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PhD Programmes, Research Projects & Studentships in the UK & Europe

PhD Programmes, Research Projects & Studentships in the UK & Europe

Scholarships for students at AA School Each year the Architectural Association awards more than 70 scholarships and bursaries to undergraduate students studying on RIBA/ARB-recognised courses. Scholarships are offered to First, Second and Fourth Year applicants who demonstrate academic excellence and financial need. These scholarships are available for three and two years respectively, subject always to continuing progress. All applicants to the main undergraduate course are eligible to apply for a scholarship, regardless of nationality or background. Any student in receipt of a scholarship is not eligible to apply for a bursary. Application procedure A summary of the scholarship application procedure can be found here. The AA is committed to giving as many talented students as possible the opportunity to study. Amount of financial assistance Most scholarships are equivalent to one-third or two-thirds of the annual fees. List of AA scholarships David Allford Scholarship Alvin Boyarsky Scholarship Stephen Lawrence Scholarship

Thinking about a Ph.D.? | John G. Stackhouse, Jr. Suggestions for Master’s Degree-Level Students Considering Ph.D. Studies, especially in Religion, Theology, and the Like Prof. John G. Stackhouse, Jr., Ph.D. (Chicago), Sangwoo Youtong Chee Professor of Theology and Culture, Regent College, Vancouver, Canadawith thanks to Prof. Please note: This document is not an official statement of Regent College or its Faculty. Also: See my blog entry, “Should You Write a Master’s Thesis?” As you undertake the process of discernment, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Do I have a consistent “A” average (3.7 GPA or higher) in my graduate courses? 2. Do I find delight in long hours of intense, extended, solitary study? 3. The Ph.D. is an independent project and I should not expect significant help or personal interest from my supervisor. 4. Do I feel I have gifts in scholarship and teaching? (In the mid-1990s, the Chronicle of Higher Education reported that the average age of recipients of the Ph.D. in the humanities in the United States was 34.

Architecture School Rankings Which architecture school is the most respected? Which is the most innovative? Which is the best? Every year, DesignIntelligence conducts an extensive survey for the Design Futures Council, seeking to identify the most successful architecture schools in the United States. Mind you, school rankings can't tell you which college is best for your own particular interests and needs. America's Best Architecture & Design SchoolsSelected findings from DesignIntelligence, 2014 Top Graduate Programs in Architecture (M.Arch Degree) Top Undergraduate Programs in Architecture (B.Arch Degrees) The complete report with the top twenty school rankings, the top Industrial Design schools, Landscape Architecture schools, the best Interior Design schools, a directory of top schools, and helpful articles may be purchased from DesignIntelligence. DesignIntelligence on Facebook Source:America's Best Architecture Schools 2014, DesignIntelligence, Greenway communications [accessed November 3, 2013]

Serena's story: How one student is demanding a better deal for postgraduates - Postgraduate Study - Postgraduate The forum accepts that the general postgraduate experience is positive. But in this, its second, report, the forum highlights three broad areas of weakness: the infrastructure supporting students was originally developed for undergraduates; support is seen as far too patchy; and support networks are insufficient to prevent isolation. David Lammy, the minister for higher education, says: "Postgraduate study in this country has grown tenfold in the past decade, but it has not been organised growth. Support for postgraduates is not just a matter of personal satisfaction. These problems, therefore, have a wider resonance. For example, one of the hidden costs of studying is attending conferences, which offer valuable networking opportunities and play a part in reducing the sense of isolation that can accompany arts degrees especially. The variable quality of information, advice and guidance is another problem. Among PhD students, supervision ranges from the motivational to the moribund.

Come vincere un dottorato all'estero /1 | Cuore, cervello e altre frattaglie ~ Heart, brain and other giblets Occhei, vuoi andartene dall’Italia. Occhei, vuoi fare un dottorato. Qui c’e’ tutto quello che ti serve sapere. Come faccio a vincere un dottorato all’estero? All’inzio mi sono sentito perso in mezzo al nulla, annaspavo senza appigli e surfavo i siti delle varie universita’ del mondo senza alcun metodo, sprecando il mio tempo e pensado: oddio, che bordello, sono rovinato. Poi mi sono ricordato il consglio della Guida Galattica per Autostoppisti: non fatevi prendere dal panico . Adesso rilassati, apriti una lattina di birra e datti un’occhiata a questi consigli. Fase preparatoria (0): cosa serve per fare l’application per il dottorato all’estero? Le richieste di dottorato all’estero si fanno compilando dei moduli ( applications ) online e inviando dei plichi di materiale cartaceo all’universita’. Fase preparatoria (1): i documenti necessari 1.1 Scrivere un curriculum decente Devi scrivere il tuo curriculum in inglese. Non occupare piu’ di 3 pagine. 1.2 Passare il TOEFL o lo IELTS 1.4 Passaporto

