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Social Engineering - Security Through Education

Social Engineering - Security Through Education

Schneier on Security DesktopAuditing | FREE Desktop and Network Security Auditing Resources TuxRadar Linux TaoSecurity The Internet map - Unrestricted information ELETTRONICA OPEN SOURCE | News ed Articoli Tecnici di Elettronica e Tecnologia Ross Anderson's Home Page Ross Anderson [Research] [Blog] [Politics] [My Book] [Music] [Contact Details] What's New Security protocols and evidence: where many payment systems fail analyses why dispute resolution is hard. In Why bouncing droplets are a pretty good model of quantum mechanics, we solve an outstanding mystery in physics (see blog posts, three previous papers and older blog posts). Reading this may harm your computer – The psychology of malware warnings analyses what sort of text we should put in a warning if we actually want the user to pay attention to it (blog). 2013 highlights included Rendezvous, a prototype search engine for code; a demonstration that we could steal your PIN via your phone camera and microphone; an analysis of SDN Authentication; and papers on quantum computing and Bell's inequality. 2010 highlights included a paper on why Chip and PIN is broken for which we got coverage on Newsnight and a best paper award (later, the banks tried to suppress this research). Research

Les starter kits pour Arduino Un "starter kit" permet de démarrer un projet avec tous les éléments nécessaires afin de ne pas perdre de temps et d’éviter la frustration de manquer d’un composant à 20 centimes pour terminer votre montage. Mais quand on débute, il est difficile d’évaluer ses besoins. Avec plus de sept années d’utilisation de micro-contrôleurs en amateurs, nous vous apportons notre expérience dans le choix d’un kit pour bien débuter, tout en économisant l’achat de composants en grand nombre. Si vous achetez une carte Arduino seule, vous pourrez certes apprendre la programmation en C, et avec la majorité des versions même faire clignoter une led. Que contient un kit de démarrage Un bon starter kit doit vous permettre d’appréhender l’ensemble des fonctionnalités d’une carte à base de micro-contrôleur comme l’Arduino avec un budget limité. des entrées numériques : un bouton simple contact des sorties numériques : leds des entrées analogiques : résistances variables (potentiomètres) Les kits conseillés

Security engineering Security engineering is a specialized field of engineering that focuses on the security aspects in the design of systems that need to be able to deal robustly with possible sources of disruption, ranging from natural disasters to malicious acts. It is similar to other systems engineering activities in that its primary motivation is to support the delivery of engineering solutions that satisfy pre-defined functional and user requirements, but with the added dimension of preventing misuse and malicious behavior. These constraints and restrictions are often asserted as a security policy. In one form or another, security engineering has existed as an informal field of study for several centuries. Due to recent catastrophic events, most notably 9/11, Security Engineering has quickly become a rapidly growing field. Other techniques such as cryptography were previously restricted to military applications. Qualifications[edit] Typical qualifications for a security engineer are: 1. 2.
