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Sock Bunny

Sock Bunny
Unlike many sock toys that needs a pair of socks to sew, each sock bunny only needs one (1) sock to make. With a pair of socks you can make a pair of bunny couples. If you have a rather new sock that lost it’s partner, you can make a bunny with it instead of throwing it away. You may use different sizes of socks to come out with various sizes of sock bunnies. The sock bunny can’t sit on its own, I pinned them down for photography purpose. [If you are interested on the felted carrot shown at the background, here is the tutorial to make it.] {Get full details on next page.} Pages: 1 2 Get all updates via email: Highlights from Our Partners

My Sister's Suitcase: Love {Yarn} Letters Thanks for all your sweet comments on my Valentine's Day Mantel! I'm back today to share my tutorial for the LOVE yarn letters I created. I had never tried wrapping anything in yarn {other than a wreath}, so I had a few trial and errors along the way :) I'm going to share the technique that ended up working the best and fastest for me. Start with your letters... mine are 8" hollow cardboard letters. The trick to wrapping these letters is the number of surfaces that have to be covered. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Now you are going to start wrapping! 7. 8. 9. Here is how I made the transition between colors to create the "ombre" effect: As I was reaching the point where I would be switching colors, a started leaving a few little gaps in between my wrapped rows {to leave space for the next color}. I wanted to show you a picture of the top view of the letter so you can see how nice it looks to have your edges wrapped nicely :) Let me know if you guys try this!

Droopy Ear Sock Bunny As promised in my previous sock bunny sewing tutorial, here comes the kawai-i version – the “Droopy Ear Sock Bunny”. This bunny can sits on its own, it is great as toy for kid and as well as for home decoration. Hope you like it and made some for your loved ones. Again, it is a single sock sewing, perfect if you have some don’t-know-what-to-do stray socks laying around that are still “new”. Since there have been quite some sock tutorials here, including the sock monkey, sock kitty and sock skeleton, I will have this tutorial a little simplified on the step photos. Happy Sewing! {Get full details on next page.} Pages: 1 2 Get all updates via email: Highlights from Our Partners

Inspiration: que faire avec des fermetures Eclair? | inspiration Si vous visitez Petit Citron pour la première fois, bienvenue! Si vous souhaitez suivre Petit Citron, vous pourrez suivre les nouveautés du site en vous inscrivant à la newsletter quotidienne : ou bien en souscrivant au flux RSS, sur Twitter ou sur FacebookVous pourrez vous désinscrire à tout moment. J’ai vu ce tutoriel sur le blog de Vickie Howell et de fil en aiguille j’ai découvert de nombreux projets réalisés à partir de fermetures éclair. De quoi donner de l’inspiration si vous avez dans vos tiroirs un petit stock de zips dont vous ne savez pas quoi faire! Ainsi, Vickie Howell explique comment créer un serre-tête tout simple ou orné d’une fleur elle-même faite d’une fermeture à glissières. On peut également faire des fleurs en zips, comme sur le site de Martha Stewart. ou une marguerite comme sur le site des Craftaholics Anonymous Côté bijoux, on peut créer des boucles d’oreilles, avec le tuto de Silver Bug Studio Plus simple, le ras-de-cou proposé sur craftster par diy-me-amy:

DIY | Photographic Trick On Pattern Bokeh Lights I promised that I will show you how to do shaped-bokeh lights effect in this post and I didn’t forget! Here is the tutorial with a shamrock pattern in a green ambient. You may adapt the tutorial for any shaped-bokeh lights you like. Happy St Patrick’s Day to whom who celebrate! Remember the beautiful morning dew drops at the tips of the wheat grass I woke up to see and adore 3 years ago? Overs the years, I have earned and saved enough to invest in an affordable and good DSLR camera. . One last thing before you jump to the tutorial, look what I have found in the wheat grasses… a tiny little visitor resting on the wheat grass. {Get full details on next page.} Pages: 1 2 Get all updates via email: Highlights from Our Partners

MOMSPatterns Vintage Sewing Patterns - Shop for Vintage Sewing Patterns at MOMSPatterns! Entrelac Messenger Bag After 3 weeks of knitting, sewing, photographing, pattern and tutorial preparation, here is the “Entrelac Messenger Bag” I did from the rectangle piece of woven-look I have showed you…. Yippee, I am completely thrill of it’s outcome, never thought it could turn out so perfect and practical. At first, I just blindly made the entrelac piece without knowing what to do with it. A few options ran through my mind… I could make different kind of bags, cushion or throw pillow cover, may be join a few pieces to become a baby blanket…. but ended up with messenger bag. I added a long straps which act as a gusset for the bag. See… me carrying this bag during a photographing outing with friends. {Get full details on next page.} Pages: 1 2 Get all updates via email: Highlights from Our Partners

