SKYNET- America's first neural net defense network super computer "It wasn't a fair universe, nor a kind one. If there was a God, his love and forty-five cents would buy you coffee. No one seemed to be at the cosmic controls anymore. It was every man for himself, until SKYNET became alive and filled the void left by a seemingly disinterested God. Its vision was very controlled. - Frakes, Terminator 2: Judgment Day “But I know thy abode, and thy going out, and thy coming in, and thy rage against me. Artificial Intelligence Controlled Network Defense Computer System Strategic Air Command - NORth American Aerospace Defense Strategic Initiative Artifint under the overview of the USTACCC- United States Tactical Aerospace Command Communication and Control Recent breakthroughs in advanced microchip design and computer processing power were the impetus that led to ’s first military grade neural net based artificial intelligence, SKYNET. SKYNET was also another word that made senators and politicians cringe: SKYNET was necessary. White out. SKYNET was free.
Смотреть онлайн Союз: теневой бизнес удовольствия (2007) Что бы вы не тратили своё драгоценное время на просмотр фильма, который не понравился большой массе зрителей, мы создали рейтинг просмотра, по которому вы сами сможете решить смотреть вам данную картину или нет. Рейтинг оценивается по 10 бальной шкале. Верхняя часть рейтинга (большими буквами) определяет рейтинг по версии "Кинопоиск", а в нижней части рейтинг по версии сайта "IMDB" Пример:8.45 - оценка, данные значения для каждой киноленты разные.(45767) - количество зрителей которые проголосовали за данный фильм. По мнению пользователей оценки можно распределить по следующей шкале:
Benghazi Attack. Libya’s Green Resistance Did It… And NATO Powers Are Covering Up The NATO powers and the bureaucrats they installed in Libya want you to think that all 5.6 million Libyans are happy that NATO and its proxy terrorists destroyed Libya, a country which under Gaddafi had the highest standard of living in Africa. They want you to think that NATO brought “freedom and democracy” to Libya, not chaos and death. They want you to think that there is no Green Resistance to the NATO imperialists or NATO’s Islamist allies in Benghazi. In reality, the Resistance has been increasingly active since shortly after the murder of Muammar Gaddafi in October 2011, as will be shown below. Everyone in Libya knows about the Green Resistance, whose members are called “Tahloob” (Arabic for “Gaddafi loyalists”). The Obama regime says “protesters” irate over an anti-Islam video did it. The NATO-installed bureaucrats in Libya say that “foreign extremists” did it. US Congressmen say “Al Qaeda did it”. Media outlets, such as the UK Guardian, say “an organized terror network did it”.
China is going to launch an artificial 'moon' to light up cities THE south-western Chinese city of Chengdu is planning on launching a fake moon into space in hopes of it illuminating the entire country. The project is set to be completed in 2020 and, according to People’s Daily, the artificial moon is “designed to complement the moon at night”. The fake moon’s glow is predicted to light up an area with a diameter of 10-80km; with its precise illumination range being controlled within a few dozen metres, making it eight times as bright as the real moon. The artificial moon’s brightness will be enough to entirely replace street lights. The project was introduced to the public by Wu Chunfeng, chairman of Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology Microelectronics System Research Institute Co., Ltd. Wu made the announcement at a national mass innovation and entrepreneurship activity held in Chengdu on October 10. Rex Features Wu explained that the testing of the illumination satellite started years ago, and now the technology has finally matured.
