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Présentation Nous sommes un groupe de passionnés d'un monde où tout est différent, où le temps s'arrête, et où tout est à la fois surréaliste et décalé. Ce monde ne se trouve pas sur terre, mais plutôt quelque part au-dessus, ou en-dessous d'une masse d'individus grouillante, anonyme et oppressante. Ce monde, ce sont les Toits, les Carrières, et les Profondeurs de notre chère terre et plus particulièrement de l'Ile-de-France. Nous avons pour vocation de ne pas oublier ce patrimoine, inconnu de la plupart, rempli d'histoire depuis des siècles. Pour certains c'est le foot, d'autres la danse, nous, nous avons fait de nos explorations une passion, un point d'attache à notre capitale où nous avons trouvé un moyen d'échapper aux bousculades, et au stress quotidien. Pourquoi ?

Arctext.js - Curving Text with CSS3 and jQuery While CSS3 allows us to rotate letters, it is quite complicated to arrange each letter along a curved path. Arctext.js is a jQuery plugin that let's you do exactly that. Based on Lettering.js, it calculates the right rotation of each letter and distributes the letters equally across the imaginary arc of the given radius. View demo Download source While CSS3 allows us to rotate letters, it is quite complicated to arrange each letter along a curved path. How it works The main idea behind the Arctext plugin is to rotate letters with CSS3 transforms in order to place them along a curved path. Options The following options are available:

The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For Créer la maquette de son site web pro : les bons outils - Waterfox Une fois réalisés le cahier des charges et l'arborescence de son site web, commence la phase de maquettage, aussi appelée « wireframing ». Une étape indispensable pour se faire une idée plus précise de l'ergonomie du site. De nombreux outils de wireframing gratuits ou payants sont aujourd'hui disponibles pour réaliser cette tâche. Simples d'utilisation, ils sont particulièrement utiles aux professionnels encadrant la réalisation d'un projet web. Présentation. Notre vidéo Le wireframing ou maquettage de sites web : qu'est-ce que c'est ? Le « wireframing » (maquettage) est l'étape consistant à représenter schématiquement l'organisation d'un site web (ex : arborescence), ainsi que son interface graphique (interactivité et ergonomie). Outils et logiciels de maquettage ou de wireframing Les outils de maquettage se destinent à l'ensemble des professionnels réunis autour d'un projet de conception web, qu'ils soient ou non techniciens. Pour quels professionnels ? Pencil Project Lumzy MockFlow Cacoo

Xenon - Build Desktop Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery Build Desktop Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery Xenon is a Powerful Development Environment for creating HTML5 Desktop Applications for Windows & Mac OSX. Xenon compiles your HTML5 web apps, games and even websites into 100% Standalone Desktop Apps. Create your project in Dreamweaver, Construct 2 or even your favorite Text Editor! Powered by Chromium Embedded Framework The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is an open source Web browser control based on the Google Chromium project. Xenon Compiled Applications incorporate a highly optimized strand of CEF to provide seamless X-Plaftorm functionality across Windows & Mac OSX and to facilitate the powerful Xenon JavaScript API. Extended Desktop Functionality with JavaScript API The Xenon Command API is a Powerful JavaScript API that extends Xenon Projects with over 50* new Commands and Classes specific to Desktop Applications. The Xenon Command API works with all HTML5 JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery, Prototype and MooTools. jRumble | A jQuery Plugin That Rumbles Elements About The Plugin jRumble is a jQuery plugin that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any element you choose. It's great to use as a hover effect or a way to direct attention to an element. Please read this before using jRumble. The Author My name is Jack Rugile. Like the Plugin? This plugin is free to use, however, if you enjoy jRumble and want to show some support, feel free share it or make a donation. Usage Include jQuery and jRumble Include jQuery and jRumble just before your closing body tag. Initialize jRumble on a Selector and Trigger Start or Stop You can do this in a script tag within your HTML or in an external JavaScript file. // Initialize jRumble on Selector $('#rumble-element').jrumble(); // Start rumble on element $('#rumble-element').trigger('startRumble'); // Stop rumble on element $('#rumble-element').trigger('stopRumble'); Demos Ranges View Source Speeds Opacity Trigger Examples Documentation Options/Defaults Known Issues Changelog v1.3 - December 3, 2011 v1.2 - October 23, 2011

List Click Effect 2 - jsFiddle In my last article, I described the common problem of events seemingly ceasing to work for new elements added to a document, whether by some form of ajax or by DOM modification. We examined one way to overcome the problem: Event Delegation. With event delegation, we bind the event handler to a containing element that remains in the DOM and then check for the target of the event. Cloning Nodes This time, we'll take a look at re-binding event handlers. <ul id="list3" class="eventlist"> <li>plain</li> <li class="special">special <button>I am special</button></li> <li>plain</li></ul> We can make a copy of <li class="special"> and insert it after the original, while at the same time retaining any event handlers that were attached within the original. JavaScript: $(document).ready(function(){ $('#list3 li.special button').click(function(){var $parent = $(this).parent(); });}); Try it: plain special plain Note: I've added .append(' I\'m a clone!') Try it now: plain special plain Re-binding Basics

Utilizzare un pattern | Guida JavaScript: tecniche avanzate | JavaScript - Waterfox Nel campo della programmazione e dello sviluppo di software, è frequente trovarsi di fronte a problemi in qualche modo diffusi per i quali spesso è già stata trovata una soluzione performante, efficiente e sicura del nostro problema. A differenza di una libreria software alla quale è possibile delegare parte di un lavoro richiamandone le API pubbliche e ottenendo il risultato dell’elaborazione, utilizzando un pattern non facciamo altro che “copiare” non parte del codice scritto da altri, ma bensì una tecnica per affrontare un problema diffuso che nel tempo si è consolidata come un buona approccio alla risoluzione dello stesso. Alcuni esempi di pattern possono essere ritrovati all’interno della macrocategoria degli algoritmi di ordinamento, argomento assai discusso ancora oggi.

SQLite Home Page Martin Krasser's Blog A Mac OS X-style Dock In JavaScript Apple’s Mac OS X operating system is renowned for its fluid graphical effects. One impressive feature is the dock’s ‘fish-eye’ effect, whereby icons expand and contract as the mouse moves over them. Achieving this effect in JavaScript is difficult, but the MacStyleDock function allows this feature to be implemented easily. An example is shown below (a larger demonstration is available on a separate page). Compatible browsers The code has been tested and confirmed to work in the following browsers: Firefox 1.5 on Mac OS X Firefox 2 on Ubuntu Linux Firefox 2 on Windows (slightly jerky due to event handlers being given a higher priority than intervals) Internet Explorer 6 Internet Explorer 7 Konqueror 3.5 on Ubuntu Linux Opera 9 on Windows Safari 2 on Mac OS X Safari 3 on Windows Implementing the Mac-style Dock Before implementing the dock, please read the notes on usability. Download one of the files listed above and upload it to your website. The constructor takes five paramaters: node name