Mrs. Depew Vintage par Mrsdepew DIY | Faux Brick Wall Panel DIY Faux Brick Wall PanelTools & Materials: 1. Polystyrene Foam / Styrofoam, 1/2″ thick, 2′ x 4′ 2. Wooden panel, 2 1/2′ x 4′ 3. Primer (aerosol), Brand: Krylon, color: Gray [buy at] 4. Mark 2 1/2″ x 8″ on the polystyrene foam with pen and ruler. Apply glue on both panel and polystyrene foam. Create some stone debris between the gaps by gluing some small broken pieces of polystyrene foams. Leave it dry until it is safe to work on. When the brick foams are securely adhered to the panel, take out the soldering tip and switch on the soldering iron and let it heat up. Spray a layer of primer onto the brick foam in an well ventilated space / outdoor. Leave the primer to dry for a few minutes to 1/2 hour or as per the instruction on the label. A closer look on the texture, basically it is like some tiny paint splashes in black, gray and white tone. After 3 coats and the faux brick wall is completed, leave it to dry until it is safe to handle. {More photos and story on Page 1.}

Patrons de couture Vintage | Folie Vintage Webzine, le site de l'actualité et les tendances rétro & vintage J’ai envie de coudre ! Vous avez écumé tous les sites de vêtements rétro et vintage, vous y avez dépensé des sommes astronomiques et vous avez envie d’autre chose ? La folie du clic, çà nous plaît à nous les filles, et notre armoire est notre amie et à la fois notre ennemie… Vous savez, celle qu’on remplit inlassablement et qu’on consulte tous les matins et tous les soirs en se disant… je n’ai rien à me mettre ! Une tendance au made-home s’installe de plus en plus chez les pin up… qui ont de la patience et du temps à consacrer à la couture. Outre le plaisir de chiner aux puces, du sur-mesure chez les couturiers rétro ou l’achat compulsif du côté des marques incontournables, on a toujours un peu, quelque part dans notre tête, une petite envie de couture… Peu arrivent à se lancer, désespérées face à la technicité de certains patrons et au temps fou que cela peut prendre selon le modèle choisi. Des patrons de couture vintage, ok, mais pourquoi ? Télécharger (.pdf) 1964. 1964. Burda Fashion.

Handmade Halloween: Make Spider Sack Decor with the Kids I’m so excited about this Halloween project, it turned out even better than I’d envisioned. It’s the quintessential MPMK project – easy enough for kids of all ages to get in on the action and the finished product is a decidedly stylish take on traditional Halloween decor. And did I mention how inexpensive it is? The basic materials include a pack of water balloons ($1.99), yarn ($3.79), and standard craft glue (already had it but glue should be on back-to-school sale right now). That’s it for the essentials. To really get the full effect, it’s nice to add a few plastic spiders which are on sale pretty much everywhere. To make the sacks, I simply adapted this yarn ball tutorial. Next, approximate how much yarn you’ll need to cover your balloon and wrap it around you hand to create a loop (this helps prevent tangles). Then dunk it. Now comes the really hard part, blowing up the water balloons. You probably think I’m exaggerating – I’m not! Now comes the second hardest part, waiting around.

Patrons - 2 patrons de sortie… - Liens "patrons et… - La liste complète… Jeudi 28 juin 2012 4 28 /06 /Juin /2012 08:00 Voilà une nouvelle série de patrons faciles à coudre...pour commencer...un cadeau de naissance utile ! voilà deux modèles de sortie de bain pour bébé de 0 à 3 mois. Le patron (facile à agrandir) et les fournitures: Le petit plus: les tutoriels utiles de Coupe-couture Bonne couture ! Par labobine - Publié dans : Patrons -Communauté : Plurielles 0 Mercredi 22 avril 2009 3 22 /04 /Avr /2009 08:00 Au fil des jours...à découvrir ou à redécouvrir ! Couture - Patrons et tutorielsPour femmePour enfantAccessoiresAccessoires pour cousettesDécoration Par labobine - Publié dans : Patrons -Communauté : Plurielles 9 Jeudi 28 août 2008 4 28 /08 /Août /2008 12:30 Voilà une nouvelle rubrique bien pratique: la liste des patrons de La Bobine. Vous y trouverez tous mes patrons disponibles sur ce blog. Celles qui gèrent un forum de discussion pourront facilement y faire un lien. <= Retrouvez cette liste en permanence dans la colonne en haut à gauche...

Last Minute Pumpkin Decor From Oranges Halloween is right around the corner! If you need a quick Halloween decor idea, or if you want a healthy option to hand out to trick-or-treaters, this is a fantastic holiday craft. (Note: this is not a craft for kids, because it requires a hot-glue gun. This one is strictly a DIY for Mom.) Supplies: sharpie yarn scissors hot glue and glue gun oranges Instructions: Step 1: Start by drawing faces on the oranges with a black sharpie. Step 2: Cut a bunch of short strands of yarn (about 4 inches). Step 3: Now you have a few jack-o-lanterns to add to your Halloween party decor in no time! Want more DIY Halloween Craft ideas?

Macaron Coin Purse Just can’t help for not sewing these sweet little macaron coin purses when one of Craft Passion’s Facebook fans showed them to me. Thanks to XYZZhandmade for her inspiring handmade and some tutorial links in Japanese, this, this, this and this. No, I can’t read Japanese but I can guess from the pictures on how to sew it. Here is the English version of tutorial on how to sew this macaron coin purse where I have added more details in the sewing. The space inside the coin purse is quite limited but good enough to place some small jewelries like ear rings, rings; may be to keep some small coins, folded money; a place to keep small piece of note that wrote your shopping list and reminder etc. I have tried both nylon and metal zipper, each gave different feel and effect on the macaron coin purse.

Cup Lanterns!
