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VassarStats: Statistical Computation Web Site

VassarStats: Statistical Computation Web Site
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Sample Size Calculator - Confidence Level, Confidence Interval, Sample Size, Population Size, Relevant Population - Creative Research Systems This Sample Size Calculator is presented as a public service of Creative Research Systems survey software. You can use it to determine how many people you need to interview in order to get results that reflect the target population as precisely as needed. You can also find the level of precision you have in an existing sample. Before using the sample size calculator, there are two terms that you need to know. These are: confidence interval and confidence level. If you are not familiar with these terms, click here. Enter your choices in a calculator below to find the sample size you need or the confidence interval you have. Sample Size Calculator Terms: Confidence Interval & Confidence Level The confidence interval (also called margin of error) is the plus-or-minus figure usually reported in newspaper or television opinion poll results. The confidence level tells you how sure you can be. Factors that Affect Confidence Intervals Sample sizePercentagePopulation size Sample Size Percentage

Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages R: The R Project for Statistical Computing Sample Size Calculator by Raosoft, Inc. If 50% of all the people in a population of 20000 people drink coffee in the morning, and if you were repeat the survey of 377 people ("Did you drink coffee this morning?") many times, then 95% of the time, your survey would find that between 45% and 55% of the people in your sample answered "Yes". The remaining 5% of the time, or for 1 in 20 survey questions, you would expect the survey response to more than the margin of error away from the true answer. When you survey a sample of the population, you don't know that you've found the correct answer, but you do know that there's a 95% chance that you're within the margin of error of the correct answer. Try changing your sample size and watch what happens to the alternate scenarios. That tells you what happens if you don't use the recommended sample size, and how M.O.E and confidence level (that 95%) are related. To learn more if you're a beginner, read Basic Statistics: A Modern Approach and The Cartoon Guide to Statistics.

Determinación del tamaño muestral Todo estudio epidemiológico lleva implícito en la fase de diseño la determinación del tamaño muestral necesario para la ejecución del mismo (1-4). El no realizar dicho proceso, puede llevarnos a dos situaciones diferentes: primera que realicemos el estudio sin el número adecuado de pacientes, con lo cual no podremos ser precisos al estimar los parámetros y además no encontraremos diferencias significativas cuando en la realidad sí existen. La segunda situación es que podríamos estudiar un número innecesario de pacientes, lo cual lleva implícito no solo la pérdida de tiempo e incremento de recursos innecesarios sino que además la calidad del estudio, dado dicho incremento, puede verse afectada en sentido negativo. Para determinar el tamaño muestral de un estudio, debemos considerar diferentes situaciones (5-7): A. Estudios para determinar parámetros. Es decir pretendemos hacer inferencias a valores poblacionales (proporciones, medias) a partir de una muestra (Tabla 1).

Downloadable Sample SPSS Data Files Downloadable Sample SPSS Data Files Data QualityEnsure that required fields contain data.Ensure that the required homicide (09A, 09B, 09C) offense segment data fields are complete.Ensure that the required homicide (09A, 09B, 09C) victim segment data fields are complete.Ensure that offenses coded as occurring at midnight are correctEnsure that victim variables are reported where required and are correct when reported but not required. Standardizing the Display of IBR Data: An Examination of NIBRS ElementsTime of Juvenile Firearm ViolenceTime of Day of Personal Robberies by Type of LocationIncidents on School Property by HourTemporal Distribution of Sexual Assault Within Victim Age CategoriesLocation of Juvenile and Adult Property Crime VictimizationsRobberies by LocationFrequency Distribution for Victim-Offender Relationship by Offender and Older Age Groups and Location Analysis ExamplesFBI's Analysis of RobberyFBI's Analysis of Motor Vehicle Theft Using Survival Model

Descriptive Statistics - Free Statistics and Forecasting Software (Calculators) v.1.2.1 To cite in publications use:Wessa, P. (2019), Free Statistics Software, Office for Research Development and Education, version 1.2.1, URL © All rights reserved. Academic license for non-commercial use only. Information provided on this web site is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. Software Version : 1.2.1Algorithms & Software : Patrick Wessa, PhDServer : About | Comments, Feedback & Errors | Privacy Policy | Statistics Resources | Home