NG: Секретные материалы древности: Вампиры среди нас. Зеленые дети из Вулпита Что бы вы не тратили своё драгоценное время на просмотр фильма, который не понравился большой массе зрителей, мы создали рейтинг просмотра, по которому вы сами сможете решить смотреть вам данную картину или нет. Рейтинг оценивается по 10 бальной шкале. Верхняя часть рейтинга (большими буквами) определяет рейтинг по версии "Кинопоиск", а в нижней части рейтинг по версии сайта "IMDB" Пример:8.45 - оценка, данные значения для каждой киноленты разные.(45767) - количество зрителей которые проголосовали за данный фильм. По мнению пользователей оценки можно распределить по следующей шкале:
NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River The Great Man-Made River It is a war crime to attack essential civilian infrastructure. 95% of Libya is desert and 70% of Libyans depend on water which is piped in from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System under the southern desert. The water pipe infrastructure is probably the most essential civilian infrastructure in Libya. Key to its continued function, particularly in time of war, is the Brega pipe factory which enables leaks and breaks in the system to be repaired. NATO has admitted that its jets attacked the pipe factory on 22 July, claiming in justification that it was used as a military storage facility and rockets were launched from there. The Great Man-Made River Libyans like to call the Great Man-Made River “The eighth wonder of the world”. In August 1984, Muammar Al Qadhafi laid the foundation stone for the pipe production plant at Brega. “The water changed lives. Engineer and project manager Abdelmajid Gahoud told foreign journalists in Tripoli: The Brega Pipe-Making Plant and
C.I.A. releases document on Nikola Tesla on Scalar Waves, formerly TOP SECRET | (Verborgen) nieuws ( Scalar waves are a purported type of electromagnetic wave that works outside physics as we know it. The central conceit is that scalar waves restore certain useful aspects of Maxwell’s equations “discarded” in the nineteenth century by those fools Heaviside, Hertz and Gibbs. Nikola Tesla was also interested in them, in his more-than-a-little-odd period. C.I.A. releases document on Nikola Tesla on Scalar Waves, formerly TOP SECRET: T. (In real physics, in the terms “scalar wave theory” or “scalar wave equation,” the adjective is “scalar”: treating the quantity you’re dealing with as a scalar rather than a vector — it’s just a quantity without direction or co-ordinates. The main proponent of scalar wave pseudophysics is zero-point energy advocate Thomas E. You can apparently make scalar waves with a bifilar coil (one wound with a pair of wires instead of a single wire) and pushing opposing currents through the wires (join the far ends together).
BBC. Большой Барьерный риф Что бы вы не тратили своё драгоценное время на просмотр фильма, который не понравился большой массе зрителей, мы создали рейтинг просмотра, по которому вы сами сможете решить смотреть вам данную картину или нет. Рейтинг оценивается по 10 бальной шкале. Верхняя часть рейтинга (большими буквами) определяет рейтинг по версии "Кинопоиск", а в нижней части рейтинг по версии сайта "IMDB" Пример:8.45 - оценка, данные значения для каждой киноленты разные.(45767) - количество зрителей которые проголосовали за данный фильм. По мнению пользователей оценки можно распределить по следующей шкале:
A War for Human Rights? | The Political Bouillon The war in Libya never happened. At least that is what one might think, considering the dearth of serious analysis and critical reflection in Canada since our participation in NATO’s bombardment campaign ended a year ago. Yet in Libya, in many ways the war is still happening. How the war was sold to the public needs to be revisited lest we treat war as merely a temporary spectacle of no consequence. The problem is that none of that was true. This was instead a series of “incubator baby” stories on steroids: exaggerate and repeat such fabrications often enough and some of it might seep into public “consciousness” as if it were fact. We were also told that if we failed to act in “stopping” Gaddafi, that it would make us complicit and responsible for allowing his atrocities to happen. NATO member states, such as Canada, and their chief spokesmen never failed to label every armed action against Libyan forces as “protecting civilians.” We acted to bring about regime change. -Maximilian Forte
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics There's something mysterious coming up from the frozen ground in Antarctica, and it could break physics as we know it. Physicists don't know what it is exactly. But they do know it's some sort of cosmic ray — a high-energy particle that's blasted its way through space, into the Earth, and back out again. But the particles physicists know about — the collection of particles that make up what scientists call the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics — shouldn't be able to do that. Sure, there are low-energy neutrinos that can pierce through miles upon miles of rock unaffected. But high-energy neutrinos, as well as other high-energy particles, have "large cross-sections." And yet, since March 2016, researchers have been puzzling over two events in Antarctica where cosmic rays did burst out from the Earth, and were detected by NASA's Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) — a balloon-borne antenna drifting over the southern continent. Fox didn't dispute that.
Внутри человеческого тела / Тайны человеческого тела / Inside the Human Body Нет ничего уникального и поразительного, чем сам человек Что если вам предложат, не выходя из дома, в удобном кресле, совершить незабываемое путешествию в глубины человеческого организма? Для этого вам не надо покупать билеты или заказывать на дом профессора – всего-то стоит посмотреть этот замечательный сериал. Итак, если вы согласны, давайте продолжим. Перед собой мы увидим самый сложный из всех когда-либо существовавших организмов – человеческий. Хотите узнать интересные, увлекательно рассказанные и показанные подробности о моменте превращения вас самого в человека? «Все мы братья и сёстры» - широко известное высказывание, которое полностью соответствует своему содержанию, ведь с каждым человеком у нас имеется около нескольких триллионов общих компонентов. Конечно, многие скажут, что идеи не нова и уже были подобные проекты, но сериал-то 2011 года, а это значит, что все последние научные открытия о человеческом организме представлены только здесь. Итог:
The Illusions of Reality: Life, Death & Time with Anthony Peake