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PDFCreator - Removes passwords from viewable PDFs SuperDuper! SuperDuper is the wildly acclaimed program that makes recovery painless, because it makes creating a fully bootable backup painless. Its incredibly clear, friendly interface is understandable, easy to use, and SuperDuper's built-in scheduler makes it trivial to back up automatically. It's the perfect complement to Time Machine, allowing you to store a bootable backup alongside your Time Machine volume—and it runs beautifully on your Mac! SuperDuper's interface confirms all your actions in simple, clear language to ensure that the end result is exactly what you intended. Take a look, and click for additional screen shots! We all know that using the Macintosh is usually a trouble-free experience. Except when it's not. It happens to all of us, eventually. Carbon copies. SuperDuper is the most advanced, yet easy to use disk copying program available for macOS. Faster than a speeding bullet – and more accurate! Expertise not required. Doveryai no Proveryai. But we're not going to do that.
