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Fashion Trendsetter

Fashion Trendsetter

Action for Happiness Street Etiquette Most Contagious 2011 Monochrome | SA Style Fyle | SA Style Fyle Well talk about a 360! We have gone from pretty pastels and blinding neons to black and white. The current IT word is Monochrome and everyone is shouting it from the hill tops. But before you grab your white t shirt and throw on your trusted black jeans there are a few rules and things to take into consideration. Make sure your white is gleaming white, I mean blinding white no old creamy grey looking items allowed (start stocking up now if you need to). The Monochrome look is not just about pairing a white top with black bottoms or vice versa. Another great way to find some monochrome inspiration is to have a look at the online shops Zara, Topshop and H and M all have fantastic inspiration pics to oogle over. Zara keeps it tailored and chic with prints and crisp lines. Never one to conform Topshop takes Monochrome and pairs it with bold primary colours. HM have fun with Monochrome and even include some texture in their styling. Love Aimee X

Fantastic futures? Technology and business in 2012 27 December 2011Last updated at 00:08 By Fiona Graham Technology of business reporter, BBC News Look into the ball: What does 2012 hold for business technology? Although those of us following the Mayan long calendar may be heading into 2012 with some trepidation, for those taking a longer-term view here is our annual peek into what next year holds. Just as there are 12 days of Christmas, 12 people from across the technology spectrum give their insights to what the next year will hold. We have the first six here, with part two following on Friday. It's been a turbulent year for technology, and enterprise is no exception. The consumerisation of IT continues apace with more and more of us bringing our own devices to work. These topics and more all made it into last year's predictions. Number one would be social networking in business. I think this is going to be very significant, because there are a number of reasons why companies might want to do this. And in fact the opposite is true.

Style Diary It has been a few months since we last lurked in the shadows to partake in a spot of Style Stalking. This seven day diary style feature has become one of the most popular sections of the site and we are constantly on the search for a diverse mix of stylish individuals. After some fruitless outfit voyeurism, we can make up for the barren spell with a real treat. With the help of a few friends, Feigned Perfection's Brandon has captured a full week's worth of his layered ensembles for us to savour. Brandon is a man who knows how to use colour and play with textures to make truly wonderful, multi faceted outfits. He is someone who knows how to balance vintage, high street and a mix of labels (although, he is a self confessed Issey addict) in such a way that the admiring observer has absolutely no idea where he shops. "I couldn't really write an introduction to my own Style Stalking feature, without saying how much of an honour it is to be asked to do this. Day One - Happy birthday to me!

Street Peeper | Global Street Fashion and Street Style Monochrome street style | SA Style Fyle | SA Style Fyle One of my favourite things to do is look at pictures of how people put things together and people watch in real life. When all the fashion weeks start I am often more impressed with the street style pictures then what is sashaying down the ramps. This is probably because the street style is more real, these are real girls often wearing clothes that I can afford. I had so much fun choosing some monochrome street style snaps that I had far too many and had to cull my collection to the below choices. These images can help you when you try and style up your monochrome looks they range from smart to casual and fun and flirty. The first look is one of the simple more basic looks, black bottoms with a white top or blazer, it may be simple but it’s still effective. Work the all white look like these ladies, just the smallest hint of black turns it Monochrome. Think about the details and textures, add a pop of colour either neon or a primary colour like red, mix it up with leather and studs.

The 22 Best Infographics We Found In 2011 | Co.Design 2011 was a huge year for infographic design. Large companies embraced data renderings as a business strategy like never before, whether it was to promote their brand (GE) or bolster their bottom line (the New York Times). Nowhere was that more evident than at Facebook. Timeline, the site’s most ambitious redesign to date, brought the central tenet of data viz--organizing unwieldy bits and bobs into a compelling, visual narrative--to millions of people around the world. As infographics go mainstream, infographic designers grow bolder. We can’t wait to see where the discipline goes next.

UrbanBushBabes Scenario thinking (Step 1) « Divergent Ahead Introduction Ok, the boss has asked you to rally your team mates to formulate a three year fundraising strategy. What a task! Where do you start? How do you go about it? There’s no two ways about it. For those who like to swim in shallow waters, the best option is to just clone what’s been done in the past and expect the best to happen – often this means that they’re hoping large legacy donations will make up the short fall. For those who really want to push the boundaries and fulfil their fundraising potential, they’re sensible enough to prepare for the positive and negative uncertainties that will happen in the short to long term future. Like boy scouts, it’s always best to be prepared for the unexpected. The bottom line is things do change in the future. What is scenario thinking? Scenario thinking is a creative process through which stories (yes stories!) For example, a social welfare charity was well prepared for the introduction of free mobile fundraising by Vodaphone. Like this:

Monday Motivation | SA Style Fyle I am a firm believer in starting the week off well, and one of the best ways to start the week is to grab Monday by the horns, give it a shake and say “Bring it”. On the other hand you can always read the Monday Motivation and be inspired to try new things, accomplish misplaced dreams and forge new goals. I am a positive young lady and usually look to the brighter side of things, never dwelling on my misfortunes. I truly believe if you want something you need to go out and get it so todays quote is a perfect choice. Aimee x

IDEO: Five Companies That Mastered Social Media's Branding Potential | Co.Design This is the next piece in our PATTERNS series, written by IDEO. Read more from the series here. Social networks can breathe new life into old brands by enabling companies to build collaborative relationships with consumers like never before. Many firms struggle to answer that question. Here's how a few established companies, from Ford to CBS, have used new media to their advantage. Designing for social media 1. 3. Ford "Earned Cred" Online Detroit automakers didn't top anyone's "favorite brand" list during the recession. Tap in to existing communities, compliment, and contribute. Ford gave 100 indie "agents" a free Fiesta for publicly 'lifecasting' their experiences with the car. For $5 million, Ford achieved with social media what has traditionally cost auto marketers millions. TV Network's Turnaround A few years ago, CBS was known as a ? CBS built on fans? Genevieve first noticed the show in 2008 at the pop-culture conference Comic-Con. Best Buy has nearly 3,000 active employees tweeting.
