glared atonals Grace Theme Code This is a simple one column theme, with optional endless scroll. Sanity Theme Code This is a two or three column theme with endless scroll. Gypsy Theme Code This theme does not allow endless scrolling because of the location of the links and description. FLUME Premium Theme! Classy layout which was inspired by Neglect Theme Code This theme has two or three columns with endless scroll. Mirth PREMIUM theme for $5 Buy Here Preview 1 Preview2 Optional one or two columns for large picturesOptional two, three, four columns for small picturesOptional endless scrollCustom colors and fontsOptional to have a left aligned sidebar ******If after purchasing you do not get redirected to the correct website, send me a message with the name you used to purchase the theme via Paypal (I will check) and I will send you the code. Absent Theme Code One columnOptional endless scrollOptional small picturesCustom colors and fonts (inspired by Code
mermaid heys guys u should follow my new theme blog at for cooler nicer themes haha thanks for the support! & bonus i follow everyone back on that new blog 101011: how did you make all your photos black and white? :o it's so cool how it becomes colored when you hover! Theme 13 Preview | Code check out the cool permalinks! Theme 12 Preview (3 columns) | Preview (1 column) | Code i really like the permalinks for this one! Theme 11 Preview | Code credit to w-a-n-d-e-r-l-u-s-ttt for screenshot ♡ Theme 10 Preview | Code thanks to dehalence for screenshot! Theme 9 Preview | Code i love this theme. simplistic im currently using it on my main blog Theme 8 Preview 4 columns | Code click the features&options page to find all the awesome stuff this theme has to offer! credit to play for stripes and idea ♡ Theme 7 Preview | Code credit to gruesom3 for trying to screenshot (; ♡ check it out ! Theme 6
her These themes are made by ADESSIVE. They are very simple purposely to be convenient and clean. I try to update and manage my themes weekly. Hello everyone. ALL themes are back up and running. Thank you! NAIVEPreview—Download One columnOptional width sizing, post spacing, image fade, show borders, show date on index page, and show captionsEndless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors GLOBALPreview—Download Two columnsOptional show description and link borders, captions, and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors Columns vary depending on screen resolution with larger 1st and 5th photo postsOptional image fade and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors Please be aware that photosets and videos are set to default 250. RADIATEPreview—Download Two columnsOptional show borders, captions, and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors MINIMUMPreview—Download *Superb for art and minimal posts.