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Growing A Jeweled Rose

Egg Shaped Lanterns Ever since we did our Tissue Paper Mache Eggs from a previous post I've been toying with this idea and have finally completed it. I really wanted the Tissue Paper Mache Eggs to be transparent, but we had to do a few layers so they did turn out beautiful, but they were opaque. I was looking through Scribble Art a great kid's art book by Mary Ann Kohl and noticed an idea for the yarn eggs, but at the end of the idea it mentioned putting tissue paper over it for an extension. This was my light bulb moment and this is how these Egg Shaped Lanterns came to be!!! ILovehow they turned out! To begin, cut some 12 inch yarn pieces----about 8 pieces or so. Soak the yarn in the glue for a few minutes. Set a water balloon in a cup (I cut down a yogurt container to fit) and you are ready to wrap yarn around the balloon. Here is Cassie wrapping the yarn on the balloon. Here is our yarn wrapped balloon---we did 2 of these at a time! Now for the tissue paper part---make sure it is not bleeding tissue!

paint cut paste - inspiring young artists through creative projects Valentine Art with Potato Stamps Like many of you, we love playing with paint in various ways. We have painted with spaghetti brushes, explored resist painting and have even painted trees. My toddler has a new found interest – printing with objects. Stamping or printing with household objects captures her interest immediately because she has seen mom/dad use the said object for something else. She is instantly curious. For the Valentine art supplies needed are very basic. I first drew different sizes of hearts on 2 pieces of (halved) potatoes. I cut off the part surrounding the heart so that it leaves the heart to be little raised. With reds and pinks, we stamped away.. It was interesting to see my toddler learn as the process evolves. I brought out the cookie cutters and we did concentric hearts. My toddler was all about fully experiencing the potato stamps and creating beautiful valentine art with it. Here are all the heart prints. My pre schooler is not big on themed colors.. Thanks for reading

NJIL Организация праздников Preschool Activity Ideas | Toddler Activity Ideas | Mommy With Selective Memory Idée Pâte à sel de Noël: des pains d’épice plus vrais que nature ! par Rachel, le 16 novembre 2011 Le bricolage de Noël, c'est parti ! Hier, c'était pâte à sel (1ère étape, annoncée sur la page Facebook du blog - Merci pour vos "j'aime", d'ailleurs ! 😀 ) puis perles Hama (cliquez pour voir mes nouveaux modèles), et aujourd'hui, Tim et moi sommes passés à la 2ème étape de la pâte à sel, pour décorer nos petits gâteaux à suspendre dans le sapin... Attention ! Pour ces décorations de sapin, j'ai choisi de faire une pâte à sel colorée, pour n'avoir qu'à décorer les "biscuits" après cuisson, comme avec du sucre coloré. Pour cela, j'ai préparé ma pâte de la façon habituelle, en remplaçant simplement l'eau par... du café ! Je vous rappelle les proportions : - 1 verre de sel fin - 2 verres de farine - 1 cuillère de colle blanche (pour l'élasticité) - 1 cuillère de vaseline (pour le confort !) Pour être sûre que mes gâteaux seraient suffisamment colorés, j'y ai ajouté deux cuillères d'un mélange à pain d'épice (du vrai, mais un peu périmé...).

Confessions of a Homeschooler Art Projects for kids : Oil Paint and Water Art This art project is good for kids 4 and above. If you been following our blog, you would have noticed that we have been sharing quite a few easy art projects for kids. When taking up art projects for kids, easy really is the key. You just need a few supplies for this one but be prepared to be amazed with your kid. Suminagashi art is an ancient Japanese technique for marbling paper using ink. It actually originated in China but has been practiced by the Japanese ever since. Things we used Thinned oil paintsShallow pan with waterMedicine dropper/spoonsStraws (optional)Thick paper I used Reeves brand oil color. It is better not to reuse the pan ( for cooking) you use for this art project. To create even more dramatic patterns, we blew air through straws and even stirred the water with the straw. Once satisfied with the patterns created, we floated a thick paper on the pan. Tada! Of course we did not stop with one. Our own marbleized paper Thanks for reading Please take a moment to comment
