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The Venus Project-Resource Based Economy

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TROM : the reality of me (Documentary) human robot The player provides you with lots of helpful features;it remembers which video you watched and where you were in the video, it streams the videos from vimeo and the buttons to the left change the narrator's voice. infoon the webwebsitehelp usnoticebehind tromcontact The TROM documentary is trying to present, in a simplistic way, the world in which we, human beings, live. The documentary is divided into chapters and sub-chapters due to documentary's excessive length (13 hours). The documentary and website are concentrated, so it is essential to read additional information which can be found in descriptions beside each section and the video player. Knowledge A brief introduction to the world we have discovered so far and an understanding of the methods we, human beings, use to arrive at those discoveries. Science The evolution of everything environment INFORMATION download subtitles credits All updated subtitles: HERE. // Make or improve them: HERE. duration: 00:15:33 duration: 00:23:20

What is Earth Overshoot Day? In 8 Months, Humanity Exhausts Earth's Budget for the Year August 20 is Earth Overshoot Day 2013, marking the date when humanity exhausted nature’s budget for the year. We are now operating in overdraft. For the rest of the year, we will maintain our ecological deficit by drawing down local resource stocks and accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Just as a bank statement tracks income against expenditures, Global Footprint Network measures humanity’s demand for and supply of natural resources and ecological services. In 1993, Earth Overshoot Day—the approximate date our resource consumption for a given year exceeds the planet’s ability to replenish—fell on October 21. Earth Overshoot Day, a concept originally developed by Global Footprint Network partner and U.K. think tank new economics foundation, is the annual marker of when we begin living beyond our means in a given year. The Cost of Ecological Overspending Methodology and Projections Click here for the 2013 press release.

Computing for Sustainability | Saving the earth one byte at a time | Page 2 Hopeful tourism computing? A couple of weeks a ago I interviewed Tess Brosnan, a film maker who wanted to talk about links between citizen science and hopeful tourism. This led me to read Annette Pritchard, Nigel Morgan and Irena Ateljevic’s “Hopeful tourism: A new transformative perspective” (pdf). I found myself reading while mentally replacing “tourism” with “computing”. Apple growers, Academics, Activists and an Animator of Lunatics Sustainable Lens: Resilience on Radio, condensed down to one image. There’s a word for that: Anupholesteraphobia I found myself reading a book on music performance (long story). Audaciously sustainable The Audacious Student Business Challenge has expanded this year to encourage business for good with a social enterprise category. Sustainable action points I’m working with a final year Career Practice student – Lily Parker. Celebrating Excellence in Communication within IT in NZ What’s your favourite quote?

Was bedeutet Earth Overshoot Day? Die Menschen verbrauchen innerhalb von acht Monaten die Kapazität der globalen Ressourcen eines ganzen Jahres. Am 20. August war Earth Overshoot Day, der Tag, an dem die Menschheit die natürlichen Ressourcen eines ganzen Jahres erschöpft hat. Ähnlich wie die Banken Buchhaltung über Einkommen und Ausgaben führen, führt Global Footprint Network Buchhaltung über Angebot und Nachfrage an natürlichen Ressourcen und ökologische Leistungen durch die Menschheit. 1993 fiel der Earth Overshoot Day auf den 21. Das Konzept des Earth Overshoot Day wurde ursprünglich vom Britischen Think Tank new economics foundation gegründet. Der menschliche Verbrauch an globalen Ressourcen Die Folgen ökologischer Überbeanspruchung Schon immer verwenden Menschen natürliche Ressourcen um sich zu ernähren und Städte und Strassen zu bauen. Gemäss den Berechnungen des Global Footprint Networks entspricht unsere Nachfrage an erneuerbaren ökologischen Ressourcen etwas mehr als anderthalb Erden. Methoden und Aussichten

The Greening of the Self By Joanna Macy / Something important is happening in our world that you are not going to read about in the newspapers. I consider it the most fascinating and hopeful development of our time, and it is one of the reasons I am so glad to be alive today. It has to do with what is occurring to the notion of the self. The self is the metaphoric construct of identity and agency, the hypothetical piece of turf on which we construct our strategies for survival, the notion around which we focus our instincts for self-preservation, our needs for self-approval, and the boundaries of our self-interest. Widening our self-interest The conventional notion of the self with which we have been raised and to which we have been conditioned by mainstream culture is being undermined. I think of the tree-huggers hugging my trunk, blocking the chain saws with their bodies. What is striking about Michael's words is the shift in identification. This is hardly new to our species.

Petrodollar Seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wird der Handel mit Erdöl hauptsächlich in US-Dollar abgerechnet. Das hierfür verwendete Geld wird auch als Petrodollar bezeichnet. Folgen der Dollarfakturierung[Bearbeiten] Aus der Dollarfakturierung des Erdöls lassen sich drei Bedeutungen ableiten: Erstens hat die große und konstante Abhängigkeit der Weltwirtschaft vom Rohöl einerseits zur Folge, dass der Wechselkurs jedes Landes gegenüber dem US-Dollar eine entscheidende ökonomische Größe ist - schließlich beeinflusst er in großem Maß die Rohstoffpreise eines Landes. Zweitens verursacht die fast ausschließliche Dollarfakturierung andererseits bilanztechnisch Verbindlichkeiten der US-Zentralbank Federal Reserve gegenüber den erdölexportierenden Ländern in enormem Umfang, da diesen Ländern durch den Ölexport große Dollarbestände zufließen. Drittens fließen der US-Zentralbank in Höhe der Ölkaufpreise Devisen der ölkaufenden Nationen zu. Petrodollars und die Seigniorage-Einnahmen der USA[Bearbeiten] Film[Bearbeiten]

EcoGeek - Brains for the Earth Peak Everything: Eight Things We Are Running Out Of And Why Getty ImagesWhy is everything running out at the same time? We did a series on Planet Green where we looked at why those basic things that we take for granted, like water, food and fuel are getting expensive and scarce, all at once.Peak Corn: Blame Earl Butz. Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford's Secretary of Agriculture brought in the Farm Bill that dramatically increased the amount of corn produced in America. Peak Oil In 1956, American geophysicist M. Peak Dirt Really, Peak Dirt- the world is losing soil 10 to 20 times faster than it is replenishing it. "The resulting organic matter feeds a whole underground ecology that aerates the soil, fixes nutrients, and makes it more hospitable for plant life, and over time the process feeds back on itself. Peak Gas The headline in our local paper today: Natural gas bills to soar by 20 per cent. Blame the price of oil. Peak Water We have lots of water in the States, so much that we can let it just flow over Niagara Falls, right? Blame Willis Carrier.

Big Ideas: Linking Water, Power, and Sewer in K-12 A Center for Ecoliteracy – San Francisco Public Utilities Commission partnership. This publication is an addition to the Center for Ecoliteracy’s suite of Big Ideas curriculum resources. It was commissioned by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) as a guide for educators, curriculum developers, and schools to engage students. It stems from the commitment of the Center and the SFPUC to nurture the next generation of environmental stewards. Big Ideas identifies key concepts that link water, power, and sewer. It highlights learning objectives that are essential to understanding the interconnectedness of San Francisco and the surrounding ecosystem. Download Big Ideas: Linking Water, Power, and Sewer in K–12 on the SFPUC website. A previous Big Ideas, created by the Center in partnership with National Geographic Education (2014), identifies key concepts that link food, culture, health, and the environment.
