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Photosynth - Capture your world in 3D.

Photosynth - Capture your world in 3D.
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AutoStitch AutoStitch works from unordered collections of images, automatically finding matches between images using the SIFT algorithm. It then robustly aligns all images and uses advanced blending algorithms to form seamless panoramas (see below). For more details, see our research papers. 25 of 57 images aligned All 57 images aligned Final Result Note: Mobile versions of AutoStitch are developed by Cloudburst Research. AutoStitch is available to license from the University of British Columbia. AutoStitch is now available in the following commercial products: Autopano Pro (Windows, Mac, Linux) Serif PanoramaPlus (Windows) Calico (Mac) The University of British Columbia has also granted a commercial license to Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), a Lucasfilm Ltd. company, to use AutoStitch software to produce panoramas for film production. The version of AutoStitch on this website is a demo only. Q: What projection method does AutoStitch use?

Télécharger une vidéo en streaming Télécharger une vidéo en streaming Si vous souhaitez récupérer une vidéo sur un site tel que Youtube, c'est très simple car il suffit de fouiller un peu dans le code source pour télécharger simplement le FLV. Mais si vous êtes sur un site qui diffuse en streaming, c'est à dire via le protocole RTMP, c'est tout de suite moins simple... 2 solutions à ce problème : Orbit Downloader (Windows) qui se charge de détecter n'importe quelle vidéo en cours de lecture et l'enregistre pour vousRTMPDump (Windows & Linux + source) qui via une simple ligne de commande permet de générer un .flv à partir du flux streamé : rtmpdump -r -o sortie.flv L'avantage avec RMTPDump, c'est qu'on peut l'intégrer dans un process complet. Amusez vous bien :-) [photo] Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Does My Web Site Suck 165 Mortal Sins That Will Send Your Site to Web Design Hell Checklist 1 | Checklist 2 | What do I do now? | The Top 30 Web Design Mistakes Why can't we see that our web pages suck? I've never figured out the answer to this question. The closest I've come is an article "Why can we predict other people's behavior more accurately than our own?" In the world of web design, we can see other people's mistakes, but not our own, because we're too close and too familiar with our own pages. My two web design checklists make web design much simpler. Checklist #1 is so simple that a brain-dead senior-level executive can use it to see if their web site sucks. The answer sheet: If you check the box for any of the questions, your web site sucks. There is one problem, though. The mistakes in Checklist #1 are fatal. First Impression / Big Picture We've designed our site to meet our organization's needs (more sales/contributions) rather than meeting the needs of our visitors. The home page is too long.

Today's Most Popular Study Guides Wim Wenders | Galerie Wim Wenders. Instant Stories at C|O Berlin presents a selection from the late 1960s to the early 1980s, when Polaroids were a visual notebook, a field of experimentation, and a photographic road movie. The resulting collection of pictures includes thousands of unique, personal shots of his film sets and travels through Europe, the United States, and many other places around the globe. They show Wenders in his personal surroundings and portraits of celebrities and friends including Annie Leibovitz, Robby Müller, Dennis Hopper, and Peter Handke. The exhibition will be making its first and only stop in Germany at C|O Berlin. For more information please visit: C|O Berlin Kulturzeit ARTE Journal ARD Tagesschau photo: Wim Wenders, Reluctant, by an unknown photographer. Midsummer in Sweden, Red Army Pop Art in Sofia, Buckingham Palace, Salt Lake City Temple Square - Photo Panoramiques Create diagrams online Real time collaboration - Tour Draw Blog and Wiki images on Cacoo Diagrams created on Cacoo can be embedded in your Blog or Wiki in PNG format. If you edit the diagram in Cacoo, the embedded image will be replaced automatically. Export as PDF and SVG! Diagrams can be exported in vector formats - PDF, SVG, etc. Exported diagrams can be printed out or re-edited on other graphic editors, such as Adobe Illustrator. PDF Samples12 SVG Samples12 Share the diagram with anyone You can even share the diagram with someone you don’t know. How to hide files and folders in Windows XP – The easy way Ok, so here’s a quick little tip for those people who want to hide a particular file or folder on their computers, but don’t feel like spending $40 on a piece of software for that one single purpose! This method of hiding files and folders in Windows XP is quite rudimentary, which means that if someone knows what they are doing with computers, it could be found pretty easily. However, it’s a great way to hide folders from people like your parents or people who only know how to check their email and that’s it! First of all, if you have a folder you want to hide, don’t create the folder in some obvious place such as My Documents, instead put it in a location that someone would typically not look into. For example, create a new folder under C:\Program Files. Creating a folder there doesn’t hurt anything at all and not many people go browsing through their anyway since it’s mostly just system installation files. Click OK to save the changes. And that’s it!

Beyond CliffsNotes: 100 Free & Useful Tools for When Time's Running... If you’re a consummate procrastinator–despite your best efforts to be otherwise–then you’ve undoubtedly waited until the last minute to start that research paper or read that book more than once. Here you’ll find a collection of resources that can help you cram for tests, understand the main ideas of a work of literature, do your math homework and a whole lot more so your procrastination won’t send your college career down the tubes. Study Guides These study guides can help you understand literary metaphors, summarize readings and give you the tools necessary to muddle through the densest of texts. Study Tools Use these study tools to quiz yourself, solve math problems and cram at the last minute. Sharing Notes On these sites you’ll be able to share your notes and get notes from others from classes you might have missed. Reference If you need to look up any kind of basic information from word translations to a more intelligent sounding word, these tools will help. Research Writing Presentation

trespassing on beauty - photography of industrial decay Let’s say you knew where something really beautiful was, but somebody kept it locked away because their insurance company told them to. It’s not in anybody’s home. You didn’t want to steal or damage it. A lot of people have been delving into secret places, abandoned places, seeking out the mysterious internal organs of our civilization. At first it was just the obsession of many isolated shutterbugs from America, Canada and Western Europe. The IDN at first just supported an amazing photo blog. What is the appeal of these photos? But the images are more than that. They also connect us to history and to the roots of our civilization. Lastly the factory machines have a steampunk quality, like Jules Verne. There’s a lot of this material out there, so dig in.

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