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The Logic Lab: simulating simple circuits of logic gates

The Logic Lab: simulating simple circuits of logic gates

The Science of Word Recognition About fonts > ClearType The Science of Word Recognition or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bouma Kevin LarsonAdvanced Reading Technology, Microsoft CorporationJuly 2004 Introduction Evidence from the last 20 years of work in cognitive psychology indicate that we use the letters within a word to recognize a word. This paper is written from the perspective of a reading psychologist. The goal of this paper is to review the history of why psychologists moved from a word shape model of word recognition to a letter recognition model, and to help others to come to the same conclusion. I will start by describing three major categories of word recognition models: the word shape model, and serial and parallel models of letter recognition. Model #1: Word Shape The word recognition model that says words are recognized as complete units is the oldest model in the psychological literature, and is likely much older than the psychological literature. characters Model #2: Serial Letter Recognition

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TwistedSifter Want to work at Google? Answer these questions This article was taken from the March 2012 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online. It's famously tough getting through the Google interview process. But now we can reveal just how strenuous are the mental acrobatics demanded from prospective employees. 1. Those who were paying attention in rocket-science class will recall the formula for the energy of a projectile: E = mgh. 2. "Latency problem in South Africa" is an inside joke at Google. • The internet is running slowly in South Africa. • Google searches (only) are running slowly. The ping operation measures latency on the Internet. 3. The 2006 Emergency Evacuation Report Card of the American Highway Users Alliance gave Kansas City an A grade. • Make use of the fact that everyone wants to get out of the city as fast as possible. • Use school buses. • Divert petrol to the region's petrol stations. 4. 5.

ProxyNova - Free Public Proxy Server List Young girl who's best friends with African wildlife Born in Africa to French wildlife photographer parents, Tippi Degré had a most unusual childhood. The young girl grew up in the African desert and developed an uncommon bond with many untamed animals including a 28-year old African elephant named Abu, a leopard nicknamed J&B, lion cubs, giraffes, an Ostrich, a mongoose, crocodiles, a baby zebra, a cheetah, giant bullfrogs, and even a snake. Africa was her home for many years and Tippi became friends with the ferocious animals and tribespeople of Namibia. As a young child, the French girl said, “I don’t have friends here. Because I never see children. Parents Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert documented Tippi’s life and relationships with the African wildlife and transformed those moments into captivating books and movies. Looking past some fairly obvious and natural parental worries, Tippi had the most amazing upbringing.

How Can I Tell If Someone Is Lying To Me? (Infidelity) VideoJug presents a short guide explaining exactly how you can tell if someone is lying. With advice from our body language expert Judi James, never before has been so easy to see if someone is lying to you! Step 1: No body movement Little or no body movement occurs when the pressure of the lie makes the liar worry about their body language, so some will stop moving all together. This also is reflected in eye contact, when they probably won't be able to look at you. Step 2: Exaggerated body movement Some liars do the opposite. Step 3: Stress gestures Lying makes people stressed and this comes across in their body language with strange gestures such as scratching, itching and twitching. Step 4: Eye contact Eyes are a great giveaway. Step 5: Eye movement We move our eyeballs to stimulate different parts of the brain. Step 6: Nose touching This is a typical sign of lying. Step 7: Mouth or face covering
