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Personality Junkie

Personality Junkie
By Dr. A.J. Drenth The INTP personality type makes up about 3-4% of the general population. INTPs’ dominant function is Introverted Thinking (Ti), which can be associated with independence and intensity of thought. Although INTPs may not discover their intellectual side (i.e., their N) as early as INTJs do, once their auxiliary Ne is fully awakened, they take intellectual matters very seriously. When vacationing from their personal projects and investigations, INTPs, like ENTPs, can be quirky, witty, and engaging. Bill Gates, INTP Like other introverts, INTPs can be anxious and self-conscious characters. Because of their reluctance to freely display the rational dimension of their personality, as well as the scattered nature of their Ne expressions, INTPs often feel their true level of knowledge and competence goes unnoticed by others. When it comes to relationships, INTPs can also have a rough go of things. INTP Personality Type Development & Functional Stack Phase I (Childhood) This conference brings together researchers in psychological type from all over the world. The objective is to study with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® the various ways in which psychological preferences are expressed in different cultures. The conference meets in Honolulu, Hawaii, in early January. Initiated in 1993, the conference has attracted reports on culture in the countries shown on the map. They include: "That's a very ___ thing to say"