PhD teaching quid pro quo without the quid (or goes) UEL students' open letter signals wider problems with provision. Elizabeth Gibney reports A row has broken out at a university over the amount of paid teaching work being offered to PhD students in two of its schools as concern grows in the sector about graduate teaching. Doctoral students at the University of East London last month wrote an open letter to Patrick McGhee, UEL's vice-chancellor, complaining about the scarcity of paid teaching jobs for students in its School of Arts and Digital Industries and its School of Law and Social Sciences. In a statement to Times Higher Education, Professor McGhee says that the former's budget for hourly paid lecturers next year would cover between 400 and 500 hours of teaching, funding specialist practitioners as well as doctoral students. The School of Law and Social Sciences would also have a budget for such teaching, although its size has yet to be decided. Exploitation

Come ottenere un dottorato all'università di Leeds, Inghilterra You are here: Home » Inghilterra » Come ottenere un dottorato all’università di Leeds, Inghilterra Email Oggi intervistiamo Francesco Giorgio-Serchi, studente con tre anni di studio che stanno per culminare in un dottorato all’University of Leeds in Inghilterra. Mi sono laureato a Pisa in Scienze e Tecnologie Marine, con una tesi su modelli di previsioni atmosferiche presso il CNR di Firenze. Circa sei mesi prima della laurea cominciai a dare un’occhiata alle possibilità di impiego all’estero. Mi resi conto in breve tempo che, valicato il confine italico, le possibilità di scelta si moltiplicavano. Inoltrai domande alle Università di Bath, di Leeds, di Loughborough, di Dublino, di Uppsala, di Tolouse, di Plymouth, di Southampton e ad un paio di centri di ricerca e compagnie di ingegneria offshore in Olanda. Premetto che la mia esperienza nello scrivere una applicazione o anche semplicemente una email di presentazione erano zero assoluto, quindi all’inizio passai da un fallimento all’altro.

PhDs are worthless? Perhaps (not?) « Recurring Decimals….. Seems like everyone and their grandma have forwarded (via e-mail, how quaint is that?), Facebook-ed, Tweet-ed or in some way social media-ed the heck out of this story in The Economist on the worth of PhDs. I will spare you some effort with the spoiler: PhDs are a waste, the author – apparently a recovering PhD – claims. Having gone through the process myself, I will agree – but to a certain extent only, and with great deal of qualifiers (more on that later). However, the manner in which the article is written is very disappointing. What I was rather hoping for when I read the headline, and generally from a magazine like The Economist [1], was more in-depth analysis such as discussing the opportunity costs of a PhD degree – either in terms of economics (lost wages), social status (delayed marriage/starting family), gender issues (much more difficult for women PhDs to balance family/career) etc. The earnings premium for a PhD is 26%. Other statements are just confusing: (do read in full)

Master Processi Costruttivi Sostenibili A graduate school survival guide: "So long, and thanks for the Ph.D!" Brief description A computer science graduate school survival guide, intended for prospective or novice graduate students. This guide describes what I wish I had known at the start of graduate school but had to learn the hard way instead. It focuses on mental toughness and the skills a graduate student needs. The guide also discusses finding a job after completing the Ph.D. and points to many other related web pages. "So long, and thanks for the Ph.D.!" a.k.a. "Everything I wanted to know about C.S. graduate school at the beginning but didn't learn until later." The 4th guide in the Hitchhiker's guide trilogy (and if that doesn't make sense, you obviously have not read Douglas Adams) by Ronald T. v. 1.08 Original version 1997, last revised January 2003 Introduction "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back In February 1995, on a beautiful sunny day with clear Carolina blue skies, I turned in the final, signed copy of my dissertation. Very little of this guide discusses technical matters.

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