarah Russel Unless you’re enrolled at one of the best online colleges or are an elite member of the science and engineering inner circle, you’re probably left out of most of the exciting research explored by the world’s greatest scientists. But thanks to the Internet and the generosity of many universities and online colleges, you’ve now got access to the cutting edge theories and projects that are changing the world in this list below. If you’re looking for even more amazing lectures, check out our updated list for 2012 with more talks from great minds. General Let the world’s top scientists explain exactly how they do their job when you listen to these lectures. Science and Engineering From materials science to the study of thermodynamics, learn more about the science of engineering here. WTC Lecture – collapse of WTC Buildings: Steven E. Biology and Medicine Chemistry Physics and Astronomy Earth and Environment Technology Science and Business

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100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media | Teaching By Tara Miller Some educators have expressed an appreciation for the irony of experienced instructors who have had to learn about social media later in their careers teaching it to younger students who have grown up in an Internet environment. Despite what may seem to be somewhat of a disadvantage, the experienced teacher brings life lessons and the ability to guide students in a positive direction no matter the topic being taught. Tips and Resources for Educators From tips on combating fear of social media to tools and articles to help guide you, these resources will get you off to a good start. Social Media Classroom. Networking Help students learn about networking with these tips and resources. Networking. Creating a Positive Web Presence Students should learn from the very beginning that everything they do online says something about them–and will always be a part of their web presence. Keep Your E-Image Clean. Blogging Blogging in the Classroom. Social Networking Sites

Five Google tools journalists don't use but should Google logo via You may think you know Google, but here are lesser-known tools that can help journalists with everything from reporting on natural disasters to hunting for new sources. Google featured these tools in a recent digital media training session for Pakistani journalists hosted by the International Center for Journalists. The session was led by Sean Carlson, global communications manager, and Robert Boorstin, the director of public policy for the global search company. IJNet found these five tools that can simplify reporting and give stories a dynamic approach: Google Moderator – It’s the perfect tool for crowdsourcing story ideas. Public Data Explorer – After browsing through available stats found online, use this data visualization tool to find a story in the numbers. Fusion Tables – When you’re dealing with intense heaps of data that took months to independently gather, you can use this tool to visualize and publish your data to find clear patterns.

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