Data & Documentation | YRBSS | Adolescent and School Health | CDC Skip directly to search Skip directly to A to Z list Skip directly to navigation Skip directly to page options Skip directly to site content Get Email Updates To receive email updates about this page, enter your email address: CDCDASH HomeDataYRBSSData & Documentation YRBSS Data & Documentation Recommend on Facebook Tweet On This Page Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data are available in two file formats: Access® and ASCII. New Sexual Minority Data are Now Available. Combined YRBS Datasets and Documentation The combined YRBS dataset includes national, state, and large urban school district data from selected surveys from 1991-2015. National dat (zip)( States A-M dat (zip)( States N-Z (zip)( Top of Page National YRBS Datasets and Documentation Data SPSS Syntax: sps

RStats Resources - RStats Institute Statistics Tutoring Undergraduate students who need assistance with statistics homework can receive one-on-one tutoring through Missouri State University's Bear CLAW (Center for Learning and Writing). Click here to access Bear CLAW Statistics Tutoring. Instructional Videos Tables and Calculators Click here to access: Normal Distribution TableT Distribution TableCritical Pearson's r ValuesF Distribution TableChi Square Distribution Table and CalculatorCohen's D Effect Size Calculator Notes from Previous RStats Workshops Information About RStats

The R Trader » Blog Archive » BERT: a newcomer in the R Excel connection A few months ago a reader point me out this new way of connecting R and Excel. I don’t know for how long this has been around, but I never came across it and I’ve never seen any blog post or article about it. So I decided to write a post as the tool is really worth it and before anyone asks, I’m not related to the company in any way. BERT stands for Basic Excel R Toolkit. It’s free (licensed under the GPL v2) and it has been developed by Structured Data LLC. At the time of writing the current version of BERT is 1.07. In this post I’m not going to show you how R and Excel interact via BERT. How do I use BERT? My trading signals are generated using a long list of R files but I need the flexibility of Excel to display results quickly and efficiently. Use XML to build user defined menus and buttons in an Excel file.The above menus and buttons are essentially calls to VBA functions.Those VBA functions are wrapup around R functions defined using BERT. Prerequisite Step by step guide You’re done!

Free Statistical Software Unix operating systems. The R Project for Statistical Computing full featured, very powerful Analysis Lab Basic analyses, good for teaching. A nice collection of small programs for specific types of analyses.) DataPlot Includes scientific visualization, statistical analysis, and non-linear modeling. MacAnova Not just for Macs, and not just ANOVA BrightStat Basic analyses including many non-parametric tests.

Measuring Association in Case-Control Studies All the examples above were for cohort studies or clinical trials in which we compared either cumulative incidence or incidence rates among two or more exposure groups. However, in a true case-control study we don't measure and compare incidence. There is no "follow-up" period in case-control studies. In the module on Overview of Analytic Studies we considered a rare disease in a source population that looked like this: This view of the population is hypothetical because it shows us the exposure status of all subjects in the population. Another way of looking at this association is to consider that the "Diseased" column tells us the relative exposure status in people who developed the outcome (7/6 = 1.16667), and the "Total" column tells us the relative exposure status of the entire source population (1,007/5,640 = 0.1785). The Odds Ratio The relative exposure distributions (7/6) and (10/56) are really odds, i.e. the odds of exposure among cases and non-diseased controls.

How To Determine Sample Size, Determining Sample Size In order to prove that a process has been improved, you must measure the process capability before and after improvements are implemented. This allows you to quantify the process improvement (e.g., defect reduction or productivity increase) and translate the effects into an estimated financial result – something business leaders can understand and appreciate. If data is not readily available for the process, how many members of the population should be selected to ensure that the population is properly represented? If data has been collected, how do you determine if you have enough data? Determining sample size is a very important issue because samples that are too large may waste time, resources and money, while samples that are too small may lead to inaccurate results. When sample data is collected and the sample mean is calculated, that sample mean is typically different from the population mean . is the maximum difference between the observed sample mean where: is the sample size. . .
